Just Get Yourself High

the We Love Underworld thread

Started by WhiteNoise, Sep 11, 2015, 15:35

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Listening. NOW.

Edit: Listened. WOW.
Last Edit: Mar 18, 2016, 20:41 by Enjoyed

 ;D More words!
Never for money, always for love.

I'm listening again.

It's certainly their most accomplished album. Their most interesting song writing. Some of their most interesting sounds and textures. It definitely makes you wonder what the heck happened with Barking!

There were lots of moments that had me grinning ear to ear. Lots of sounds that took me back to earlier albums. Lots of excitement for how the new tracks might sound next to old classics when played live.

It's new. New Underworld. They have taken their sound and shaped it into something really fascinating that demonstrates a really forward thinking approach to writing music. IMHO at least.

I really, really love it. And I already know I am going to grow to love it more.


The album is so good I'm deeply considering skipping a week of classes to get to Cali. It would be an insane move. Then again, this is an insane album. Freakishly planning here, got lots of notepads and spreadsheets up.

Am I to understand Coachella is just an impossibility to get tickets to at this point? Something like a Friday-only pass? I don't know how Coachella works. But plane tickets could work out cheaper if I stay the week.

I am going nuts here.
Last Edit: Mar 18, 2016, 21:19 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

You 100% cannot get day tickets for Coachella. And the weekend price would probably double your whole trip cost.

It would be freakin' excellent if you could make it to the Pomona show though...

Can't do the West Coast shows (End of Semester). But am planning to do another crazy 24-hr trip for NYC show (see Chems at Electric Zoo thread). Anyone going? Anyone? Bueller?
Last Edit: Mar 19, 2016, 07:26 by rynostar
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Twenty Three Blue should be on a Wipeout soundtrack.


Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 21, 2016, 16:18

Twenty Three Blue should be on a Wipeout soundtrack.

If anyone hasn't heard 23B yet, you can hear the whole track HERE

I thought I was over my issues with albums being too short, but this really needs Twenty Three Blue or another track somewhere in the middle. After Low Burn or Motorhome.

We get to the waterfall of beautiful colours and lights that is Nylon Strung far too quickly I feel.

I didn't enjoy on my first listen, but this album is a grower, looking forward to seeing Underworld again tomorrow evening at the Roundhouse.

Quote from: ACIDCHILDREN on Mar 24, 2016, 05:27

looking forward to seeing Underworld again tomorrow evening at the Roundhouse.

Super super jealous. But have fun!

Take a shot every time the word "yeah" is used

die after the 2nd song

I enjoy this album. Old school feel + lo fi. A bit poppy for Underworld at times. Felt like they made it to sound as if it were performed, not produced.
2nd half, like many albums, just sort of is there and not as engaging.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

First listen today, first thought is meh. If it's a grower I need a couple of listening sessions. Live next thursday in Amsterdam.
Last Edit: Mar 25, 2016, 22:40 by Joslyn

Just got in from seeing they play, still got it, still absolute class. If Rah is such a great track, brilliant hearing it live and of course hearing the classic (some reworked slightly), King of Snake,Rez and Cowgirl 👍 Seemed to have much more energy these days.

There is something about Nylon Strung that keeps me coming back. I love the way the song is sung, it feels like a divine presence speaking (big step for an atheist here). However I cringe at the Coldplay style production around the song.

Good Album. Hope to see them come to Chicago in the near future.
Last Edit: Mar 26, 2016, 03:40 by Bosco

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 26, 2016, 03:39

However I cringe at the Coldplay style production around the song.

That Coldplay production thing is just the melody from Talk though, which they got from Computer Love by Kraftwerk - that's who the boys are really referencing there.

Santiago Cuatro is my favorite song on this album.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like I'll be getting two Underworld shows this year...


I have no favourite track. I don't get this album and I don't get how some people seem to hear it remenisses the dubbnobass era

Joslyn, we love you, but remove the sand from your vag

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