Feels Like I'm Dreaming

Brian Transeau

Started by WhiteNoise, May 09, 2016, 22:07

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BT's 100% analog synthwave / synthpop project All Hail The Silence is finally releasing their debut album soon:

They toured support for Erasure in 2014 and sold a few homemade CDs as merch, but this is the first sign of an actual release!

Still waiting, however, on those remastered versions of Ima and ESCM...
Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 22:09 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Ooooh. Exciting!

But yeah...

Quote from: WhiteNoise on May 09, 2016, 22:07

Still waiting, however, on those remastered versions of Ima and ESCM...


Seems he maybe gave up on those remasters, as he now has a new album coming...

The track is loooong. If you hadn't noticed.
But also very nice. Some great sound design and production. Closer to TBU and ITSAESAYAI than any other albums.

The 'digital' release is coming on Friday, but that only includes 3 out of 9 compositions (which are broken up into movements for us plebeians who can't manage a whole 19 minute opus). Then later in the year (by December - HE SAYS) there is a bigger still digital release with over 2 hours of music and 4k drone videos for each of the compositions. That can be bought here if you want to spend 50 euro monies on a usb stick.

Unfortunately, with no CD release in the books, this looks like another illegal download only venture for me. As much as I'd like to support Mr. Transeau, he didn't exactly come through with the goods for the last 100 bucks I spent...


It's fucking great.

Waiting for a good quiet moment to listen to it. I'm looking forward to it immensely.

Oh, and he did an AMA recently. Didn't see it in time to ask my questions (sadly), but he did answer about IMA / ESCM remasters! Says he's "about 75-80% there. It's a monumental project. Thanks for being patient."
Never for money, always for love.

The Kickstarter says he's basically done but the problem is that the recordings are licensed with Perfecto in the UK and he's trying to sort a deal that will allow him to release the new mixes.

Haven't listened to any of his new stuff in several years and I used to be a huge fan.  While his sounds and production always have been top notch, his overall sound and style seemed to stay fairly stagnate. I moved on from that super high bpm trancey sound and alwas wished he would have too.

I loved the more experimental and diverse direction he had with Movment In Still Life(U.K. Version), but never seemed to have that same magic again.

With that said, he was one of the nicest guys(musician wise)I have ever had the pleasure to hang out with. I picked him up from the airport and took him to his hotel and i also drove him to and from the venue he was playing. We hung out backstage until like 4 am with his family. He showed me what Ableton was and gave me a little personal demo. I literally got to hold and play with his MacBook for a bit.

On the way back to his hotel, we talked about reoccurring dreams, esp ones that involve flying like superman. Great night!


V jealous. That sounds like a fantastic experience.

Also, please please go listen to This Binary Universe - definitely not him stagnating in the world of trance.

Brian's been posting a lot of video content on his facebook page; lots of interesting interviews with him about his methods, the programs he's developed as well as EPKs, and some of his music videos...

The music videos... They kinda suck. Like, hard. Brian can't mime very well. He barely opens his mouth and it often looks like he is softly whispering the lyrics that, in the music, are being sung loudly atop a bouncing trance melody. There's also guitars being held by Brian during sections of the music that don't have any guitar in and the classic and frustrating use of instruments that aren't plugged in.
I don't know who's in charge of those videos (see 'The Emergency', 'Every Other Way', 'This Must Be The Love') but they really should have just skipped making one at all. If I think about them too hard it ruins the original songs for me.

Not really sure why I'm sharing this. I guess I wanted to vent to folks who may agree with me.
Anyone else watched a music video for a track that has ultimately had negative effects on the original song?

Lots of kittens dying because I keep double posting in this thread. Ah well. Worth it.

of some guitar processing he's done for a new track... from "the new album".

If this, and his recent spell of DEEEEEEEP house ventures is anything to go by, this is sure to end up being a real treat.

New Chems, Underworld & BT in the same year possibly?
If 15 year old me heard that, he'd explode.

I might at almost double his age...


So we finally have some answers about the Kickstarter. After someone made a post on Reddit that dragged BT's name deep through the mud for how the Kickstarter went, both BT and Tommy Tallarico (who worked with BT on the project) made very long tell-all replies. The whole comment thread is absolutely worth a read:

In short, it's all Tommy Tallarico's fault. And we're probably never getting the Ima / ESCM masters because BT never agreed to do them in the first place (bless him, he still tried to make them happen though).

@Enjoyed I love the guitar video. It sounds like we're getting a lot more like the "upbeat" sections of _, which would be incredible.
Never for money, always for love.

Wow. What a fascinating read. Not sure where I fall with the whole thing personally. I'd honestly forgotten about the content I was promised, and I don't feel terrible having put $100 towards one of my favourite musicians making something new. But I can see how the big backers would be incredibly hurt by the lack of follow through with the pledges.

Some interesting other discussions on things like the Flaming June piano version, and some of his 'diva' behaviour. Even the ghost producing. I know that kind of stuff happens all the time. Sasha & Timo Maas are examples that come to mind, of folks who have other people produce stuff for them to little or no attention.

tldr: I still think BT is crazy talented. I still listen to all of his music and will continue to. And I'm very much looking forward to the next album.

Brian just posted a story on Instagram, saying he's about to play his new album to his buddies.

Not sure if this was confirmed anywhere beforehand, but there is for sure a new BT album on its way :music



Just found out about this from Iguanapunk on a Facebook post for my birthday (which I think already gives you a clue as to how I feel about the whole NFT thing).
I... I just. I don't get it. I'm downloading the album now as I'm obviously keen to hear the music, and I guess it's no sweat off my back if people want to pay money for SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST, but, I think I'm disappointed that Brian went down this path at all and that he is so freakin' excited about what it means for the artists and musicians of the world.

Am I...
Am I a boomer? I don't want to listen to an album on a website and have it change how it sounds during a full moon. I want to play the CD in the car or listen to it while I'm walking my dog through the woods.

Eugh. Getting old, eh?

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 09, 2021, 02:45



Just found out about this from Iguanapunk on a Facebook post for my birthday (which I think already gives you a clue as to how I feel about the whole NFT thing).
I... I just. I don't get it. I'm downloading the album now as I'm obviously keen to hear the music, and I guess it's no sweat off my back if people want to pay money for SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST, but, I think I'm disappointed that Brian went down this path at all and that he is so freakin' excited about what it means for the artists and musicians of the world.

Am I...
Am I a boomer? I don't want to listen to an album on a website and have it change how it sounds during a full moon. I want to play the CD in the car or listen to it while I'm walking my dog through the woods.

Eugh. Getting old, eh?

You're not a boomer this is really just all a load of bull honestly, dreading if the Chems ever get into this
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

The new BT album is quite lovely


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