Whitenoise! Happy birthday. I guess seeing the Chems and Europe with your gf is one of the greatest gifts one can ask for, aye?
Happy Birtday, man! =)
Still in Spain? Drink 5 bottles of San Miguel for me!
Happ birthday, Toxic! May it be a not so toxic one for you!
Quote from: Csar on Jul 07, 2015, 09:48
Happ birthday, Toxic! May it be a not so toxic one for you!
Thanks Csar, much appreciated!
Happy Birthday, Toxic. I hope you have a great day ;D.
Quote from: Nekcore on Jul 07, 2015, 15:49
Happy Birthday, Toxic. I hope you have a great day ;D.
Thanks :)
Happy belated bday Toxic!
(Well, if the date of the calendar it's correct) Happy Birthday Joslyn!
Happy birthday, Joslyn! 38 years ago, you were born in the echoes.
Happy Birthday, Joslyn!! :music
Happy birthday to Joclyn indeed!
Happy birthday, Stefan! 28? I saw you there :D
Happy Birthday Stefan!
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 21, 2015, 12:37
Still in Spain? Drink 5 bottles of San Miguel for me!
Oh hey. My gf did! More of a Estrella Damm man myself.
Happye Brithday Stefan, have a great one!
Best wishes Stefan! Happy Birthday!
No birthday is complete without the miracle of cake.
Thanks a lot, it's nice being rewarded for just existing ;D
I've made myself a present by acquiring a ticket for the performance of a certain british electronic duo on August 20th. I've heard they are quite good.
Happy Birthday, Stefan! I can't think of a better present.
Happy Birthday, Stefan! :)
Thank you :)
Happy bday Stefan
Happy belated birthday, UltimatePelmeni. I hope you were served an extra serving of Pelmeni!
Happy Birthday, Csar! :)
Happy Birthday man!
Happy Birthday Csar, have a good one ;D
Happy bday Csar! Have a great day!
Quote from: sandelic on Aug 30, 2015, 08:14
Happy Birthday, Csar! :)
Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 30, 2015, 12:42
Happy Birthday man!
Quote from: Nekcore on Aug 30, 2015, 16:44
Happy Birthday Csar, have a good one ;D
Quote from: toxic on Aug 30, 2015, 17:16
Happy bday Csar! Have a great day!
Thank you guys!
Happy bday Csar the great!
Hope your birthday was super awesome!! 😊😊
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 30, 2015, 20:56
Happy bday Csar the great!
Quote from: whirlygirl on Aug 31, 2015, 04:05
Hope your birthday was super awesome!! 😊😊
Thank you, my chemical sister and brother!
Alles gute Herr Cäsar
Quote from: ThePumisher on Aug 31, 2015, 17:24
Alles gute Herr Cäsar
Danke, Herr Bestramfer!! :D
Happy belated birthday, Benji! I hope you had a magnifique one, mon ami!
This also goes to Innerwatch! Happy belated, Watchman!
:music :music :music
Happy b-day, Ben! :)
Happy Birthday Ben J!
Happy bday to you Ben!
Thanks guys !
Happy belated, SouthernBrother! Hope you had a great one!
So many birthdays I've missed in this thread. That makes me the worst crazy auntie, ever. Happy belated to all I haven't wished a Happy Birthday to off-forum!
Happy birthday, Enjoyed! I hope you'll enjoy it, muhahah ;D! Celebrate American style!
happy birthday, Enjoyed!
Hope you have a blast today!
Happy Birthday everyone !
There. Problem solved for one year
Quote from: Csar on Dec 02, 2015, 11:22
Happy birthday, Enjoyed! I hope you'll enjoy it, muhahah ;D! Celebrate American style!
Quote from: sandelic on Dec 02, 2015, 12:41
happy birthday, Enjoyed!
Hope you have a blast today!
Quote from: Ben_j on Dec 02, 2015, 15:44
Happy Birthday everyone !
There. Problem solved for one year
I got to spend it in Portland with my girlfriend. I ate Pizza Rolls, Flipz, The Tonight Dough Ben & Jerry's, Pop Tarts, drank a hefty amount of Barqs and went to Jack-in-the-Box on Androidgeoff's recommendation. A top top day!
Happy belated, Fine Time! I hope you had such a one!
Have a blast, Fine Time! :)
Happy Birthday Tom !
What all of them said!
Happy Birthday, Tom Rowlands!
Congratulations on his day, to the great Tom.
Happy birthday, Mr. Rowlands!
Happy Birthday Tom
A belated birthday wish to Mr. Tom.
Happy bday Tom! Now get your butt back in the states to damage our ears again. :)
Happy belated birhday to wrclaguna!And happy happy birthday Explud! Thanks for giving us a chemical home of bits and bytes!
A belated happy birthday to wrclaguna and a happy birthday Explud from me as well. :)
Happy birthday, folks! :)
Thanks, mates! =)
Happy happy joy joy, Acidchildren!
A happy belated birthday-shout goes out to Kripser and Bendy1001!!! Hip hip hooray!
Best wishes, good people! Huzzah! :)
Yeah, go Krisper, whatever you're up to!
Thanks, mates!
Happy birthday, Necore! You're getting older? But you know what: It Doesn't Matter!
Happy birthday, Nekcore! Enjoy yourself!
Thank you so much Guys! And yes Csar, getting older, but you're right It Doesn't Matter, Life is Sweet. ;D
Happy belated b-days thibautmartines and graysquire! Got glint?
Happy Birthday WhiteNoise!
Give it up for Mr. Whitenoise! It Began In Indiana na na na na na na na na
Thanks guys :D
HB fred burger dude ;D
Happy Birthday Whitenoise :)
Happy Birthday WhiteNoise. :)
Happy Birthday, White! :)
Oh, sorry, i'm so late. Happy Birthday, our brother!
Happy Birthday to all of you and
Happy belated birthday, Mob1! You've made the Big Jump!
Happy Birthday, Mob1! :)
Happy birthday, toxic! I see, you've already made yourself the best present one can think of. Don't stop the rock!
Thanks man! :)
Happy birthday, Toxic! ;D
Quote from: Csar on Aug 27, 2015, 09:36
Happy belated birthday, UltimatePelmeni. I hope you were served an extra serving of Pelmeni!
hah. seeing this message for the first time, when it was made almost a year ago. thank you, Csar :)
and happy birthday to everyone :)
Happy birthday, Joslyn! Make the galaxy bounce!
I am a little late, but...
Happy birthday, Joslyn! Hope you had a great time!
Thank y'all
KNE, happy birthday! I send you some K+D+B!
Happy birthday, UltimatePelmeni! Have a great one. Coincidentally, I had pelmini the other week. It was delicous. 8)
Happy birthday UltimatePelmeni!!!
Though a little late, Happy Birthday, Csar! :)
Thanks a lot, Sandelic!!!
Quote from: MadPooter on Aug 26, 2016, 17:32
Happy birthday UltimatePelmeni!!!
Quote from: Csar on Aug 26, 2016, 16:03
Happy birthday, UltimatePelmeni! Have a great one. Coincidentally, I had pelmini the other week. It was delicous. 8)
Thanks folks
And happy birthday, Csar. Coincidentally, I had a csar in my country a century ago. He wasn't delicous so.
So many missed birthdays! So a big blanket of 'Happy Birthday, Everyone!' is in order!
Thanks, Whirls and Pelmeni!
Happy birthday Orangewedge99 and a happy belated (on here) Rynostar, chemsfan_89 and surface_to_air! Surrender to your age or let forever be!
Happy belated birthday to da Benji man! Hope you had your private psychedelic reel!
Happy birthday Geoff!
Happy belated, Enjoyed! I hope it was as awesome as the sitar build-up in Enjoyed!
Happy belated, FineTime! I'm pretty sure you had such at Blackpool, didn't you?!
Happy bday, FineTime, to you and all the others I forgot to congratulate!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 13, 2016, 12:51
Happy belated, FineTime! I'm pretty sure you had such at Blackpool, didn't you?!
