Life Is Sweet

California Roll Call!

Started by WhiteNoise, Dec 03, 2018, 19:37

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Which shows you seeing?

Shrine Expo Hall - May 15 - Los Angeles
12 (75%)
Greek Theater - May 16 - Los Angeles
10 (62.5%)
Bill Graham Auditorium - May 17 - San Francisco
10 (62.5%)

Total Members Voted: 16

With like 5 different threads I can't keep track of, I'm trying to get a handle on who's going where!

Wife and I are planning for just the two LA dates right now. But we might go for Bill Graham as well (or in place of Shrine) if there's many forumites there too.

And maybe we should coordinate where we're sitting at Greek Theater? Anything closer than the C seats seem good.
Last Edit: Dec 04, 2018, 01:57 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

I am planning on attending all 3 shows. I'm going to try and persuade my wife to join me for The Greek show but it will depend on whether we can find someone to watch the studio for the days she'd be gone.

I'm looking at A or B for The Greek. It will ultimately depend on price.
I will also be transport-less in California and would definitely be up for sharing some driving or something if that was a plan for anyone? I'd be looking to drive up to San Francisco instead of fly. Then fly out, back to P-town.

C is the farthest I would like to go out but A sounds about perfect! gonna hit up all three shows but will pay the most for the greek.

as for the SF show, I wanna drive too over there but would love to rideshare as well.

EDIT: i know everybody already has seating preferences but I dont mind getting together with the rest of you.
Last Edit: Dec 03, 2018, 21:08 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Im gonna see how funds are with regards to how many I purchase, as I am currently going solo (gf is possibly tied up with work during that time). Currently gonna buy 2 per show just in case an extra ends up being needed.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Greek, might end up in the South or North Terraces, if the prices aren't bad and I can get ones close to the B section that still have good sight lines. Or B or A. All depends on the cost.
Never for money, always for love.

I would like to attend all of them, but Dr. Leo Marvin has advised me, "baby steps".

Hey midwest folk, anyone give any thought to driving this thing? Sure it's time consuming and sounds just plain exhausting, but I think we could save some serious Chemical Cash if planned out correctly.

Chemical Route 66 Caravan, ASSEMBLE!!!

Seriously though, it's my goal to at least make it out for San Francisco.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 04, 2018, 03:24
Hey midwest folk, anyone give any thought to driving this thing? Sure it's time consuming and sounds just plain exhausting, but I think we could save some serious Chemical Cash if planned out correctly.
Been doing the math on this!

Basically, flights are easier, and unless we get 5+ people in a vehicle, flights are cheaper too.

At 30 mpg average, taking the most direct route, it's going to be about $320 for gas, round trip. It's a 30 hour drive, you could either drive 3 days 2 nights for 10 hours of driving a day, or 2 days 1 night for 15 (oof) hours of driving a day. Gonna go for 2 days 1 night just to have the cheapest solution.

Round trip for 4 people = $80 in gas split per person, 2 nights of cheap $60 hotels ($30 per person if it's 2 to a room) and 4 days of food expenses (say $15 per person per day), would make it $200 per person total.

ORD-LAX flights are $212 round trip right now, and they'll probably get down to $130-$180 in February / March (flights are cheapest 3 months out). So, about the same or better price, for a 4 hour flight vs a 40 hour drive.

Now 5 people on the road trip would = $148, and 6 would = $133, which might beat out the flight prices. But you've got to consider the extra days off work, since the drive will take 2 days there and 2 days back.

Wife and I are still seriously considering a road trip - it's been a dream of hers to drive out west with no plans, maps or navigation, just find what we find by street signs alone until we hit the coast - but also that for us would have to be just a couples thing and we wouldn't be able to join in on a group trip out :/
Never for money, always for love.

I will be there for the Los Angeles shows and a good chance (not positive) the San Francisco show. Turns out on the SF date Inhave a family event in Los Angeles that I might be obligated to go to since it's the first gathering since my dad passed away. Might be able to skip out early, in which case we will fly to San Francisco rather than drive.

Edited to add - looking at my calendar, my family event actually is morning after the SF show. Its going to be a tight squeeze but it may be doable. My husband may divorce me for bringing him on this wild goose chase, though!  :P
Last Edit: Dec 04, 2018, 14:54 by whirlygirl
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

This (slightly disgruntled) Canadian is planning to attend all 3 (Yes, 3!) shows. It's the first time in a long time where I can plan ahead and have the money to attend.

Enjoyed - I was thinking the same thing for the trip from LA to SF in terms of shared driving.
Last Edit: Dec 04, 2018, 15:52 by rynostar
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Got them! I'm in A The left box. And on that box, I'm on the exact right corner

Section AR T 2!

For those having trouble doing the code thing, go to your email where your access code is located, now click on 'ticket access code'. You should now see your code! Took me a while to figure it out!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

B Left Centre A105

And also got GA for the other shows meaning...the presale code may work for all. Mind you I only bought three altogether.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: rynostar on Dec 04, 2018, 18:16

B Left Centre A105

BLC A 101 & 103!


And yeah, the pre-sale worked for all of the shows.
Got GA for the other two.

Last Edit: Dec 04, 2018, 22:46 by Enjoyed

AXS does not like my credit card, so will have to try again another time

looks like presale codes only worked for about 20-25 mins after presale onsale
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having trouble getting tickets for Shrine. Site says forbidden

EDIT: it's working now. Got my shrine ticket

Quote from: androidgeoff on Dec 04, 2018, 18:28

looks like presale codes only worked for about 20-25 mins after presale onsale

my code worked for both shows! Tickets for both my shows were ordered 37 minutes apart!
Last Edit: Dec 04, 2018, 19:12 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

If anyone got an extra GA for Shrine, hit me up and I can Venmo.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 04, 2018, 06:56

Been doing the math on this!

LOL, thanks dude! But what about the Journey! Nobody can put a price tag on the JOURNEY!!! For instance,  we could stop in Colorado for that Rocky Mountain High, and then make a pit-Stop in Vegas and gamble away our entire trip. Only to be saved by Nicolas Cage in dire need of some dank weed (which is all we have left). He agrees to get us to LA on his private plane, and we are sooo late to the Shrine show, we have to parachute down to the roof of the venue. Only to be greeted by security, but saved from arrest because Nic's cousin Sofia Coppola (Elektrobank girl) is there to escort us to backstage of the show. Just like the Movies!

You're right though, flying (even via multi-destination) is more affordable, and less taxing.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Dec 04, 2018, 14:49

I will be there for the Los Angeles shows and a good chance (not positive) the San Francisco show. Turns out on the SF date Inhave a family event in Los Angeles that I might be obligated to go to since it's the first gathering since my dad passed away. Might be able to skip out early, in which case we will fly to San Francisco rather than drive.

Edited to add - looking at my calendar, my family event actually is morning after the SF show. Its going to be a tight squeeze but it may be doable. My husband may divorce me for bringing him on this wild goose chase, though!  :P

I too have family events around that time and I completely understand when family comes priority. I'm happy though to be dancing with you at the Shrine event. It's been along time. The only difference from that last show we went to is that ED IS BACK!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: androidgeoff on Dec 04, 2018, 19:19

If anyone got an extra GA for Shrine, hit me up and I can Venmo.

same. got my heart set on going to this show.

Damn any venue that has assigned seating, yet issues you a random seat in the section you choose.

It's important!
Never for money, always for love.

Wish I'd gotten in on the presale faster. Section BRC, row T, seats 112 and 114. Still gonna be great, happy to be centered... a liiiiitle closer would have been best!
Never for money, always for love.

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