For That Beautiful Feeling

Hey, did this one slip through the crack on us?

Started by Bosco, Apr 23, 2017, 02:29

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I'm really not convinced, but at about 2:18 and on, I hear tom-like tinkering.

I really can't tell

sorry if this was already talked about

Yeah, looks like it. Fun song, big beatish in a way. Wasn't aware of it. How did you find it, Bosco? That pitching sound at 3:44 2:44 is pretty recognizably a Rowlands trademark in my opinion.
Last Edit: Apr 26, 2017, 10:54 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Points to Bosco for finding this! I guess we all slacked off from doing are regularly scheduled google search on our band.

Like that little build on 2:30 as well.

I guess tom's doing xtra charitable work on the side.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I accidentally came across it when searching "tom rowlands 2016". After cracking my bad joke about his hair in the other thread, I wanted to follow it up and see if he did take the buzz clippers to his precious remaining hair  :))

Low and behold, in the search contents before I hit "images", I see collaboration with "St. Paul and The Broken Bones".

That caught my attention, because:

1. I don't remember hearing about that before

2. I like St. Paul and The Broken Bones

I proceeded to try and find more information about the track, but was met with a lot of dead ends. The link I provided in my original post seems to be the only linked article in which they mention a collaboration.

The track doesn't feel like a full-on Tom Rowland's production, but like Csar said, it does have certain trademarks that we've come familiar with.

Does anybody have a copy of Madden '17, maybe in the credits of the game you might be able to find something?
Last Edit: Apr 23, 2017, 18:10 by Bosco

KEXP of Seattle also states that Tom collaborated on this one:

The more I listen to it, the more I'm convinced Tom had a part in producing it. That sound effect I mentioned above is so typically him, it just can't be otherwise.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I think perhaps I can hear "Tom" bits earlier on, though they're not hugely exciting.
Upward pitch bend type noises at:

0.41 to about 0.48
1.43 to about 1.49

Speaking of big beats, I wonder if Tom had any influence on the drum sounds? Or perhaps I'm trying too hard here. Nice little tune though. Doesn't even seem to have a listing on Discogs.

"How would you describe the past year?" The song in this clip is called "Come With Me." It's the 4th song on my album, which comes out in 8 days. It was written with my buddy Tom - you might know him better as a Chemical Brother (The Chemical Brothers). 🤘#8DAYS #PlasticSoul

this is the second time Tom's going stealth.

Does anybody have a copy of this record and can look into the credits?

^ Neither the video above nor the one in your Now Playing post are available for me...
Good spot though.
The CD version of the album listing on Discogs includes some credits. It appears Tom only gets a credit on track 4. Although the Discogs contributor has credited Tom Roland(2) when it should be Tom Rowlands.

fuck this regional access bullshit

This production is a lot more obvious than the former. Very familiar psychedelic drums. Think Let Forever Be

Quote from: Bosco on Jan 16, 2018, 01:30

fuck this regional access bullshit
Does it achieve anything other than limit exposure? Baffling to me.
I've just realised I've seen this guy live. About ten years ago at a London venue called The Borderline. He used to be in Eastern Conference Champions. Got the band's first album somewhere too.

**EDIT** It's alll on Spotify. Mondo Cozmo The Complete Collection is what you want.  LINK.
Last Edit: Jan 16, 2018, 14:17 by Skyscraper

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jan 16, 2018, 01:01
Although the Discogs contributor has credited Tom Roland(2) when it should be Tom Rowlands.
Hi Kevin!

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