Get Up On It Like This

Snow / Surface

Started by ThePumisher, Feb 03, 2018, 11:22

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Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 11, 2018, 08:55

We must threaten them with the Eve Of Destruction, or pour them some scALE.
I can guarantee you, Tom just needs to hit his brown-note to make you run around screaming, letting your head pop like a Mars Attacks alien.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Thomas, if you're reading this forum. PLEASE! PLEASE! NO MORE TWEAKS WITH FILTER on Surface to Air with this heavenly arp (i guess this is one from Korg MonoPoly). Please, leave this heavenly, not the nightmares from the elm street.
Hi Kevin!

Amazing band. Its been like 7 or 8 years since the last album. I would love to see them on tour this year I hope they do a full tour of North America

"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 24, 2019, 22:24

Imma just leave this here O:-)


I can taste my own tears, and it tastes like KDB!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

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