Yeah , had a good one thanks , saw Pixies on Thursday night , then The Chems Friday night , what a blast ! !
@Csar wow thank you so much, didn't expected that! I'M RASING MY CHEMICAL FIST FOR ALL BROTHERS HERE IN THIS COMMUNITY! Love is all x
Happy belated Bday Enjoyed
Happy belated Bday FineTime
Happy Bday Orangewedge
Happy Birthday, Whirly! Rock on! ;)
Happy birthday Mia!
happy whirlygirl day
Happy Birthday Whirlygirl!
:music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music :music
There is no blushing smilie... :) Thank you so much!
Tom and Ed should turn up at your place and give a proper surprise show! Only if your dogs admit the octave kitten of course. Happy birthday again, Whirls!
Happy birthday, Wcrlagunga! Do a little salmon dance, brotha!
с днем рождения Explud! A toast to the host!
Happy Birthday Explud! Have a fantastic day.
Thanks guys!
I hope your birthday ended with an... explusion...
Happy birthday, Satur8!
You did it again! Happy birthday!
happy bday Satur8! Many well wishes on another year!
Happy belated, Graysquire!
Happy 'Happy Birthday' day, Whitenoise!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, WN!! ;)
happy bday WN!
Happy Birthday WhiteNoise !
No more fake ID in bars. Congrats WN on reaching American drinking age! ;D
Similarly, happy birthday, WhiteNoise!
Happy belated, WhiteNoise! May you find the most important frequencies in all that white noise that is life.
Thanks guys!!
Happy Birthday, Nekoland!
Thank you, sandelic!! ;D
Happy birthday, Nekoland! Hope you're having a blast today!
DANG! AND a happy belated to da Pumisher!
Thank you, Csar!! ;D
Birthday and thank you all
Happy Birthday, Pum! Have a blast!
Happy belated birthday, Toxic! One of the few who saw them live in was it 1997?
Thanks! Yeah, at the Lowlands festival :)
happy birthday Toxic!
Pumisher...hope your bday was godlike!
Legend. Happy birthday Toxic!
Thanks guys! :)
happy and stuff, toxic
You too Pumisher!
sorry for being late, Happy Birthday, Toxic! :)
Thanks! :)
Happy Birthday Sandelic!
Thanks! :)
Happy b-day, Sandelic!!
Happy bday Sand!
Thanks, guys! Much appreciated! :)
Happy birthday Sandelic! :)
Feliz cumpleanos, Sandelic.
Happy belated birthday, Joslyn!
Happy belated birthday, Joslyn! :)
Happy belated birthday, Joslyn! :) :)
Happy belated birthday, Joslyn!
Happy Birthday, Stefan!!
Alles Gudde for dei Gebordsdaach! :)
Stefan! Happy birthday!
Happy (insert number) bday Stefan!
Happy Birthday, Csar! :)
Happy birthday, Csar!! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Congrats Csar. I understand you are one year old. What a year, eh?
Csar, happy bday!
Thank you, my friends!
@Skyscraper: yeah :D. I'd say it's the best... if I weren't looking like 2.5..
Happy birthday Csar!!
Happy 'a-year-older' Csar!
Alles freshe zum Geburtstag
Thank you and freshes Danke, my chemical peeps!
Happy Birthday, Enjoyed!
Sorry for being late! Hope you had a great time!
Yes yes, happy belated, Enjoyed! Your first all-American birthday, aye?
Thanks guys!
Second birthday over here in the states (at least since I was a kid) and the second time I went all in gathering up all the free birthday food from fast food places before ending with a huge dinner at Wendy's.
Happy belated birthday, Explud! Hope you had a blast! If so, bang on!
Happy Birthday, Explud!
с др, чел
Thanks, guys! Btw, a bday gift from my girlfriend:
Happy belated, BornInPlanetDust! Are you old enough to exit it yet?
Happy birthday, Bosco! Bottoms up!
Happy Birthday, guys!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I pass it on to the next!
For those wondering, no cake this year. Lemon cream pie.
Quote from: Bosco on Apr 14, 2018, 01:42
Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I pass it on to the next!
For those wondering, no cake this year. Lemon cream pie.
So, you actually had a piece of Morning Lemon?
I always thought Morning Lemon was an excellent name for a breakfast cafe
I'm also one of those nutters that drink lemonade every morning. I blame it on subliminal messaging.
Happy Birthday, Satur8! :)
Happy Birthday, WhiteNoise! :P
Happy birthday! T&E should send you an advanced copy of the new album.
Happy Birthday, WhiteNoise!
Happy Birthday WN!
Happy birthday!
Thanks everyone! Spent it at the Electric Forest festival in Michigan - saw Bonobo, Floating Points, Washed Out, Justin Jay's Fantastic Voyage, Sam Gelliatry, Noisia, and some incredible experiences in the forest itself...
I have an impossibly large backlog of gig reviews to write out.
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 26, 2018, 22:52
I have an impossibly large backlog of gig reviews to write out.
Including the 2015 Barca show :P
Saw Bonobo about 10 years ago in a very intimate, small club in our town, too, and loved this guy. He played lots of Drum'n Bass which was kind of surprising knowing his discography.
Happy birthday Pumisher!
Dank Dir
Happy Birthday, Pumisher! Have a blast! :)
HaPum PumbirthPum
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 21, 2018, 08:12
Happy belated birthday, Nekoland!
Happy belated bday to you Pum and Neko!
Happy B-day, Nekoland!
Thanks everyone! Muchas gracias! ;D ;D
Happy verjaardag, Toxic!
Birthday nekoland
Birthday toxic
Thanks guys!
not to be a fun sponge but no one ever said happy birthday to me on mine. :'(
Sorry dude, I'm not on the forum as much these days... but still: happy belated birthday!
Sorry man, I also overlooked it, which is strange, I noticed Nekoland but somehow not your and Krisper's birthday, happy belated Bday, guys!
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jul 09, 2018, 02:57
not to be a fun sponge but no one ever said happy birthday to me on mine. :'(
Ay you're just a bit new around here. We have a lot of people who will post but not stick around - glad you're not one of them!
Beyond hitting some age restrictions, I've always been a glass half empty type personality when acknowledging my own birthday.
I see we have a few hitting the big 40 soon. Godspeed to you! :P
And Happy Birthday to all the recent (Including you 'merica! [FUCK YEAH!]) and upcoming birthdays!
Conn and Toxic....happy belated birthday to you both
I'm outta cake mix
Imo I realized when you hit 40,you can then tell yourself 'I finally can do that shit I wasn't able to do back then' ;D
Happy Birthday Sandelic!!
Happy birthday, Sandelic! Perhaps your soccer team will give you birthday present tonight?!
That was my wish! Thanks, man!
Happy Sandelic, Birthday.
And Happy Sandelic to everyone else who grew a year recently. Y'all are great.
Quote from: sandelic on Jul 11, 2018, 15:04
That was my wish! Thanks, man!
Ten more minutes and it might going your way!
Don't jinx it! ;D
Happy birthday, Joslyn!
Happy Birthday, Joslyn!
thank you very much. For my Birthday I wished for a Chemical Brothers album but to my surprise a got a Prodigy album announcement.
I sure hope the album is better than the first single :D
Happy birthday, Stefan! Get yourself a decent piece of Sachertorte!
Stefan! Have a good one! :)
Thank you all ;D
С днём рождения, UltimatePelmni! Wish you an extra big dish of delicious pelmeni.
Happy Birthday, UltimatePelmeni!
Thank you, sirs
Happy birthday, Csar!! ;D ;D
Gosh, already two years old! Happy Birthday, Csar! ;D
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Сongratulations on your second b-day, Csar! I hope you've already learned to read.
I belatedly celebrated your birthday last night with some delicious Siberian pelmeni...
Hope you had a good one!
I had, sir. I had.
Congrats Csar!
