So We Rollin' With the Chemicals and We Got the New Sound

May I have a word with you, Ed, Tom?

Started by Csar, Jun 28, 2015, 21:58

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Well, I am a bit at a loss after I read this Guardian interview this morning..

It starts off as a really insightful and different article as opposed to the ususal standard q&a when a new record is about to be released. But then, all of a sudden, some sort of awkward atmosphere arises that put a huge damper on my pre-release excitement and soured my morning.
Ed makes some eerie statements about his outlook on his musical career and shows all sorts of tiredness and exhaustion with his musical past which might point to a possible... aw... can't even think that.... "divorce" ?? He keeps mentioning how hard it is to keep being excited and even (comically?) asking himself whether he's still "in" the band... Argh, I don't want to sound like a stupid pessimistic fanboy or anything but this sort of frightens me a bit. Especially phrases like this:
He's not sure if this marks a permanent retirement but it's disconcerting for both of them. "I'm friends with the Chemical Brothers on Facebook," says Simons. "I'm in the Chemical Brothers! And I see the dates coming up and I'm like, Am I?" He does a double-take. "No. It's heartbreaking, really."
Ed, Tom! As both of you analyzed in that article that today's electronic music (or EDM, urgh) often times sounds too boring, too generic or lacks that special something, losing you guys would therefore mean a great loss of originality in that "type" genre - if there's a genre at all to put you in! I don't even want to ponder over the idea you both could leave us behind with Benni Benassi, David Guetta, Avicii and others of that ilk. You've brought something special to the table that has, to this day, been unmatched. Nobody does music like you do. It's that special sound, this passion for weird, unusual noises and the meticulousness of your producing that has always attracted me and made me keep following this musical roadtrip to this day. Your live shows are unparalleled, too.  It's rarely seen that electronic artists expend so much effort to tweak and experiement with their album material for live shows that way that it almost never sounds as heard on the records.
You've made a musical impression that would be dearly missed (and needed) if it were to be ended so abruptly. I'm totally aware that keeping up such a long-term relationship isn't the easiest thing and causes frictions along the way. But maybe you could consider to do it the oldschool way like our grandmas and -pas did: Staying together no matter what? :)
Hopefully this is just false alarm and I'm interpreting too much into it... What's weird, though, is, I accidentally watched a video about a teen band's loss of a member the other day. While most of the commenters were mocking the pathetic fan reactions, I kept thinking to myself what it would feel like if one of my favorite bands split up?

To conclude on a funnier note, I now realize why Ed, as miloco2forum, had replied to my comment in 2007 when I mentioned that I felt the BBC take of Do It Again was a bit too long (that 7+ min version)   :))
Last Edit: Jun 28, 2015, 22:33 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The way I see it, Ed just needed some time away, and I'm sure he will come back to touring :)

Ed just needs a hug. He said he might be able to come out for some shows, so hopefully he'll swing by on California dates, not as a spectator.

Edit: What caught me off guard was his statement "It's quite difficult to see how it can keep being rewarding and exciting". I guess Ed is ready to find his own path, whereas Tom is producing for other artists. I'm happy Ed is pursuing academics, but he knows that the Chemical train will be coming to its last stop, and when it does stop, he wants to be prepared to get off for his destination.

And its good for Ed to do his own thing, however, even though he sounds a little unmotivated, I think he's able to pull out one more album after BITE!

Last Edit: Jun 29, 2015, 16:49 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Eddy boy will come back, more fresh than ever. And who knows, with Adam included this time on the touring, we can maybe get to see a cool performance with Tom, Ed and Adam rocking the place with a new psychedelic experience, like all tours but turn up to 20 this time, sounds crazy but it could be fun watching the three brothers up there playing with the synths back and forth  :))

First post in the new forum!!

And... yes... also a little dismayed about the article...


I miss Ed.

