We Are the Night

New tune by Chemical Brothers fans.

Started by TeeDubyaE1, Jan 13, 2024, 14:49

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Hey gang,

Long-time member and lurker of these wonderful boards.

I thought I'd pop by to share a track I've ended up collaborating with another Chemical Brothers fanboy on.

We met each other on Max Cooper's Discord community and would love some more ears and thoughts on what we came up with.


When I heard the intro, I had an idea of what I wanted the track to do, but my 'want' wasn't exactly what we got. This is of course purely subjective from a listener point of view, and I haven't held back with my honesty. I suspect what I wanted from the track (once I heard that intro) and what you wanted from the track may be two different things...so you may not like all of my comments! Sorry if I've been too blunt.

Promising bleepy intro and build up.

Not a fan of the vocals. Would prefer the track without vox. Or else sample some spoken vocals from NASA or an old TV show. They don't have to rhyme.

From around 1:40 to 2 mins I'm thinking: ok, this track is gonna take off. Can't wait for the big drums and the full wallop of the track!
At 2:05 I'm still waiting
At 2:10 I'm still waiting
At 2:19 it...falls away to a minor chord and some polite minimal drums.
Where's the big hit? I want a big wallop!

Arund 3:09 the bleepy stuff starts to come back and we get a bit of build up, but at 3:36 the build up drops away and we're back to minor chord + spoken vocal.
Around 4:01 it feels like we're back in business, I like this bit (vocals aside).
5:10 surely the track's gonna take off now? Well yes it kinda does! It's rolling along in top gear now. I'd like it to push the limit of the musical bleppy stuff a bit more - some variation. The drums although fast now, are still a bit polite for me. I guess I was expecting more of a "Rez".

By 5:48 the track is effectively ending - just as we had hit top gear. That's a shame because I've bean yearning for top gear since the intro.

Love those bleepy bits though.

Thanks for the listen and thoughts!

Happy Easter.

I like it. it has a nice pace to it. I enjoy the middle section where it gradually strips down, then builds back up to include all the parts.

that's awesome the two of you met on Max's Discord. collaboration seems to be exactly his intent of that community.

Thanks for listening.

The Mesh Discord is a great place. It's a shame it's not busier.

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