Quote from: nekoland on Aug 30, 2018, 12:33
Happy birthday, Csar!! ;D ;D
Quote from: sandelic on Aug 30, 2018, 12:43
Gosh, already two years old! Happy Birthday, Csar! ;D
Quote from: satur8 on Aug 30, 2018, 16:32
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 30, 2018, 18:10
Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Aug 30, 2018, 18:30
Сongratulations on your second b-day, Csar! I hope you've already learned to read.
Quote from: Joslyn on Aug 30, 2018, 20:34
Congrats Csar!
Thank you so much, y'all!
Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Aug 30, 2018, 18:30
Сongratulations on your second b-day, Csar! I hope you've already learned to read.
I read, that Enjoyed got me a delicious dish of Siberian pelmeni! Hmmm, yummy yummy.
Happy Late Birthday, Csar!
Quote from: Csar on Aug 31, 2018, 05:34
I read, that Enjoyed got me a delicious dish of Siberian pelmeni! Hmmm, yummy yummy.
Come to Portland and it's yours!
Happy bday csar! Better late... then never ;)
Danke, Pum! Thank you toxic and Connor!
Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 31, 2018, 06:17
Come to Portland and it's yours!
Aw, man, that's sweet! I'll bring some delicious German cerials for dessert!
Wished it was still 2010/11 when I had lived in the states for 6 months. I'd so book a flight for sure. To this day, it still bugs me that I didn't even ponder the idea to meet some US forumites back then (
*slaps past-me*).
Can I take this a long-term offer, Enjoyed? :D
I get an empty post in my browser, Enjoyed. Got is the verb here.
Birthday Birthday Happy Birthday, Rynostar!
Best wishes for your Birthday, Rynostar! :music
Happy Birthday, Mr. Fuji-Rock!
Happy Benjiday!
Benj! Happy Birthday, and many more! Have fun!
Bon anniversaire!
Happy Birthday Ben
B for Bendetta
Thank you !
A belated Happy Birthday to you, Ben_j!
Happy belated bday to you Big Ben!
happy birthday to me
all i want is some fuckin pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Happy birthday Geoff.
Pizza is still pizza, too, regardless of its location on the roof.
i am very excited for orbital
Happy Birthday, Geoff! Hope you had a blast!
Yo, somebody ordered Happiness?
Happiness shall be delivered!
Quote from: Csar on Nov 27, 2018, 10:22
Yo, somebody ordered Happiness?
Happiness shall be delivered!
is the Pizzaman Klay Thompson?
also, a day late but ended up getting
Quote from: androidgeoff on Nov 27, 2018, 19:26is the Pizzaman Klay Thompson?
Hmm, yummy. I have fond memories of that one deep dish I had from Giordano's which I was recommended to check out. Little did I know how much I would struggle with the small one, though.
I think Geoff's pizza is Giordanos too. Chemical heads think alike!
I must say, in the traditional sense I wouldn't consider Giordanos "Traditional Chicago Deep Dish". An excellent pizza no doubt, but if I'm pointing a visitor to a Deep Dish Pizza, I'm showing them to Lou Malnatis, Ginos East, or (my favorite) Pizzeria Uno. And if you want the true Chicago experience, you go to the original locations in downtown, on a weekend, during the winter, where wait time can be up to 2-3 hours and customers are waiting outside.
Sooo not worth it, but FUCK! if that first slice of piping hot pizza to hit your lips and that crappy cold miller lite to wash it down taste like a million bucks! It's like a form of autoerotic asphyxiation.
Quote from: Bosco on Nov 27, 2018, 22:27
Lou Malnatis
Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 28, 2018, 00:51Quote from: Bosco on Nov 27, 2018, 22:27
Lou Malnatis
I can't believe I never posted the photo of this...
Yes, the legendary pizza box!!!!!!
What a time we live in
The holy grail of Chemical artifacts! I was proudly present for its emergence into existence. I also partook in the preceding consumption ceremony.
Happy Birthday Enjoyed
Happy belated birthday, Enjoyed!
Thanks folks! Going to celebrate properly on Thursday at the ORBITAL SHOW!
That's an awesome way to cerealabrate!
HaJoyed Enbirthjoyed
Happy belated FineTime and happy birthday NickDj!
Happy Birthday, NickDj and FineTime!
Sorry for being late to the party! :)
If we all worked in an office together, Sandelic would be the one making sure we sign each others cards because he never misses a Birthday. It's kinda cool.
FineTine and Nickdj and Enjoyed...happy belated bday and warm wishes to you guys!
:) Thanks guys . . , finishing the year off with Orbital live in a couple of days :)
Quote from: satur8 on Dec 17, 2018, 15:43
If we all worked in an office together, Sandelic would be the one making sure we sign each others cards because he never misses a Birthday. It's kinda cool.
It's quite possible I would :)
Happy B-lated, Bob Chipezkakakakakakaka!
Show some love for Whirlygirl, folks, it's her Birthday today!
Happy Birthday! I hope you'll have a fabulous day!
The universe sent her! Happy sending day!
Happy bday to our chemical Mommy!
Happy Birthday, Whirly!
Happy birthday, Whirly!
I love you guys! Thank you ❤️❤️
Happy belated, Wrclaguna! We've got to try harder to be on time next time!
Happy belated Birthday, Mr. Wrclaguna!
And very happy Birthday to Explud!
Zhelayu lyubvi, schastya i zdoroviya!
Have a good one! Wohoo!
Happy birthday, Explud! May you get new visuals for HBHG!
happy belated bday Wrclaguna!
happy bday Explud!
let birthdays forever be.
Na Zdorovie!
Na Zdrowie!
or Nostrovia
I'm not sure which one it is, but you get the picture ;D
Hope you both enjoyed your birthdays!
Happy Birthday Born In Planet Dust!
I see your Cubbies put a hurt on the Pirates today. They were in need of some home cooking after a dreadful start to the season.
Hey, since we're basically birthday buds, I'll tell you what... Next time the Chems roll in town for a show, I'll buy you a beer and then you buy me one. Some innovative social behavior, right? ;D
Have a good day, dude.
Back 2 ya man!
Happy birthday! How do you guys on planet Dust party anyway?
And happy birthday, Bosco!
Happy blated Birthday, Born in planet dust!
Happy Birthday, Bosco!
Another one bites the dust! 😉
To the both of you. Hope you had/have a swell time.
Happy belated bday planet dust and planet bosco!
Thanks guys.
It was a tough decision, but I choose an hour nap.
Also, Spiritualized was bliss.
Happy Birthday, Satur8!
Wish you all the best!
Happy birthday! It's now Satur9!
Happy bday to you Satur8!
Happy Birthday Satur8!
Thanks guys!
Having a new release out in time for a b-day is pretty sweet! I took the day off and No Geography was the soundtrack of the day.
Happy belated birthday, JRSZ. Gotta keep on!
Happy belated Bday, JRSZ!
Happy belated, Krisper! 👍🎂
Hah Thank you All :D
I forgot to look here :D
It's really nice :D
Happy Birthday, Krisper, if little late!
Happy birthday to me! Marathoning the 1st 2 John Wick before seeing the 3rd Movie. got them as a present this morning.
Happy Birthday buddy! Those movies are a lot of fun. I hope you have a great time ;D
Happy Birthday, mate!
Happy belated, Connor, and happy birthday Necore!
Happy 20th birthday, SURRENDER
Happy belated to those who had birthdays while the forum was taking a break!
Happy birthday toxic ;D
Toxic! Happy Birthday. Hope you have a splendid Sunday.
Happy verjaardag and hopefully anything but toxic! Did you treat yourself to We Are Electric?
happy bday Toxic
Happy Bday, Toxic, if a little late!
Thank you all! :)
Quote from: Csar on Jul 07, 2019, 20:14
Did you treat yourself to We Are Electric?
Yes! Me, my girlfriend and Joslyn went :) We were so close to the stage... :o
We did Sandelic wrong y'all. The one person on the forum who consistently goes out of the way to acknowledge everyone's birthday and we don't say shit when it's his.
Happy Belated Sandelic
Happy Birthday, Sandelic!!
