Surrender to the Void

Daft Punk

Started by Wolkenkrabber, Nov 16, 2015, 01:06

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I'm working on a remake of alive 1997, unlike the other DJs who put their own spin on the set, I'm shooting for a 100% faithful remake, like it was ripped straight from the sound deck. I got Da Funk and half of Alive done.
I'm literally throwing out my eardrums trying to get every single piece of instrument into the remake since some of it is drowned out by the crowd and louder instruments.

YouTube doesn't really do the audio justice so when I'm finished the project will sound significantly better.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jan 27, 2021, 10:45

I'm working on a remake of alive 1997, unlike the other DJs who put their own spin on the set, I'm shooting for a 100% faithful remake, like it was ripped straight from the sound deck. I got Da Funk and half of Alive done.
I'm literally throwing out my eardrums trying to get every single piece of instrument into the remake since some of it is drowned out by the crowd and louder instruments.

YouTube doesn't really do the audio justice so when I'm finished the project will sound significantly better.
That's an ambitious project! I'm curious, what is your process? How much is sampled from the actual tracks, and how much is recreated? I'm guessing most synths are sampled, some recreated (like the 303 in Da Funk) and the drums are recreated?
If you need, I can help for Rollin & Scratchin, Rock n Roll and Burnin', I have made a lot of research myself and got the sound as close as possible with the Juno 106. I can also help with 909/808 patterns for R&S, probably still have them in an Ableton file somewhere
Here's my R&S live cover:

And an older video, also of R&S

Quote from: Ben_j on Jan 27, 2021, 11:04

That's an ambitious project! I'm curious, what is your process? How much is sampled from the actual tracks, and how much is recreated? I'm guessing most synths are sampled, some recreated (like the 303 in Da Funk) and the drums are recreated?
If you need, I can help for Rollin & Scratchin, Rock n Roll and Burnin', I have made a lot of research myself and got the sound as close as possible with the Juno 106. I can also help with 909/808 patterns for R&S, probably still have them in an Ableton file somewhere
Here's my R&S live cover:

And an older video, also of R&S

Alot of it is pretty much sampled except for the drums, some of it ripped from the album (like Rollin & Scratchin's 106, its a Long story...) but noise cancelled and filtered to sound clean.
that would be cool to have help with R&S, Rock n Roll & Burnin.
The 2 tracks I'm working right now is Revolution 909 & its WDPK remix (the track between R&S & alive)
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Ben_j on Jan 23, 2021, 11:42

A full professional video of a 2007 live show from Lollapalooza.

I've never been overly enthusiastic about their music, but that Alive 2007 show is always fantastic.

Rollin' & Scratchin'

I was not kidding about the 106 being sampled.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Daft Punk are officialy over.
Not sure how to process this. It's not like it will make much of a difference, given how unprolific they were in the past 8 years, but still, it's the end of an era...

Alive 2007 in Paris will probably remain the best gig I've ever attended for the rest of my life. I'm glad I was able to live it, I feel like in 20 years people who were there will be envied, just like I wish I could have attended a Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd concert.

I feel like somebody tied me to a chair and forced me to watch them kill a family member. Daft punk was one of the leading factors to help me get out of depression, and reintroduced me to the chemical brothers with the tribal gathering recordings. I owe my love to electronic music to Daft Punk as equally as the Chems. I practically surivived highschool with Daft punk & Chems, now I all I have is Tom & Ed.
Last Edit: Feb 22, 2021, 15:54 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Sad news of course, but for me it's bittersweet... I grow up with Homework, one of the best electronic music albums of all time and I have so much memories listening to it... When I came home from school, the first thing I did was put the CD (pirate) in the cdplayer and turn the volume up to maximum, while my mother yelled "TURN DOWN THE VOLUME!!" haha.
But in this years I lost the "love" for Daft Punk. I hate RAM... I can't with that record...
Anyway, it's a sad day. I lost the chance to see them live in 2006 because my father past away the same day. I had the faith to see them live one day.

Quote from: Ben_j on Feb 22, 2021, 15:32

Alive 2007 in Paris will probably remain the best gig I've ever attended for the rest of my life.
you lucky one, i was never able to see them live
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I was lucky enough to see that Coachella 2006 set and witness history. I also got to see the Lolla 2007 set.  I never really listened to their albums the way I do the Chems, and I always felt that maybe the gimmick of the robots is what brought them much of the attention that they received (not that they weren't great).  But I always listened to that Coachella bootleg and then Alive 07 quite a bit. 

Sad that I won't be able to see them again live, but having the memory of those 2 shows is kinda all I need from them. 

Now if it were Tom & Ed making this announcement today, I would be in tears and curled up on the couch, wondering how I would carry on in life not ever seeing them again since I was unable to catch this last tour. 

No swansong.
I'm reading that there was a planned album for 2021 but they scrapped it?

Well I'm glad I saw them at Hyde Park in 2007.
I was oblivious to the blog hype attached to the tour. A friend who came with me was even more oblivious.
After the first five minutes he looked at me and said "Wow, people are really excited to see Daft Punk".
Indeed they were. The crowd literally lept in the air when they came onstage. And didn't really stop.

Some of y'all didnt like RAM but, for the most part I did. It was at times ambitious and expansive, and I think it found them a level of exposure outside of "dance music".

I'm guessing that Bangalter was the musical prime mover of the duo, but I could be mistaken (?). Will one or both of them make new solo music?

