Life Is Sweet

Brainkiller Presents Music For The Jilted Generation Remixed

Started by neorev, Jul 14, 2024, 22:53

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"So, I've decided to take my work back underground. To stop it falling into the wrong hands."

01 Break & Enter (The Supersonic Army Remix)
02 Their Law (Noise Generator Remix)
03 Full Throttle (Cray23 Remix)
04 Voodoo People (High Voltage Remix)
05 Speedway [Theme From Fastlane] (Justin Credible Remix)
06 The Heat [The Energy] (Matt Aquila Remix)
07 Poison (Alia Cosmic Remix)
08 No Good [Start The Dance] (Mechaneko Remix)
09 One Love (Jesse Gorter Remix)
10 3 Kilos (Thermonuclearity Remix)
11 Skylined (Studio Star Remix)
12 Claustrophobic Sting (Neorev Remix)

The Brainkiller community is the longest running active Prodigy fan community. Back in 2003, they began hosting music competitions where members could send in their own original music and the top 12 most voted tracks would be featured on a compilation. It became known as BK Music One. The community chose to call the compilation "Music From The Jilted Generation" in honor of The Prodigy's legendary album. And this would continue on with 5 volumes released over the span of 10 years.

2023 marked the 20th anniversary of the very first compilation. And seeing that The Prodigy's seminal album was going to turn 30 in 2024, it seemed fitting that Brainkiller should do a remix album to celebrate the occasion and to bring things full circle. And here we are today with the release of "Brainkiller Presents Music For The Jilted Generation Remixed" 12 tracks, 12 remixers. Featuring alumni from the "Music From The Jilted Generation" compilation series as well as some new blood discovered along the way to remix the album that influenced many of us.

Respect to The Prodigy family
This one is for the fans by the fans

Listen on Bandcamp
Listen on Soundcloud
Listen on Mixcloud

Got an e-mail from the man himself, Mr. Liam Howlett...

"Yo mate ,
Just listened to it a few times ,
First of all massive respect for puttin this all together man and to all the producers who spent their time doin it ,
I think its fukin mega , it has such a broad selection of styles goin down ,"

And he went on to mention some of this faves and wanting to know more about the producers involved.

This is me right now...  :o
What a legend!
We're all super stoked

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