
Mellow Chemical

Started by Shotglass75, Apr 23, 2019, 02:14

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Does anyone have a link to a good playlist or track listing of all things mellow on the Chemical side of things? Looking for songs like Surface to Air, Snow, Wide Open, Asleep From Day, etc. 

Has anyone ever made an all mellow Chemical mix at all?

Sometimes I want to listen to Chemical Brothers in the car with my 16 month old, and for some reason I don't think Horse Power, Come With Us, Believe, etc will necessarily be the right vibe for him (not yet, anyways)  ;-)

The brothers put together When You Start Hating You're Out of Control in 2012, which is mostly mellow stuff.
Last Edit: Apr 23, 2019, 20:44 by Enjoyed


"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

That's what I said!

Have you ever tried Lemon Jelly? I've always associated their music with light and good feelings, and thought it would be good to play to a child/baby. Just about any of their albums would work well.

I would suggest Avalanches, but I'm sure you know already. Plus, each of their albums has their trippy moments where I could see frightening a kid (hey, but sometimes thats good, it will give your kid depth!).

If you want to stick to chems, I guess this would be my list:

Close Your Eyes
Surface To Air
The Golden Path
Hanna's Theme
Salmon Dance
One Too Many Mornings
Das Spiegel
If You Kling to Me I'll Klong to You
Otter Rock
Marvo Ging
Wide Open
The Pills Wont Help You Now (lyrics are a bit strange, but your kid is too young to pick up on that)
Nude Night (for non-abrasive uptempo track. But then you risk your kid turning into a nudist and or streaker)

And then if you just want to make yourself cry when your around your child, you always got Cat Stevens:

Last Edit: Apr 24, 2019, 20:23 by Bosco

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 24, 2019, 20:17

Have you ever tried Lemon Jelly? I've always associated their music with light and good feelings, and thought it would be good to play to a child/baby. Just about any of their albums would work well.

I second this. Though maybe stick to .KY & Lost Horizons to begin with. '64-'95 has some louder moments (the first note of Come Down On Me) and is a little more frenetic than the previous albums.

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 24, 2019, 20:17

Have you ever tried Lemon Jelly? I've always associated their music with light and good feelings, and thought it would be good to play to a child/baby. Just about any of their albums would work well.

I would suggest Avalanches, but I'm sure you know already. Plus, each of their albums has their trippy moments where I could see frightening a kid (hey, but sometimes thats good, it will give your kid depth!).

If you want to stick to chems, I guess this would be my list:

Close Your Eyes
Surface To Air
The Golden Path
Hanna's Theme
Salmon Dance
One Too Many Mornings
Das Spiegel
If You Kling to Me I'll Klong to You
Otter Rock
Marvo Ging
Wide Open
The Pills Wont Help You Now (lyrics are a bit strange, but your kid is too young to pick up on that)
Nude Night (for non-abrasive uptempo track. But then you risk your kid turning into a nudist and or streaker)

And then if you just want to make yourself cry when your around your child, you always got Cat Stevens:

PERFECT!  Thanks!

And my kid is already a nudist and a streaker ;-)

I just had a lightbulb moment: I only noticed now "When you start hating, you're out of control" is the lyrics at the end of One Too Many Mornings.

Loving the suggestions of songs for a Mellow playlist.  Whipped one up yesterday and it's great. 

Got me thinking, wonder if the Chems would ever do a tour of a more intimate nature consisting of their softer songs?  I think that would be something really cool to witness. Not that the bangers aren't amazing in their own right. But it would be interesting to hear what they could do with the softer songs and how they would transition them all together.  What they did with Snow/Surface by far is one of the most brilliant things I think they've done live.  Imagine 90 minutes of THAT feeling?!?!?!

Maybe this should be in the "Live" section.

Underworld were talking about doing something similar a few years back. It never came to be, but I can totally see a space for it.
They have a bit of a larger 'downtempo' catalogue than The Chems but I think in the right environment it could be really interesting to see some of the more mellow tunes get a live tweaking.

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 26, 2019, 14:22

I just had a lightbulb moment: I only noticed now "When you start hating, you're out of control" is the lyrics at the end of One Too Many Mornings.

This came up on the Forum FB page back in August 2017 when someone asked "where the talking sample at the end of One Too Many Mornings is from". We still don't have a definitive answer as to where it is sampled from, although I suggested Quadrophenia or Eastenders at the time. I've watched Quadrophenia since then and it's not from there. We know from an interview from the time they were making EPD that they were sampling stuff off the TV. So I suspect it's either Eastenders or some other UK TV programme that may now be lost in the sands of time...

Surrender - that seemed to do the trick when my son was around that age. He also liked Private Psychedelic Reel (his "blue song"). We listened to other stuff too of course, but those were staples in the car which is where we listened to most of our shared music on our way to wherever, together. He's 21 now and there's been a lot of Chems music released since then - I'm a bit envious you have so much more to choose from The Chems catalog to share with your little one at that age!! ❤️
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 26, 2019, 21:30

Underworld were talking about doing something similar a few years back. It never came to be, but I can totally see a space for it.
They have a bit of a larger 'downtempo' catalogue than The Chems but I think in the right environment it could be really interesting to see some of the more mellow tunes get a live tweaking.

90 minute rendition of 8 ball
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 27, 2019, 22:51

This came up on the Forum FB page back in August 2017 when someone asked "where the talking sample at the end of One Too Many Mornings is from". We still don't have a definitive answer as to where it is sampled from, although I suggested Quadrophenia or Eastenders at the time. I've watched Quadrophenia since then and it's not from there. We know from an interview from the time they were making EPD that they were sampling stuff off the TV. So I suspect it's either Eastenders or some other UK TV programme that may now be lost in the sands of time...
I always thought it was something like "Will you stop hiding"

Chico's Groove
One Too Many Mornings
Alive Alone
If You Kling To Me, I'll Klong To You
Where Do I Begin (until the power drill badassness)
Asleep From Day
Dream On
The State We're In
Pioneer Skies
Close Your Eyes
Surface To Air
Das Spiegel
The Pills Won't Help You Now
Wonders Of The Deep
Wide Open
No Geography
Catch Me I'm Falling
Hanna's Theme

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