Maybe I Feel Out of Control

Merry Xmas and NYE to all! Here comes 2018!

Started by inchemwetrust, Dec 13, 2017, 06:11

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Happy twenty eighteen y'all.

It's just another day here in Portland but it feels as though there is a small and exciting something growing in the corner of the world, building towards a really special year.

Obviously hoping for new Chemicals (and Underworld) and a chance to see them both live again. 2017 was special for other reasons but music wise, despite a few good releases, I felt a little out of touch for the most part. That definitely feels ready to change this year. More albums, more shows - I even started working on new music that I'm excited to actually complete (it's been a while!).

Anywho, I wish the best possible year (so far!) for all of you lovely people.
Here comes the drums!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 02, 2018, 19:39

I even started working on new music that I'm excited to actually complete (it's been a while!).
Please keep us posted and the creativity going (I know how hard it can be)! Also, I demand a new Enjoyed video clip too!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Pros & Cons of 2017:
Cons (just to get them out of the way)
Travel Ban
Repeal of net Neutrality
the horrible celebrity role models
Harvey Weinsteen scandal
Keven spacey scandal
The Death of Angry Grandpa  :'(
The Death of Jim French (BILL's Voice actor on Left4Dead)
The Sloppy Ass launch of Battlefield 2
Demonitization/the Ad-pocalypse
ITS EVERYDAY BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pewdiepies exposure of Racial Tendencies.
The Battle of Charlston (2017)
The Paris Bombings & Las Vegas Shootings
The Neglection of Puerto Rico

My 1st time Ski-ing (same day/night) NOTE: I only did sandboarding
The Launch of my Soundcloud.
SNL's Summer Weekly Updates (featuring former cast members Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, Bill Hader as the Mooch & Tina Fey)
The Government Battle for Net Neutrality
Doug Jones Defeats Roy Moore (and Im not even an Alabama Resident)
A Ducktails reboot featuring the Doctor himself, David Tennant, as Scrooge McDuck
Star Wars Episode 8
Being Introduced to Underworld & Orbital
& Finally:
The Release of COD:WW2 (also) featuring David Tennant as a zombie hunter

Final Verdict: we may have had our cons outweigh our Pros globally, but I say that it wasn't as bad as 2016. May 2018 be a better year for the world (And for the sake of my sanity).
Last Edit: Jan 06, 2018, 09:03 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jan 06, 2018, 08:12

SNL's Summer Weekly Updates (featuring former cast members Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, Bill Hader as the Mooch & Tina Fey)

Doug Jones Defeats Roy Moore (and Im not even an Alabama Resident)

A Ducktails reboot featuring the Doctor himself, David Tennant, as Scrooge McDuck

Being Introduced to Underworld & Orbital

Cheers! All great points! The SNL updates were the norm to me in 17 when I watched them after I got off work, plus I don't pay attention to the news that often these days. It brought me up to speed on the continuing tragedy of the White House ( especially the jeff sessions skits by Kate McKinnon) and other events in the country. Humor when I needed it the most.

I keep a positive attitude and see the good things that can happen when people actually start acting helpful and courteous toward one another as Americans despite political opinion and affiliation......ha ...that was a good one! but maybe things can change in 18 right?

oh, you forgot one more pro..

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

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