Thanks, guys! But please, don't feel bad, it's not a big deal. It's just a number :)
Happy Birthday, Joslyn!
Birthday happy, Joslyn!
Happy belated birthday sandelic, and happy birthday Joslyn!
Happy birthday, Stefan! You get yourself a piece of Sachertorte with Schlagobers?
Thank you!
Tomorrow I will get Philadelphiaschnitte, which is a delicious chocolate sponge cake with Philadelphia creme. There will be lots of Schlagobers as well ;D
That brings up weird pictures in my mind's eye about chocolate cake filled with Philly cheese steak cream :D
Anyways, sounds awesome!
Mmmmm, Schlagsahne
happy belated bday to you Stefan
Happy belated, Stefan!
Thank you so much everyone :)
way too late.. still, happy belated bday!
Thank you very much!
Happy belated, UltimatePelmini!
Happy belated birthday UltimatePelmini! enjoy another great year mate!
Happy Birthday, Mr. UltimatePelmeni!
С днюхой, бро!
и тебе спасибо :)
All the best for your Birthday, Csar!
Lots of birthdays! Happy Birthday y'all.
Thank y'all very much!
Happy birthday, Csar! Have some fun today (a little more than usual)!
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Thanks and sbasibo guys!
Happy Birthday Pelmeni and Csar!
Happy belated birthday wishes to surface_to_air and actionjackson!
Cheers, Csar!
Happy very, very belated birthday to you guys!
Happy Birthday, Rynostar!
Happy bday Rynostar!
Happy Birthday Ryno!
Quote from: Csar on Sep 17, 2019, 13:08
Happy belated birthday wishes to surface_to_air and actionjackson!
Thanks Csar! And Sandelic :music
Happy belated to the forum lawyer MadPooter!
Happy belated, MadPooter! :)
Wishing you a great but belated bday to you Poots!
Happy belated Pooter Brother!
dunno if we're allowed to post non members birthdays (if not I'll move it to General Chat) but happy birthday to my awesome mom (Mommasuper).
Got her the El Mariachi series, since she was really devastated about loosing her VHSs in an accident in storage
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 24, 2019, 05:30
dunno if we're allowed to post non members birthdays
No, that's strictly forbidden! It violates title 7, paragraph K + section D + subsection 1B of the house rules.
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 24, 2019, 05:30
dunno if we're allowed to post non members birthdays (if not I'll move it to General Chat) but happy birthday to my awesome mom (Mommasuper).
Happy Birthday Mommasuper!
birthday people!
Happy Birthday Ben_j!
Your birthday will forever be ingrained in my memory simply for the fact it coincides with Guy Fawkes day.
Quote from: Bosco on Nov 05, 2019, 18:37
Happy Birthday Ben_j!
Your birthday will forever be ingrained in my memory simply for the fact it coincides with Guy Fawkes day.
B for Bendetta! Happy birhtday, Guy, ahm, Benj!
Happy Birthday, Ben_j!
happy Birthday Ben_J
happy belated bday to you Ben!
Thanks all !
Happy belated!
A belated thank you. I'm glad to see celebration of celebrations on here. Cheers everyone!
Enjoyed! Happy Birthday, mate!
Enjoyed enjoyed his birthday! So much joy!
Happy birthday Enjoyed! Best wishes to you brother!
Happy birthday! :music
Quote from: sandelic on Dec 02, 2019, 19:27
Enjoyed! Happy Birthday, mate!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 02, 2019, 23:06
Enjoyed enjoyed his birthday! So much joy!
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Dec 03, 2019, 02:18
Happy birthday Enjoyed! Best wishes to you brother!
Quote from: Explud on Dec 03, 2019, 08:34
Happy birthday! :music
Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 03, 2019, 12:38
Thanks you guys! Had a great day of record shopping and free food, ending with seeing Battles at The Hawthorne Theater.
It's Birthday Time for Fine Time.
Have a Great Time!
Have a fine time but without getting a fine for partying too hard!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Fine Time! :music
hope you had a good time, mr. fine time. Happy birthday
Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 09, 2019, 20:13
It's Birthday Time for Fine Time.
Have a Great Time!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 09, 2019, 20:32
Have a fine time but without getting a fine for partying too hard!
Quote from: sandelic on Dec 09, 2019, 21:37
Happy Birthday, Mr. Fine Time! :music
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 10, 2019, 04:10
hope you had a good time, mr. fine time. Happy birthday
Thanks guys , am slightly retrospective at this time of the year , and it's been a good one for me , so i'm happy ,. . looking forward to 2020 like , ok watcha got ?
P.s. Did go see The Chems penultimate show of the year in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago but it wasn't happening for me , maybe i'd become too familiar with the setlist or i'd been spoilt with their blistering show at Bluedot the year before. Always looking forward to future output / gigs / new material from them tho , so here's to " the future , i'll see you there ".
Happiest of Birthdays to Tom Rowlands today!! :)
Quote from: whirlygirl on Jan 11, 2020, 14:24
Happiest of Birthdays to Tom Rowlands today!! :)
Ah, Tom's birthday. You know, he is one of my two favourite chemical brothers.
Tom, this one is for you:
Dammit, I promised myself I wouldn't miss it again. :'(
Happy birthday Tom!
A belated happy birthday to Tom!
Happy birthday to da forum motha Whirlygirl! May Jim flare off a celebratory firework of massive proportions just for you today, you know metaphorically speaking.
a big hug and happy birthday to the chemical mommy!
Thank you, brothers! 😘❤️
Happy birthday, wrcLaguna!
Happy belated, wrcLaguna!
Happy Birthday, Explud!
Happy Birthday
for your health...
Three cups of water is kind of a cheap birthday gift, Bosco.
Happy Birthday Explud and Wrclaguna and Danny Brother and Talon.
Happy b-day, Explud!
Happy Birthday Born in Planet Dust!
I'll be frank... there's not a whole lot to be happy about right now, but I'm raising my virtual alcoholic beverage in respect of another avid concertgoer. Here's hoping better days are ahead, and epic concerts await us after this storm.
Happy very, very belated, Born in Planet Dust and Bosco!
Sorry guys for missing it! :-[
I do hope you had a good one!
Oooops! Missed them, too. Shame! Happy belated, guys!
Happy Birthday, Satur8!
I hope you'll have a great day!
Yeah, happy birthday!
Happy birthday, JRSZ!
If you want i can merge your old account with the new one. :)
Quote from: Explud on Apr 26, 2020, 20:17
Happy birthday, JRSZ!
If you want i can merge your old account with the new one. :)
A true birthday treat!
Happy Birthday man!
Happy belated, JRSZ!
Quote from: Explud on Apr 26, 2020, 20:17
Happy birthday, JRSZ!
If you want i can merge your old account with the new one. :)
Thank y'all
I'll stay on this acc (my og one)
hah that whole situation ended up really funny.
Happy birthday to our Chemical druid, Krisper!
Happy Birthday Conn6orsuper117! What a time to turn 21. Hope you've been enjoying the holiday weekend!
Thanks, Lucky for me, the boss said she'd give me the next 2 days off (hence why I am online right now) despite this being one of the busiest weekends of the year for work, they even threw a Pizza party during lunch break.
best part: legally I am now old enough to stick around and go drinking with you all when the brothers come back to america.
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on May 25, 2020, 07:54
best part: legally I am now old enough to stick around and go drinking with you all when the brothers come back to america.
Back to Smuggler's Cove!!
Happy birthday man! Glad to hear you had a good time :)
Ho ho ho, and a bottle of rum! Happy belated, Connor!
a late but great B-day to you Connor! We'll definitely provide drinks on the next round of Chem tours.
Happy birthday, WhiteNoise! You wanna get higher, and higher!
Happy birthday! ))
Happy Birthday and Happy Summer Solstice. What's the drink of choice for such a glorious day?
Happy Birthday, WN!!
Happy belated, WhiteNoise!
Happy Birthday Pumisher! Time to fire up the grill, you get two würsten today!
