Me, You, And Me, Him And Her, And Them Too


Started by Bosco, May 24, 2016, 02:40

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So I'm assuming this is not a popular opinion. But I really like the new album 'Junk'. I can't explain why, especially when my first thoughts of what it sounded like where Daft Punk's R.A.M., which I detest.

It's certainly a departure from the typical m83 sound, but still holds on to the atmosphere that he can brilliantly create in his albums.

I pretty much avoid soft disco-y music like this, so  did this just hit me in the musical sweet spot this one time? Or do I need to listen to R.A.M. again to make sure my opinion still holds true on that album?

Songs that I really like:

Do It, Try It

Time Wind (Beck sounds so freaking great on this track)
Last Edit: Jul 12, 2019, 18:45 by Bosco

I don't love the album, but I think a few of the tracks on it are absolutely stellar, and a few are growing on me. Overall, it relies too heavily on the 80s sounds, and I'm not sure why. It just doesn't do it for it.

Solitude is possibly my newest favorite track by M83. That song has so much soul on it it makes me cry.

Walkaway Blues is one of the tracks that grew on me. I love the vocoder on the chorus... I don't know why, but it makes me groove.

I think Do It, Try It is pretty good, The Wizard is decent. Road Blaster is... okay. Go! is pretty good.

Again, a majority of the songs get a pass from me because they're dripping with the terrible 80s sounds that I thought we left behind. Oh well.

Still nice to hear some great new music from M83. I'll look forward to seeing them again on tour. Caught them in Santa Cruz. They only played for an hour and 15 minutes... when they have like 5 albums worth of material. I don't get it.

Matey 3.

Okay I'll listen to the album.
Never for money, always for love.

This seems promising...

Digital Shades Volume 2

At first there was this vivid memory of Dungeons and Dragons, this childhood sensation of living in an imaginary world set in a faraway past or a lost future. I wanted to create some music that could be part of this adventure and journey with all of its solitary knights, dreamy landscapes, strange animals, forgotten myths and old spells.
Originally, the Digital Shades project was supposed to be much more intimate – a collection of B-sides and unused tracks destined for the hardcore fan base. Digital Shades was the name chosen to dissociate it from a proper studio album, although it would be fully part of M83's discography. I liked the idea of lost pieces of music being available to the public. When I work on a record, I have difficulty saying goodbye to some pieces of music that I think have potential but don't necessarily fit the style of the album.
This is how Digital Shades became an excuse to give a second life to some tracks instead of letting them disappear into the void.
Digital Shades was also supposed to be a bedroom project – just me and my machines. I wanted to create an album that would only be comprised of simple, mainly instrumental, ambient music; a record that I could produce on my own without the help of musicians or a producer.
I love the idea of a collection. I've always been fascinated by Brian Eno's ambient works. These records all had a lot of things in common, starting with similar artworks and titles that made you think they were all connected to each other while providing a different experience each time.
I wanted to create a similar production of ambient music that could evolve throughout the years.
After my album Junk, I had a weird sensation that people didn't fully understand the direction of the record. Despite a very successful tour all over the world, I couldn't stop thinking that the fans were disappointed with Junk. And a feeling of failure stayed with me for a very long time...
I then started to work for the Cirque du Soleil, creating the music for their show Volta. It took a year of hard work in Montreal and was a truly amazing experience with the feeling of being part of a family. I loved it and will always be thankful for the opportunity. But I was just part of a team, I made music for this creation to help build a show which was not mine. I wasn't always in the same spirit as the creators or the production, but my job was not to decide. I was there to provide.
After this, I felt empty; mentally and physically exhausted. I went back home to the south of France to rest and reflect on what would come next with one idea in mind: this time, I wanted to create for myself.
Digital Shades Vol. 2 is, in my opinion, far more advanced than Digital Shades Vol. 1. The first volume was way less ambitious and didn't require as much energy and work. I was also 26 years old at that time. I had different goals, taste in music and knowledge. With Digital Shades Vol. 2, I wanted to come back with something stronger that featured the depth of a proper studio album without the pressure of providing pop music – faraway from Hurry Up, We're Dreaming and Junk.
During the summer of 2017, I spent five months in Cap d'Antibes, France. I mainly spent my time swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, reading, watching films and playing 80s video games. The inspiration behind this record is mainly video game music. It felt so refreshing to play all of these old school games again. There is something so naive and touching about them. It's simple and imperfect. And this is exactly what I tried to achieve with Digital Shades Vol. 2.
I wanted to be surrounded by nature and the past. I would only feed myself with older art. It's almost as if I couldn't stand living in the present and didn't find much interest in modern things anymore. This is probably why it was important for me to only use analog equipment for this record. We recorded everything with vintage equipment in my studio and at Justin Meldal-Johnsen's studio in Glendale, California during final production which took place from the fall of 2017 to the spring of 2018.

Video game music:
The Legend of Zelda / Koji Kondo
Phantasy Star II / Tokuhiko Uwabo
Solomon's Key / Michiharu Hasuya
Crystalis / Yoko Osaka
Final Fantasy / Nobuo Uematsu
Dragon Quest / Koichi Sugiyama
Faxanadu / Jun Chikuma
Mother / Hirokazu Tanaka

Plantasia / Mort Garson
The Wozard Of Iz / Mort Garson
Switched-On Bach / Wendy Carlos
Discreet Music / Brian Eno
Trilogie de la mort / Eliane Radigue
Manhattan Research, Inc. / Raymond Scott
Seven Waves / Suzanne Ciani
New Age Of Earth / Ash Ra Tempel

Fantastic Planet / René Laloux
Gandahar /René Laloux
Satyricon / Federico Fellini
Zardoz / John Boorman
The NeverEnding Story / Wolfgang Petersen
Phantasm / Don Coscarelli
Quest / Saul Bass
In the Mouth of Madness / John Carpenter

Main synths used for the recording:
ARP 2600
Matrix 12
Prophet 6
Roland Jupiter 6 and 8
Roland Jx 3p
Roland Juno 106
Synthi Aks

(NSFW) a lot of painted boobies

kind of a borderline fantasy porno vibe... not that I have seen such videos... :-X

It's werid, but I'm willing to take the ride for this passion project

Last installment, again NSFW:

Hey, and I listened to 'Digital Shades Vol. 2' so you don't need to. And it was disappointing. It's a pretty piece of music, but it never deviates from its tone (in this case, bad). No up-tempo type style to get you going, nor any clever melodies to make it catchy in any way. It feels like futuristic Church music.

It's lacking some type of media to be paired with (tv,movie,video game, or an actual full length music video album of what has been provided already), it feels shallow as a musical experience on its own.

That being said, Anthony Gonzalez provides some lush sounds to it. If you're a strong enough fan of his, it may be worth a shot. But otherwise I would guess most will not need a repeat listen to this, nor will want to finish it on first listen.

I don't hate it, it's just not for me.

this whole experience reminded me of 'Gentlemen Broncos':

Last Edit: Sep 23, 2019, 07:33 by Bosco

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