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"Hacienda House Party" NOW (until midnight UK time)

Started by Wolkenkrabber, Apr 11, 2020, 11:43

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Shaun Ryder has turned into the real life version of Uncle Fester

At some point YouTube decided to get arsy about "policy violations" on a live DJ feed (!). They really do need a kick in the nuts. But it was possible to continue streaming via a pinned tweet (fullscreen on TV), and Facebook too, I hear.

Anyone catch Paul Hartnoll? Not so much a live DJ set as an hour long solo Orbital gig from that studio/practice room where we've seen Orbital before (with the white board and all those synths). Unfortunately the set doesn't appear to be on YT now, probably due to the above mentioned "policy violations" bullshit. I'm feeling Starsky Carr's pain now!
Also really enjoyed Jon DaSilva's DJ set. Which included this recent banger:

I'll getcha a link to the Orbital set when Badger (Orbital's obsessive archivist) releases it - alternatively join the Orbital Facebook group.

Hey. I'll post a series of Orbital's best live recordings sometime or something. There's some truly amazing ones out there.
Last Edit: Apr 12, 2020, 14:59 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Ah here we go. The whole 12 hour day in an embedded Vimeo. I don't know how to go to the source Vimeo page and then embed that vimeo here. So eh, just click below and Paul Hartnoll is at the 3 Hour mark. Jon DaSilva is the DJ set immediately before him.
Manchester Evening News

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