Quote from: Bosco on Jun 28, 2020, 18:09
Happy Birthday Pumisher! Time to fire up the grill, you get two würsten today!
Alles Gute, Pum! Hope your avatar will ever get to grab its Würstchen one day :D
Happy Birthday, Pumisher!
thank you chemical people. i'll have some scALE on you
oh, and jokes about german sausages are the wurst ;)
and birthday to all the others
Happy Birthday, Nekoland!
Happy Birthday Neko!
Let's go BOWLING!
Happy belated birthday, toxic! Hope you had a fantastic one!
Happy belated, Toxic!
Happy Birthday Sandelic!
Thanks, Satur8!
Yeah, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to all those that recently had one! Make sure to grab an extra piece of cake, babka, kolaczki, or like minded treats. You have my blessing, especially under a worldwide pandemic.
Thank you all! Happy birthday to all I forgot/missed the last couple of months! Cheers!
Opps, happy belated, Joslyn!!
Happy bday @joslyn! ;)
Happy belated, Stefan!
Ois guate
Thank you and Dankeschön ;D
Alles Gute nachträglich, Stefan! Hope you had a guten!
Vielen Dank :)
Happy belated birthday, stefan!!!
Thank you! :)
Happy Birthday und alles Gute, Csar!
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Csar!
Das was die anderen gesagt haben...
Happy bday Csar!
Thank you all!
happy birthday csar !
Happy belated, actionjackson! And happy birthday PG79! Hope you had/ have great ones.
Happy birthday, rynostar. Here is to our beloved celebrity bartender!
Happy belated Ryno!
happy birthday rynostar.!
Happy birthday on here, too, Benj! Hope you had un fantastique one!
Happy Birthday to all you guys!
Happy birthday, SouthernBruva!
Happy Birthday to my bud, Androidgeoff!
Cant wait to get together for a concert and have a beer or six!
Keep rollin' with the flow!
Happy Birthday DrunkAndroidGeoff!
Happy belated, Mr. Data, ahm Android!
I've missed so many! :-[
Happy belated bday, guys!
Happy birthday, Enjoyed! May it be a joyful one!
Happy Belated Enjoyed!
One of these days we're all gonna get together and celebrate these backlogged birthdays in style!
Glint On, brother!
Happy belated, Enjoyed!
Hope you had a good one!
Thanks you guys!
Found the 5 track Star Guitar single in a local record store for 25c.
Also spent another 50 odd $ on other musical treats!
Birthday People
Happy birthday, Bob Chipezka!
Happy (belated) birthday Whirly!
Birthday People
Happy Birthday Whirly! I haven't seen you around in a while. Hope all is well. Miss your presence on the board, no matter how redundant these conversations get.
Happy birthday, WRClaguna!
Happy happy birthday to our forum master Explud! Hope you have a great day full of awsomeness!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks guys!
If I'm not mistaken, it's your birthday today, Bosco? Happy b-day, brother B!
LOL, about a month too early Csar! Appreciate you thinking about me though!
I'll take your early Birthday wishes and pass them along to Explud, WRClaguna, and all the other March Birthdays.
Happy Birthday Gents!
Happy Birthdays to all you guys:
and Bosco (pending :) )
You all deserve the best gifts and the best day this year. Godspeed you Chemical bros!
Quote from: Bosco on Mar 13, 2021, 18:21
LOL, about a month too early Csar! Appreciate you thinking about me though!
I'll take your early Birthday wishes and pass them along to Explud, WRClaguna, and all the other March Birthdays.
Happy Birthday Gents!
Oh no, what have I done.
If you are lurking, Happy birthday Acidchildren aka the Champaign Spiller!
For those who don't know what that means:
Ok, but today should be the day, Bosco if the calendar speaks the truth! So, please, scroll back to comment #490!
Happy belated to BornInPlanetDust, too!
birthday people
Happy Birthday, Bosco!
And happy belated, Born in planet dust!
I hope you have/had a good one!
Thanks yall. Was a low key, chill day.
Happy Birthday! :)
Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone. And a Happy Belated to my Birthday neighbor Born In Planet Dust!
Was gifted some hiking shoes and a gift certificate to get some measured running shoes. My feet have won this years Birthday.
Happy half-century Satur8! I hope you're enjoying the new tune and you're doing well!
And early Birthday wishes to JRSZ!
Yes, yes, happy birthday, Satur8! And getting such a wonderful birthday present to boot!
Happy birthday to JRSZ and also happy birthday to JSRZ ;-)
Thank you Bosco and Csar. Yes, I will always associate The Darkness That You Fear with my 50th b-day.
Damn...I'm old.
Quote from: Csar on Apr 26, 2021, 08:44
Happy birthday to JRSZ and also happy birthday to JSRZ ;-)
Thx a lot, I had a really great bday this year.
Bro baked the cake, and my friends did a small discord party, also got a nice surprise from the community of my fav gaming service ;)
Happy belated Bday to you Satur8
And happy bday to you JRSZ!
Never count the years, only the memories!
Happy belated brithday Krisper!
Bout to head to bed after celebrating the big 22. got 2 special gifts that I will post tomorrow morning.
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on May 26, 2021, 06:06
Bout to head to bed after celebrating the big 22. got 2 special gifts that I will post tomorrow morning.
22 yo gang here 8)
Happy BDay Y'all
Happy birthday, young brother Connoer!
And happy birthday to Nekcore!
Thanks Guys!
With BITE and PTB now in my possession, I now finally own the main 9 (plus a few special extras ;D )
My parents are awesome
Happy belated, guys!
happy belateds!
& very nice collection Conn6orsuper117 !
Happy belated to the bros Conn6er and Nekcore!
Good job on getting all 9! (number 10 coming soon)
Happy belated birthday, Graysquire!
Happiest of birthdays, Whitenoise! Hope you're good, enjoy the day of days!
Happy bday Grey and White! Hope you guys have the best day today And more to come!
Happy Birthday, WN! Celebratory root beer float?
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 20, 2021, 18:18
Happy Birthday, WN! Celebratory root beer float?
Celebratory Birthday root beer floats? Culver's, methinks.
Happy Birthday, Whitenoise
Quote from: Bosco on Jun 20, 2021, 18:49
Celebratory Birthday root beer floats? Culver's, methinks.
Was thinking Triple XXX ;)
Is this where we make the obligatory Vin Diesel joke?
Local joint looks right. Sign me up for some onion rings!
Happy Bday Whitenoise!
Blast some Chems for us ;)
Happy 26th to the Exit Planet Dust <3
Still sounds as fresh as ever :music
Happy belated, WhiteNoise!
And Happy Birthday, Pumisher!
Big one, eh? :)
Happy BIRTH40Y, Pum! You gonna get youself a bunch of Kölsch in the Biergarten?!?
40 you say? Celebrate good times, COME ON!
Happy Birthday, Pumisher!
Quote from: Csar on Jun 28, 2021, 15:13
You gonna get youself a bunch of Kölsch in the Biergarten?!?
Because of still beeing in London it's more likely to drink some Brewdog or something from Camden Brewery
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 28, 2021, 23:02
Because of still beeing in London it's more likely to drink some Brewdog or something from Camden Brewery
Bottoms up, my friend!
Happy belated, Toxic!
Happy birthdays wishes to our Croatian friend Sandelic!
Happy Birthday Sandelic!
Thank you very much! ;)
And happy belated, Toxic!
Quote from: sandelic on Jul 11, 2021, 14:42
Thank you very much! ;)
And happy belated, Toxic!
Thank you! Happy belated to you Sandelic!
Happy Birthday Stefan! Hope you got out today and had a nice birthday ride!
Happy belated, Stefan! :music
Oooh, happy belated, Stefan!
Thanks a lot! :)
Happy Bday to the... APHEX TWIN!
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Have a great day! :)
Happy Birthday Csar!
happy birthday Csar !!
birthday boy
and to all i forgot in last couple weeks / months
Thank you all my beloved forum peeps!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Csar!
Im late, but I got stuck in traffic. Happy belated B-day to you Csar.