Quote from: Nekcore on Jun 30, 2015, 01:19

maybe get to see a cool performance with Tom, Ed and Adam rocking the place with a new psychedelic experience, like all tours but turn up to 20 this time, sounds crazy but it could be fun watching the three brothers up there playing with the synths back and forth  :))

I swear if I see all 3 of them on stage....'head explodes'
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

They won't split, just not always do everything together. Like Silicone Soul. It works great IMO

Quote from: Ben_j on Jun 29, 2015, 15:05

The way I see it, Ed just needed some time away, and I'm sure he will come back to touring :)

I agree and I am pleased that he has done so,  good to see that he is doing his only thing and feeling that he is not a slave to  the music. I think it's really positive, it keeps things fresh (eg Adams involvement) and I also think it's a positive thing for the longevity of the band. 

I wondered what would change in the live set up, but a lot seems similar, I wonder how Adams input will effect furture tours?

I didn't really think this article was a bad one, it probed deeper than many and was good to get the thoughts of the brothers.  I also think that this shows how much Ed and Tom wish to continue working together and are doing everything they can to continue, whilst also going in individual directions.

In one radio interview Tom said that Ed will back into tour.
Hi Kevin!

First post in the new forum :)

But all this reminds of the Come with us era when all the rumours were abound that they were breaking up. I dont believe it to be true. Ed just needed a break and sounds like he's now regretting his choice to step back.....

Ed has got himself a day job! ;)

I know the article seems a bit alarming, but it's something that needed to be said. It's not the first time Ed's departure from the live circuit was mentioned. It's just that this article is new, and therefore solidified. The live aspect is such a huge part of what they do,  I won't pretend it's not a little weird to see the shows go on without Ed. He is proud of his work with the Chemical Brothers and he felt it was time for him to evolve and do something that was just for him (expanding his academic horizons.) He has been at these academic pursuits for a few years now. For now the current platform (Ed in the studio, Tom spearheading the tunes on the road) is their way of finding balance between having musical careers and  creating needed space for academic pursuits. It is a dynamic they created  that seems to work right now,  and I respect that. 
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Jun 30, 2015, 14:34

Ed has got himself a day job! ;)

What's he doing? Selling ladders? Giving workshops on how to perform really really cool an stage?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

The articel indeed was a great read and a good contrast to lots of banal artist interviews you often get during those release phases! I was just not prepared to learn that the band's future had been or still is a bit fragile. With Ed mentioning his difficulty to (still?!?) gain excitement from what they do was just (selfishly) terrifying to read - as an outsider. But of course, I can understand and totally respect the search for personal progression and development, trying to find something else in your life which makes you happy and challenges your mind, getting out of the humdrum sort of things.
It did hit me hard, though, for a moment or two.
That said, I hope Ed will be able to squeeze in some future studio and live performance time with his new day job as a some-kind-of-doctor (he refused to unveil his doctorate). Maybe on weekends?  :D
Last Edit: Jun 30, 2015, 20:53 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 30, 2015, 19:58

What's he doing? Selling ladders? Giving workshops on how to perform really really cool an stage?

No... No no no. Selling sandwiches! Duh! ;)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Sandwiches? Wat chu talkin about Willis?  This is gonna confuse casual readers! ???

It seems to me, looking through Ed's 'favourites' and the accounts he follows on Twitter  that Psychology is his thing.  I get the impression that he submitted his most recent  work/dissertation shortly before Glastonbury, but I guess it wouldn't have made sense to disrupt Adam (who appears to be getting the excitement that Ed seeks).  I'm not sure I'd want Ed as a shrink though (not that I'm looking). If anything, Tom seems to be the more sanguine and patient out of the two of them.

Also wouldn't it be weird if you turned up to Ed's practice telling him you'd fried your brains on drugs in the years since hearing the lyrics of Star Guitar? What would he say, the pills won't help you now? (but thanks for buying the records).

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 01, 2015, 01:21

Also wouldn't it be weird if you turned up to Ed's practice telling him you'd fried your brains on drugs in the years since hearing the lyrics of Star Guitar? What would he say, the pills won't help you now? (but thanks for buying the records).

I can see Ed taking his profession very seriously. I would make an appointment and knock on his office door and come in.

Ed: So what brings you here today?
Inchem: it's me inchem from the forum! I luv the chemical brothers and I just heard born in the...
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

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