
Embarrising albums you've bought recently

Started by Mob1, Aug 23, 2015, 03:46

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Yeah we're all cool because we're into underground EDM and all... but stil we're vulnerable. I mean the albums you need to hide if you're driving with another person.
This year I bought;

  • Taylor's Swift - 1989 deluxe edition(it includes tay tay pictures..). BTW, what do you Americans think about this girl? I think I love her.
  • Lorde - Pure Heroine. Fucking love it!!
  • Jamie XX - In Colour. I thought it was neutrallish, till my girlfriend saw it and said "can you please change that fuckin gay cd please" and actually it's pretty gay, ever seen the cover guys? (NOTHINGS THAT'S WRONG WITH THAT). I like it a lot and still listen to it at night
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I wouldn't hide any of my Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Charlie XCX or Justin Timberlake CDs.
Perfect pop should be appreciated.

Woah, I've got that Jamie XX album. Whether it appears to be 'gay' or not, it's an interesting album.  With the exception of "I Know There's Gonna Be Good Times", I'm playing this a lot and would be happy to say so in any company.  I wish the album was longer.
Still waiting for the John Talabot Dub of Loud Places to get a proper release. It's coming soon (along with the Loud Synths reconstruction).


Hmmm. Haven't got any albums that are embarrising - at least bought in the past 15 years. But i got a couple of records which i first like a lot but after buying them i found out that they are overrated and/or i don't like them anymore (like the latest St. Vincent, except for Digital Whitness which is still a great track).
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Probably Astro Lounge by Smash Mouth. Fuck it, I am not embarrassed. The production quality is outstanding. Eric Valentine!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh recent ones...
I dunno, I don't buy too much music as I am happy with what I already have. Technically, BITE would be the most embarrassing recent purchase.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Access Memories by Daft Punk, because it was just four bucks on Google Music. It is as boring as I remembered it. Contact is the only good track on it (and it is really, really good!).

Quote from: Stefan on Aug 23, 2015, 19:50

Random Access Memories by Daft Punk, because it was just four bucks on Google Music. It is as boring as I remembered it. Contact is the only good track on it (and it is really, really good!).

Really? With the exception of Get Lucky, I quite like this as a pop record. Totally different to the brilliance of Homework, much better than Human After All.

Quote from: ACIDCHILDREN on Aug 23, 2015, 21:41

Really? With the exception of Get Lucky, I quite like this as a pop record. Totally different to the brilliance of Homework, much better than Human After All.

I have to disagree. I never thought I'd say it, but Human After All is NOT the worst Daft Punk album. (Especially when you hear the songs in the context of Alive 2007).
The production was heralded as being modern meets retro (as if that was something new in 2013) but it really wasn't. It was cleanly recorded, sure. And produced so that you could hear everything. So in that sense it was a modern take on classic recording techniques. But JT's 20/20 Experience is a FAR better example of a modern spin on older production styles.
I mean... Touch. What the actual f*ck is that 'song'? It's literally the most garbage thing I've ever heard.  "A room within a room. A door within a door. Touch, where do you lead?"... It's horrible and almost undid the solid work of the first two albums. Fortunately TRON exists to save their reputation for me. And I simply pretend R.A.M. never happened.
I'm with Stefan. Most embarrassing purchase in a LONG time.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 23, 2015, 23:32

R.A.M. never happened.
I went to the 2007 tour and nothing compares to the greatness experienced there. I want to die with those Daft Punk memories.
I have the RAM LP but will never listen to it. There's only downside to that IMHO.

Daft Punk is like Prodigy to me. The first half of their career (Homework/Disc/HAA) was good and they peaked at HAA. Everything since has been not my style. TRON soundtrack was a 60 minute song to me. I have bad opinions, but they are my opinions.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 23, 2015, 23:32

I have to disagree. I never thought I'd say it, but Human After All is NOT the worst Daft Punk album. (Especially when you hear the songs in the context of Alive 2007).

It's subjective to the individual which one is the worst, I agree however that Human After All is NOT 😋 the worst, the Tron stuff was poor. I agree that Human After All worked in the live context, I was fortunate enough to see them twice in that year/tour, it is a shame however that the album wasn't very broad and just 45 minutes long.

No one has seen Random Access Memories in the live context, but the likes of Doin' it right, Give life back to music and Giorgio by Moroder (stand out track featuring a synth legend) have potential to be great live. Don't get me wrong however, this album isn't vintage house and techno that would dropped in the Berghain or Fabric, nor is it a patch on Homework, but it's certainly very musical and good pop music.

Certainly agree with androidgeoff reference the Prodigy, however live a they have never lost the edge.

I wasn't including Doin' It Right. That's an excellent tune.

It's Panda Bear featuring Daft Punk though. It has to be for me to be OK what went down.

I've noticed that everybody on planet Earth seems to have a different opinion on which songs on RAM were good and which were shit. I think it's cause the album is such a clusterfuck, nobody knows what to make of it. Personally, I think Doin' it Right is the worst song they've ever done. It's just this really obnoxious beat that repeats constantly for 4 minutes with little change or interesting detail. I think the most overlooked song on the album is Motherboard. It doesn't have a lot of presence on the album cause it's just kinda quiet and uses a lot of basic sounds, but it's the only song on the album with any subtleties, and it stands out if you give it a chance.
The devil is in the details

In my opinion R.A.M. is not per se a bad album but it is certainly something that confused a lot their fans, which it did on purpose, I reckon. If one leaves out the genre they were put in, or which they had adhered to since their inception, it seemed like a clever move to prove all the fans' expectations wrong that were involved with their then new new record. But it was also unsettling to hear how it actually went down. With all the marketing and teasing they did (remember that space ship clip?), the outcome then was just too mellow, too popy, too inflated, too unchallenging. However, in all fairness, it still has the Daft trademark sound that was established in their previous, more electronic oriented albums, so it wasn't a total deviation from their musical character.
Songs I liked are Game of Love, Gorgio by Moroder, Doin' It Right and Contact. The one I utterly hate is Fragments of Time and Lose Yourself to Dance.