I would maybe call BS on the break-up! Why would you want to stop making music? Covid maybe? Thats impossible because T and E are making music 6ft from  each other

Maybe Thomas developed too much bearing loss from from his tinnitus. That might be the only reason why they broke up.

They've done a shitload of music, and quite arguably the best well known material in the last 2 decades in electronic music.

A compilation or box set should seal the deal, but I really wish they could've made this announcement after covid was over.

I feel bad for the DP forum right now. I agree with Shot glass as I would be mourning with such grief if the Bros broke up.

Love their 12 inch Roulé records and their Alive 2007 live album. Pinnacle DP music!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 22, 2021, 16:38

I'm reading that there was a planned album for 2021 but they scrapped it?

I wouldn't believe any rumours on them. 99% of rumours we had in the past 15 years were false. "Daft Punk headlining Coachella/Glastonbury/insert festival name", "Daft Punk to perform at the Superbowl", "Daft Punk to come back for Alive 2017", etc.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Feb 22, 2021, 16:46

I would maybe call BS on the break-up! Why would you want to stop making music? Covid maybe? Thats impossible because T and E are making music 6ft from  each other

Maybe Thomas developed too much bearing loss from from his tinnitus. That might be the only reason why they broke up.

I don't know if the hearing loss was that bad, or even if it was actually true. They toured for two years and I even saw him performing a DJ set in a club in 2006 after he had supposedly suffered hearing loss. So either it was false or it wasn't that bad. I think they didn't abruptly break up, they just weren't doing much those last few years, and must have figured they didn't have plans to do any more stuff together in the forseeable future.
Tom and Ed breaking up would be much more abrupt, seeing as they're still very active.

Thomas, Guy-Man, Thank You
Thank you for making your mark on not only electronic, but on the whole music industry in general, for the birth of french house, for resurrecting disco, which never was dead at all as it lived in house music.
And finally.. Thank you for the fact, that it was your "One More Time" which ignited that one spark once for all and turned my life into the world of music, collecting CD's, and making my own amatour stuff, something, that I can't imagine living without.

Literally, without them i wouldn't be here with you...

small face reveal included:

Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

good riddance
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel extraordinarily lucky to have seen the Alive 2007 set both in 2006 and 2007. I agree with Ben_J - this is the modern version of having been able to see something iconic, the only difference of course is that the immense amount of footage that exists of those moments have spread through the Internet for all to see.

I am grateful for the moments that Daft Punk's music has allowed me throughout my lifetime--I cannot adequately express the gratitude for their music to them, and it would be futile of me to do so.

Unfortunately, this is a disappointing end to a disappointing end. To have disappointment follow disappointment feels like I have wasted energy hoping that we would see something else from the duo. But how precisely to shed a tear for the first-world problems of fans that have been left out in the cold for decades.

With that said, these musicians will keep producing music. We will still hear the results of Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem Christo as they work with other artists, produce others' work, and of course release music pseudonymously that we later find out is them.

And there is even a chance, of course, that Daft Punk itself is not done. There is a chance, of course, that these two french artists, renowned for their ability and their desire for control of their image, lauded for subversive plans for their art and their success in surprising their audience, intend for everyone to understand that what they were before is gone.

I would not be surprised if we see a phoenix rise from the ashes.

But I'm not hopeful.

Just sad.

Oh wow, what a way to start the year. Hm, I am not sure how to feel about it. I never was their biggest fan and I initially even wanted to make a little snarky comment. But the moment I read Shotglass'post I was like "fuck yeah, this could be the bros or anyone else's beloved band".
Daft Punk, even though a bit repetitive and circling, have made a huge impact in the dance culture and left quite a mark in electronic music. Their style was undeniably their own, their sound was easily recognizable amongst all the noise that is the music industry. Well, I agree, their robot theme became somewhat of a gimmick, but oh well, I can appreciate that (more than cake tossing a/o mixing desk jumping dudes ...).
It's a sad day for their staunchest fans, and even I would have liked to see what another album approach would have sounded like after a mixed bag that was RAM for me.
One thing you have to acknowledge, however, is their keen sense of how to market themselves. That video is one of the coolest send-offs I've seen so far. It's once again totally Daft Punk and a beautiful way to say goodbye. And it leaves room for speculation (like often with DP) as Guy keeps on walking into the sunset all by himself... Will it be the birth of "the" Daft Punk? Who knows.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I've enjoyed the vibe of some of their stuff, and for others, I've questioned their originality vs their popularity. Yesterday I had a friend who is aware of my musical tastes ask me if I knew most of DP's hits were recycled samples  ??? : she just discovered it with the breakup news. So, I definitely feel like "we" in the know got a different experience than the masses. I will say that I was surprised to love their Tron Legacy soundtrack as much as I do. I was not expecting such a perfectly translated vibe from the Da Funk and One More Time guys, and that was the moment I went back and gave them a second chance. And based on this thread, I'll be giving 'Alive" some me time this weekend.

My 12 year old was asking my thoughts on this yesterday and asked if it was due to age. The only answer was, "I don't know". We inevitably moved the conversation to the Chems and I told him, as far as I know, they still like creating music and performing: he didn't know they also did DJ sets, so I'll be fixing that. However, big tours may eventually be a bigger problem than they are now. Hopefully they'll continue to do studio stuff after the touring ends, but you never's a big part of their 'thing".

All that said, that Epilogue video is depressing AF. Clever. But depressing AF.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I have never seen Daft Punk's Electroma and didn't realize Epilogue was related. Is it worth tracking down?
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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