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Peeing with the Stars

Started by Ben_j, Jan 28, 2021, 11:32

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I was just listening to a podcast where the subject turned to "weird and memorable encounters with stars". And I realised I had a few of my own that are worth sharing. I'm sure some of you have too.

Starting with the one that inspired the topic title:
I went to the Rex Club in Paris to see Modeselektor, along with some other DJs, including SBTRKT (that's important for what follows). I love Modeselektor and after the Chems and Amon Tobin, they have to be the band I saw the most. They played the Rex Club a lot, so I'm not sure of when it was, but I think it was in 2010. I have no real recollection of the night itself, but I remember very clearly when I went to the bathroom to take a whiz, Gernot Bronsert (half of Modeselektor) arrived in the urinal next to mine. Being quite drunk, I started chatting with him, telling him random stuff: that he looks a bit like my brother, and that I was pissed at SBTRKT because since my stage name was SBRK, when you search for "SBRK" on google or soundcloud or whatever, it got corrected to SBTRKT. It was not a very constructive discussion, and it ended with a very unflattering selfie of both of us drunk, with the flash in our faces and the urinals on the back.

EDIT: after digging for the photo, it was indeed in november 2010
Last Edit: Jan 28, 2021, 11:38 by Ben_j

When I am at a urinal, I do not look at other people, so by Schrodinger's Cat logic I could have peed next to any and all celebrities!
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

To somewhat relate to your peeing story...

When I was younger my family and friends used to go to downtown Chicago every Thanksgiving weekend to welcome in the holiday season. Any who, several years back we were walking down Michigan Avenue which is the main thoroughfare for retail and tourist type destinations in Chicago. I had to duck out to take a piss and we stumbled across the Hard Rock Hotel. I walked through the lobby and found the mens room and proceed to relieve myself in an empty bathroom. Halfway through, in comes a guy checking himself in the mirror and vocally harmonizing. I finish up and go to the sink to wash up and see that it's a short black dude with silver hair in some fancy attire. Dude looks exactly like, Sisqo. I get star struck, and quickly dry my hands and leave the bathroom.

To this day, I have no clue if it was Sisqo or not, I just wish I had the balls to sing "ThongThongThongThongThonggggg" upon my exit.

Dunno if this counts or if it really was him, but back in 2010, I flew on a plane to Minnesota for a vacation at the Mall of America. Across the Isle was Welven Da Great (AKA the Deez Nuts guy) obviously before he was famous since vine wasn't even a thought yet.
Dude had the most contagious laughter, I didn't know if I was even laughing at the comedy (it was Date Night with Steve Carell and Tina Fey) they were playing on the plane, or his laugh.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

I shared a joint with Anthony Jeselnik once. Does that count?

Oh, I also shared a bowl of weed with James Ford, half of Simian Mobile Disco.

I'm bringing the topic back to peeing.

I went to the restroom before Animal Collective took to the stage at a weird, seemingly accidentally booked, church hall venue in Bristol. As I'm zipping up and coming out of the urinal area, Panda Bear steps out of one of the stalls. I nearly bump into him. I say nothing because I'm  a shy, college-age, super-fan. But I do notice that the man leaves the bathroom without even so much as a glance towards the sink. Dude could have peed in the urinal, or laid down an animal sized pre-show dump. I'll never know. But I will think twice about shaking his hand if I'm ever to cross paths with him again.

My idols do not pee and do not poo poo.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: MadPooter on Jan 29, 2021, 07:15

I shared a joint with Anthony Jeselnik once. Does that count?

Oh, I also shared a bowl of weed with James Ford, half of Simian Mobile Disco.

Yooo I remember you telling me about the James Ford one, I can vouch for this one
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jan 29, 2021, 03:15

Across the Isle was Welven Da Great (AKA the Deez Nuts guy) obviously before he was famous since vine wasn't even a thought yet.
??? so you noticed him, then years later when he did become famous you remembered seeing him on a plane?
Live:Point Depot Dublin 1999 Creamfields Ireland 2001 Witness Festival 2002  Marlay Park Dublin 2005 Electric Picnic 2007 Longitude Dublin 2015 Alexandra Palace 2018 3Arena Dublin 2018 Musgrave Park Cork 2023 3Arena Dublin 2023
DJ: Printworks 2022

Some of us were held against our will after a certain Chemical Brothers concert and forced to drink beer and eat pizza with a select few people we hold in high regard .

I won't name names, but the people in charge seemed to get a power trip from it.

They even branded several of our belongings to commemorate the night.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 13, 2021, 07:00

Some of us were held against our will after a certain Chemical Brothers concert and forced to drink beer and eat pizza with a select few people we hold in high regard .

I won't name names, but the people in charge seemed to get a power trip from it.

They even branded several of our belongings to commemorate the night.

But was there any urine?

Quote from: gavin35 on Feb 08, 2021, 22:10

??? so you noticed him, then years later when he did become famous you remembered seeing him on a plane?
his laugh and mannerisms is very similar from some of his videos. again I still dunno if it WAS him. it was 10 years ago.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Enjoyed on Feb 14, 2021, 04:41

But was there any urine?

Ur[a]-in[e]-grate for asking such a question

As soon as they were cuing up the 'golden path' to commence the ceremonial golden showers, we escaped their clutches.

...okay I'm done.

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