Danke & thank you Stefan, Inchem!
Happy alpha beta psychedlic funkin birthday to Actionjackson!
Quote from: Csar on Sep 15, 2021, 14:30Happy alpha beta psychedlic funkin birthday to Actionjackson!
Cheers, Csar!
Happy belated, Mr. Actionjackson!
happy belated y'all
Happy belated birthday to our Fuji Rocker Rynostar!
Happy belated, Rynostar!
Canadian Club manhattans all around!
Happy birthday to the maddest Pooter we have on the forum! Hip hip hooray.
Belated thank you. :D
Happy birthday to Benj and good luck and happyness as a new daddy!
Happy belated MadPooter and happy bday to Ben_j!
Birthday People
Ben j's B-day you say? Must be the 5th of November, Remember, Remeber...
Happy Belated to those I've missed
Thanks !
Happy belated, Enjoyed!
Yes, happy birthday on here too!
Quote from: sandelic on Dec 04, 2021, 07:26
Happy belated, Enjoyed!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 04, 2021, 11:03
Yes, happy birthday on here too!
Thanks, buds!
Rate my haul:
You get extra points for RATM and Roisin Murphy ;D
Enjoyed, happy Birthday bud!
I love your haul! Man, I'm so due for a music buying binge this makes me super jealous. What's the breakfast photo album below Ratatat LP3?
Approve of the AirPods Pro. Got them for my Birthday earlier this year despite being skeptical of cordless/bluetooth audio and phone battery drainage, and I must say they have been great for me. For what it's worth, I had to buy some ear hooks to keep them from falling from my ears while running, but for normal activity they typically stay put. The noise cancellation and sound quality is pretty damn good and I would encourage those to take the "leap" if you're a little hesitant. I'm sure there is comparable and cheaper option out on the market, but I'll admit I'm weak to the Apple accessibility.
also, Vince Guaraldi Soundtrack to Peanuts Christmas special should be in everyones collection.
make sure you grab John Denver and The Muppets
Quote from: Bosco on Dec 06, 2021, 06:50
Enjoyed, happy Birthday bud!
I love your haul! Man, I'm so due for a music buying binge this makes me super jealous. What's the breakfast photo album below Ratatat LP3?
Approve of the AirPods Pro. Got them for my Birthday earlier this year despite being skeptical of cordless/bluetooth audio and phone battery drainage, and I must say they have been great for me. For what it's worth, I had to buy some ear hooks to keep them from falling from my ears while running, but for normal activity they typically stay put. The noise cancellation and sound quality is pretty damn good and I would encourage those to take the "leap" if you're a little hesitant. I'm sure there is comparable and cheaper option out on the market, but I'll admit I'm weak to the Apple accessibility.
That's Battles - La Di Da. The only album of theirs I was missing.
And yes! I'm loving the Pros so far. Similar reservations going for bluetooth, but I was honestly just getting too fed up of catching my headphone cables on my coat while walking, or having my pup rip them out when running to greet me. It really is quite a game changer having the freedom to move my head around without any fear of loosing the momentum of whatever I'm listening to.
I have been playing around with the EQ in GMMP on my phone though, as some songs seem to have lost a little energy in the mix? They sound super crispy clean, but lacking a little drive?? I don't know - I could just be adjusting to them. BT's ESCM did sound pretty great yesterday - but TDTYF was kinda... dare I say, boring?? I don't know. Any tips on that front?
Otherwise, I'd also give them a glowing recommendation. And at the Black Friday price of $169 - insane.
Quote from: Bosco on Dec 06, 2021, 06:57
also, Vince Guaraldi Soundtrack to Peanuts Christmas special should be in everyones collection.
Bought this for my wife. It's our favourite cwimmis music by far. And the CD itself had this neat transparent image on the front! Bargain.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 06, 2021, 22:39
I have been playing around with the EQ in GMMP on my phone though, as some songs seem to have lost a little energy in the mix? They sound super crispy clean, but lacking a little drive?? I don't know - I could just be adjusting to them. BT's ESCM did sound pretty great yesterday - but TDTYF was kinda... dare I say, boring?? I don't know. Any tips on that front?
Are you listening in noise cancellation mode? I've read something along the lines of bass being compromised within the technology of active noise cancellation. I would imagine the cleaner sound will ultimately come with both Transparency and Noise Cancellation mode off. You ultimately could be on the money it lacking a little juice, but I haven't personally noticed. I've been on factory settings ever since receiving mine and I have been nothing but pleased with the quality. To be fair,I can't say I've done much deep listening with them though, I'm mostly in motion when they're on.
Happy birthday, NickDj!
Echoing Csar's post, happy birthday, Mr. NickDj!
Happy birthday Mr. Rowlands.
Why aren't Tom and Ed's birthdays on the calendar ?
By the way, Happy Birthday Tom!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
happy birthday !
From his insta
Happy borthday, Explud! Hope you're having a great one!
Quote from: Csar on Mar 12, 2022, 17:41
Happy borthday, Explud! Hope you're having a great one!
Thanks, Csar!
Happy Birthday, Explud!
Happy birthday to one of the neweset members of this forum, someAsker!
Happy birthday to our Chicagoan block rockin beatler!
Happy bday to the Bosco!
Happy Birthday, Bosco!
And happy belated to Born in Planet Dust!
Thanks gents!
Lucky to have y'all as my internet buddies!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Happy birthday Bosco.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Passing along the Birthday wishes to my late April buddies, ; , Satur8, and JRSZ.
Have a great weekend guys!
Thank you Bosco! Had a great one so far only made better by you guys and the chems themselves. Lack of acid doing wonders. ;D
Happy Birthday, guys, ; and Satur8!
Happy brithday you guys!
Happy belated B-Day, Bosco!
Happy birthday to the JRSZ twins!
Happy Birthday, JRSZ!
Bappy Hirthday JRSZ!!
Quote from: Csar on Apr 26, 2022, 10:55
Happy birthday to the JRSZ twins!
Thank y'all! :D
Happy belated to Krisper, the Aussie Chems druid!
Happy belated to Conn6orsuper117 and happy birthday to Nekcore!
Happy belated, guys!
Happy belated, Whitenoise!
Happy belated Whitenoise. I saw this advertisement and I would like to buy this new album for you:
Quote from: neorev on Jun 22, 2022, 06:09
Yes Happy b-day Whitenoise, we haven't seen much of you here recently.
And also Happy Birthday to Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream who I saw live last month at this little festival. (https://wideawakelondon.co.uk/) (amongst other acts).
Happy belated to Mob1 and happy birthday to Instantreigen!
Yes, happy belated peeps!
and Happy Birthday to Pumisher! Which by the way, I found out the secret to K+D+B
Happy belated, guys!
Happy belated, Pum-off-with-his-head-isher!
Happy Birthday Pumisher!
Quote from: Bosco on Jun 29, 2022, 02:52
Which by the way, I found out the secret to K+D+B
Well, I double-checked the maths and it works out. That's canon now.
A belated birthday wish from me as well!
My decapitated head that Pum just took off because I was late to say Happy Birthday!
It won't happen again I swear
Thanks to all
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Jun 30, 2022, 18:37
It won't happen again I swear
i monitor you, i swear
Happy Birthday to our favorite Croatian, Sandelic.
Speaking of Croatia, I'm reminded of the Croatian cinderella story of 2018. Qatar World Cup coming up this late autumn, we doing a friendly World Cup pool on here or what?
USA back baby!
Happy birthday, San-Delik!
Quote from: Bosco on Jul 11, 2022, 04:20
Qatar World Cup coming up this late autumn, we doing a friendly World Cup pool on here or what?
I not going to watch any of these games and i cannot understand why any team is going to this tournament...
Happiest of Birthdays to you, Sandelic!
Thank you, guys!
Happy Birthday, Stefan!
Alles Gute, STefan!
Happy bday to you Stefan!
Happy Birthday Stefan. Hope the weather is nice so you can have a nice bike ride!
Thanks a lot guys!
@Bosco: During the week I unfortunately have no time for cycling, but I took next week off so I'll sure get some kilometers done :)
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Thank you, Sandelic!
Happy Birthday, Csar! Have a good one :)
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Csar!!! What's on the menu tonight?
Alles Gute!
Feliz cumpleaños, Csar!! ;D ;D
Thank you all y gracias a todos so very much!
Quote from: Bosco on Aug 30, 2022, 18:29
What's on the menu tonight?
Literally speaking, tonight not so much. But we'll be going to a Wester Inn this weekend to get some nice spare ribs and steaks.
Quote from: Csar on Aug 30, 2022, 23:30Wester Inn this weekend to get some nice spare ribs and steaks.
Ribs and steaks? I like it! Better watch out though, you're just a buffalo wing away from turning into a true "American" carnivore. :P
Have a good one, Csar.
Happy belated birthday, Benj. Hope you had a great day! :music
Happy B-day to my new bud, Enjoyed!
Happy birthday and huge bowl of the greatest cereal imaginable!
Belatedly, happy birthday to Enjoyed. :)
Happy belated, Enjoyed!
Thanks you guys!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 02, 2022, 17:26
huge bowl of the greatest cereal imaginable!
It's currently this...
Birthdaypeople (also backdated)
Happy birthday, Finetime! Hope you're having, well, a fine time! And beyond.
Happy Birthday to the incredible Tom Rowlands!
Happy Birthday to the incredible Tom Rowlands!
happy birthday to tom!
Happiest of Birthdays to Tom! :music
Alles gute zum Geburtstag, meine brudder!
Appears like it was indeed a happy one
Happy belated
@whirlygirl! Hope you spent a wonderful day full of joy and happiness!
A belated Happy Bday to you Whirls! I hope you had a wonderful day with the family and friends. .
Happy birthday Whirls!!!
(Very ) happy belated birthday Whirly! Hope it was a good one :)
Oh my god, thank you guys so much!! ❤️
Happy birthday,
@orangewedge99! May it be an awesome one!
Happy belated, orangewedge99!
Happy birthday to
@wrclaguna Hope your day is going to be great!
Have a good one, wrclaguna!
Happy birthday
And a special Happy Birthday to
@Explud, the one who makes this place possible. Bottoms up!
Happy Birthday Explud!
And thanks for all the hard work on the forum!
Happy Birthday Explud!
Birthday people
Thanks for kind words!
Quote from: Csar on Feb 10, 2023, 20:41Happy birthday,
@orangewedge99! May it be an awesome one!
Thanks so very much for the birthday wishes!!!! Sorry for my late reaction / reply!
Happy birthday
@ACIDCHILDREN! If that's No Reason to celebrate?!
Happy birthday to
@SomeAsker and
@Dodo. May it be a great one!
Happiest of birthdays,
@Born In Planet Dust!
Happy Birthday, Bosco!
And happy belated Born In Planet Dust!
Happy birthday, Bosco man! Hope you're having a sweet day!
Thanks guys!
Hey, not often my Birthday lands on Easter.
Happy Birthday Bosco, you marvelous piece of man, you.
Happy belated, Bos!!
Happy birthday to the one and only big B!
Bosco, your getting a very belated birthday beer next week from me.
Y'all too kind. Thank you, dearly.
@rynostar, I see Rainier tallboys in our future ::cheers
Happy b b b b birthday
Happy birthday
@hstn ! Birthday present came a little early this year, aye?!
happy bday to you hstn!
Happy Birthday to hstn and Happy Birthday to sulky!
Thank you!
Happy birthday
@; ! Your birthday present is currently playing on Youtube :D!
Happy belated, people!
And very Happy Birthday to Satur8!
Hope you have a good day today!
Happy birthday,
@satur8! Here's to a better year ahead.
@Csar &
@whirlygirl Thank you very much! I had a nice weekend with the family. Can't believe I'm 52...I imagine I am one of the oldest here. Rock on, oldheads!
Happy birthday,
@JRSZ ! ::cheers
Quote from: Csar on May 13, 2023, 21:17
Thanks so much
@Csar ;D the big 40!! I remember the early days of the forum as an immature 21 year old back in 2004, where does time go. Great to see it is still going strong, the forum still remains my cosy place on the internet, even if I don't contribute much, I always enjoy reading the comments. Hope you are all well.
Happy Belated, guys!
Have a good one, Krisper! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Krisper!
Happy Birthday, Conn6orsuper117!
Happy birthday,
@Conn6orsuper117! May it be a joyous and sunny day!
Thanks everyone, just celebrated this morning with a homemade cinnamon roll & donut from my local bakery. Life is sweet
Happy birthday,
@Nekcore! ::cheers
Happy Birthday, Nekcore!
Better late than never to respond, but, thank you Guys! This was an amazing birthday, got several cakes and plenty of drinks, my stomach almost exploded, but definitely worth it lol. Thanks once again!
Happy birthday
no one?
^ The T-shirt Ed is wearing relates to the best band in the world. This. (https://www.thecalmzone.net/new-order-blue-monday-tee)
Happy Belated, Ed!!
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jun 11, 2023, 10:20^ The T-shirt Ed is wearing relates to the best band in the world.
Miguel & the three funny two?
Did I miss it? Aw man!! Dang being sick for almost a week.
Happy belated birthday to one of the amazing creators who somehow brought this ragtag crew of obsessed misfits together.
Häppy Börsdäy, Mr.
@instantreigen. May it be a joyous day!
Quote from: Csar on Jun 27, 2023, 10:09Häppy Börsdäy, Mr.
@instantreigen. May it be a joyous day!
Senk yu, Mr. Csar :D
Happy Birthday! ::cheers
Feliz cumplanos Instantreigen. :D
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Instanreigen!
Happy Birthday
@instantreigen! ☺️
@instantreigen , a birthday you say? well that's a ::cheers to our fearless discord leader/hypeperson.
Gosh, thank you everyone! <3
Happy Geburtstag,
@ThePumisher! What a lovely day to get such lovely birthday present?!
i asked them, they delivered...
Happy Birthday, Pums!
Happy Birthday, Pum!!
Happy Birthday
@ThePumisher!! :)
thanks to all of you.
and to tom & ed for releasing new music today and for pickpocketing 130 pound sterling from me as well..
One day Happy Belated,
@nekoland! Hope you had a wonderful day.
Happy belated, Pum & nekoland!
Happy birthday, nekoland!
thank you so much, you guys!! :D
Happy belated, neko!
Thanks, Whirly! :)
Gelukkige verjaardag, Toxic!
Happy Birthday, Toxic!
Thank you guys! :)
Happy Birthday, cowboy!
Thank you, Sandelic! :)
Happy Birthday, cowboy!
And happy belated, toxic!
Thank you, Whirly! Much appreciated :)
Happy Birthday,
@sandelic !!
Thank you, Satur8! :)
Happy belated,
@sandelic! Hope your day was fun and full of joyful events! 1
Happy Birthday,
@sandelic ! I hope it was a great one!!
Happy Birthday, sandelic!
Birthday people
Happy belated also to
@toxic and
Thanks Csar! :)
Happy belated verjaardag
@Joslyn! Your birthday present comes Sep. 8th, I promise! ;D
Happy birthday to
@Stefan. May a Magic Wand get you all the joy that makes you Feel Like You Are Dreaming!
Happy belated, Stefan!
Many thanks to all of you ;D
To our Austrian (or Austrian located) member, we wish you a fabulous day on the occasion of your once more around the earth. Happy (Belated) Birthday!
Thank you very much!
Dankeschön ;D
Aye, I missed some birthdays!! Happy Birthday and I hope you all have something fun planned to celebrate!
Happy birthday
@UltimatePelmeni! Hope you're getting the ultimate, extra stuffed pelmeni today!
Thanks a lot! Hope everyone is getting ultimate, extra stuffed love and peace today!
Happy belated, Pelmeni!
Thank you, mr. Stefan!
Happy belated,
Happy Belated Birthday,
@UltimatePelmeni I hope you had a fun day celebrating!
Happy birthdays to
@axent and
Happy birthday
@LLG! One more post and your age will be matching your message count :)!
Thanks a lot ,
@sandelic and
@whirlygirl! :)
And happy birthday to
@Hutch108 and
Happy Birthday, Csar!
May the only bots that log in today be those that join in on the celebration!
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Happy birthday,
@Csar !! have an a amazing day!
Quote from: Csar on Aug 29, 2023, 10:06Happy birthday
@LLG! One more post and your age will be matching your message count :)!
Thanks! My post count is HUGE.
Happy Birthday, Csar!
Thanks for all the wonderful work on the forum. We are lucky to have such a fantastic overseer.
Treat yourself to an extra piece of cake, and have a great day!
Happy birthday,
@Csar! Maybe you'll grab some pelmeni today ::cheers
Happiest of Birthdays to you,
@Csar!!! :) :)
Quote from: Bosco on Aug 30, 2023, 18:19Happy Birthday, Csar!
Thanks for all the wonderful work on the forum. We are lucky to have such a fantastic overseer.
Treat yourself to an extra piece of cake, and have a great day!
@Csar your signature says "you cannot eat money". But money can buy you cake...
Let's hope the spambots don't realise it's your birthday. Happy 7th!
Thank you everyone for your really kind words 'n wishes! I've been dealing with a nasty ear inflammation since Sunday, so taking bites out of anything have been posing a bit of a challenge for the last couple of days. But I did have cake and I do have some Pelmeni in the freezer I'm a looking forward to :)
Happy birthday
@actionjackson780 ! Bottoms up For That Beautiful Cake Feeling!
Happy Birthday
@actionjackson780 ! :)
I've already sent
@actionjackson780 this via text, but he deserves it a million times. Happy Birthday to my 780 brother that happens to be part of the brotherhood!
Thanks, pals! :music fingers crossed my local shop receives my copy of FTBF today to make the day extra special!
Quote from: actionjackson780 on Sep 15, 2023, 17:19Thanks, pals! :music fingers crossed my local shop receives my copy of FTBF today to make the day extra special!
Crossing my limbs for you too! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday
@rynostar! Rock on, Fuji-Rocker!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to our original resident Fuji Rocker,
@rynostar !! :music
Happy Birthday, Ryno!
Happy birthday
@Zesty! So young and such great taste in music!
Quote from: ThePumisher on Sep 27, 2023, 19:02Birthday
Thanks to y'all for the birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday Rynostar! And have a great weekend at Portola!
Quote from: Csar on Sep 28, 2023, 14:32Happy birthday
@Zesty! So young and such great taste in music!
Thank you!!!! 🫶🫶
Oh no, am I late again to the party?? Happy Birthday
@Zesty ! :music
Häppie börsday Mr.
@Enjoyed! Hope the name is the theme for today!
Happy Birthday,
@Enjoyed ! May your year ahead be blessed with good tunes, good health, and lots of delicious breakfast cereal! ;)
Happy birthday to our cap'n (crunch)! Hope your birthday was not too frosted (flakes) this December and was Grreeeeeaattt! Wishes of another good cycle of your life
@Enjoyed as it (fruit) loops around the sun!
Happy Birthday Mr. Enjoyed!
Happy Birthday,
Have a good one!
Happy Birthday, Enjoyed!
I've recently learned Enjoyed is a great navigator (better than me in my own city!), deeply passionate about Lou Malnati's Pizza (maybe more so than cereal?), and absolutely lives up to his screen name.... It's an enjoy(ed), to be around him. Have a great weekend dude! And hope to catch up with you again some time soon!
Have a happy superflashed birthday to you good sir Enjoyed!
You guys are the best. Thank you!
Didn't eat any cereal on the day, but did go for a sensory deprivation float therapy session to escape the world! Highly recommend if you get the chance.
Happy birthday
@Fine Time! May it be a, well, effing fine time for you today!
Happy belated birthday
@Bob Chipezka!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Tom Rowlands!! :)
Happy Birthday Tom!! :)
happy birthday to tom!
Is it Tom's Birthday!?!? OMG!!!
Happy belated
@whirlygirl! Hope you had day full of joy!
Happy birthday! May the downtown LA midnight hour, forever ring, WHIRLYGIRL!!! :)) ::cheers
A honor and pleasure to have you still around the forum! Have a great one!
Happy Birthday Whirly!
happy birthday! hope it was a good one. =]
Happiest of birthdays to
@Explud, bottoms up!
Quote from: Csar on Mar 12, 2024, 09:48Happiest of birthdays to
@Explud, bottoms up!
Thanks! ::))
Happy belated birthday, Mr. Explud!
Happy belated
@Bosco man! I see you've been quite busy working on your first movie!
Happy belated, Bosco!
Have a grog on me!
and you smell like one too! Haha!
Happy Belated Birthday Bosco!
thanks, y'all!
I've slowly reached that time in my life where I'm filled with anxiety every time my birthday rolls around. I even tried to keep it a secret this year. Damn you
@Csar ! :P
If I was 7 years old again, you would all be invited to my birthday party at ShowBiz Pizza where suggested gifts like Battle Trolls, X-Men cards, and Super Soakers would all be acceptable. We'd have copious amount of arcade tokens, the most generic pizza imaginable, and the privilege to strengthen your germ immunity in the tubular mazes and ball pits! And if that wasn't enough, you'd surely go home with a goodie bag with the ceiling sticking novelty toys, Fun Dip, and Bubble Tape...
Damn, back to reality...
Had a great dinner for my Birthday, and my Aunt even baked me an old fashioned homemade cake ("Imperial"/pound cake). Hoping to sink into the new Fallout TV series within the next few days!
Quote from: Bosco on Apr 11, 2024, 06:48thanks, y'all!
I've slowly reached that time in my life where I'm filled with anxiety every time my birthday rolls around. I even tried to keep it a secret this year. Damn you
@Csar ! :P
If I was 7 years old again, you would all be invited to my birthday party at ShowBiz Pizza where suggested gifts like Battle Trolls, X-Men cards, and Super Soakers would all be acceptable. We'd have copious amount of arcade tokens, the most generic pizza imaginable, and the privilege to strengthen your germ immunity in the tubular mazes and ball pits! And if that wasn't enough, you'd surely go home with a goodie bag with the ceiling sticking novelty toys, Fun Dip, and Bubble Tape...
Damn, back to reality...
Had a great dinner for my Birthday, and my Aunt even baked me an old fashioned homemade cake ("Imperial"/pound cake). Hoping to sink into the new Fallout TV series within the next few days!
Happy belated Bosco!
Happy Birthday,
@hstn !!! :partyG
Hip hip, Hoosteen! Hip Hip Hoosteen! Happy birthday! ::cheers
Happy birthday Mr.
@satur8 ! May you burst out of joy today
Happy Birthday again,
Hope you had a good one!
Happy 25th to the incredible HEY BOY HEY GIRL
Wishing a very happy birthday to Ed Simons!! ❤️
Belated! and Birthday!
@instantreigen @ThePumisher Hope you had a good one fam!
Quote from: Bosco on Jun 28, 2024, 19:35Belated! and Birthday!
@instantreigen @ThePumisher Hope you had a good one fam!
Oh man! :music Yes, happy belated
@instantreigen and
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Insta und Pumisher!
Happy Birthday
Thank you, Bosco!
Much appreciated! Cheers!
Happy belated birthday, nekoland and sandelic!
Happy Belated
Another year older, another year wiser!
Quote from: Bosco on Aug 11, 2024, 18:59Another year older, another year wiser!
At least one of those things is true ;)
Thanks a lot ;D
Dankeschön ;D
Happy belated, Stefan!
Thank you very much! ;D
@Csar Happy Birthday!
hoping you're doing well. It's been quite awhile since we've seen you around and I wish you the best.
All the best, Csar!
Hope you doing ok!
Happy Birthday, Tom! ;D