Quote from: Bendy1001 on Aug 24, 2015, 07:25

I think Doin' it Right is the worst song they've ever done. It's just this really obnoxious beat that repeats constantly for 4 minutes with little change or interesting detail.
You see, that's the overall problem I have with Daft Punk as a whole - their repetitiveness. They often have nice ideas and come up with interesting loops which they then beat like dead horse with out adding much to it or shaking it up a little. Robot Rock is one of those tracks. Nice idea but it gets tedious after a while.

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 23, 2015, 03:46

  • Taylor's Swift - 1989 deluxe edition(it includes tay tay pictures..). BTW, what do you Americans think about this girl? I think I love her.
Well, I'm not American, but I say this: I do not like her musical style, I'm afraid. In fact I view this kind of sound as highschool (hollywood movie) music for teens. Or in other words: music turned into a cash cow business scheme. But that seems en vogue at the moment (looking at the ridiculous amounts of YT views).

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 23, 2015, 03:46

  • Jamie XX - In Colour. I thought it was neutrallish, till my girlfriend saw it and said "can you please change that fuckin gay cd please" and actually it's pretty gay, ever seen the cover guys? (NOTHINGS THAT'S WRONG WITH THAT). I like it a lot and still listen to it at night
I accidentally looked this guy up when I followed a bill board Dance/Electronic charts link here on the forums. I haven't listened to the album yet but "All Under One Roof" I found on YT (which apparently is a bonus track) sounded better than anything else I could find at the top of these charts, like Major Lazer (wtf?) or Odesza.
Last Edit: Aug 24, 2015, 09:17 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

There's nothing to be ashamed of with the Jamie XX album ! It's one of the best albums of the last 5 years

Contact is another decent track, I can't say I'm big on Motherboard, in my view it's a nice piece of none offensive music. I do think that with both Daft and the Prod, due to fantastic albums early on everyone has very high expectations.

Quote from: Csar on Aug 24, 2015, 08:48

Well, I'm not American, but I say this: I do not like her musical style, I'm afraid. In fact I view this kind of sound as highschool (hollywood movie) music for teens. Or in other words: music turned into a cash cow business scheme. But that seems en vogue at the moment (looking at the ridiculous amounts of YT views).
I accidentally looked this guy up when I followed a bill board Dance/Electronic charts link here on the forums. I haven't listened to the album yet but "All Under One Roof" I found on YT (which apparently is a bonus track) sounded better than anything else I could find at the top of these charts, like Major Lazer (wtf?) or Odesza.
I wasn't talking about her music... You're right anyway. It's like the new Britney though a lot less trashy.  But one of the thing I admire most about her, her insane money making abilities. She's just 25 and I wouldn't be surprised she's worth around $250-350m.

Jamie XX is the shit, ever heard of The XX, his band? they were really popular a couple of years ago. Their first album was awesome I really recommend it. and the single he released alone in all those years was an instant classic it was called Far Nearer. 
But his album is pretty gay, check out the cover.
NOT that there's anything wrong with that.

OK another embarrassing album i bought... Sunscreem -  Love U More.
it's kinda archetypal British cyberpunk girl band from the 90s, like Republicca and early Garbage
Last Edit: Aug 24, 2015, 10:14 by Mob1

Most embarrassing album I've bought recently is Ballet School's The Dew Lasts An Hour. Debut album. And it's only embarrassing because it's just not quite as good as the stuff they put out before the album. They went from doing some really fantastic 80's nostalgia, almost Cocteau Twins style pop, to sleekly produced off-the-shelf Madonna style tracks.

For example here's Heartbeat Overdrive before the album:

and after the album:


And I mean they're both good but I like the direction they were going in before a lot more... at least her voice didn't change. Sploosh.

My thoughts on RAM: I was in Wal-Mart once and thought I heard some of that generic elevator music musak being played over the speakers. It took two full minutes for me to realize I was listening to Bring Life Back To Music. Also Random Access Fhwdgads is a work of genius. I know the guy who sent the original Strong Bad Email that spawned fhwdgads. He went to my school.

I made an edit of RAM that cut all the really crappy tracks out the album. I was going to share it but now I realized no one would agree with what I kept and removed, and the whole thread would derail ;D. Enjoyed, Touch is fantastic. Once you get past the bizarre theatre-musical camp of the whole thing it's a work a genius. The 'love is the answer' coda at the end is one of the best things those French guys have written.

Taylor Swift? She was a breath of fresh air when I didn't have an mp3 player and had to listen to non-stop country music radio on the bus rides to school. She's a bit lacking on substance and I get the same impression as Csar, but it's good for pop music and she has a great voice. I'm not that familiar with her music because I have better stuff to listen to, I guess, and I'll never forgive Taylor for stringing Adam Young along like she did.

And if there's just one grudge I hold against the gays, it's that they stole the rainbow. Rainbows are gay now. The rest of us can't have them any more. That is all.
Last Edit: Aug 24, 2015, 13:09 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Not embarrassed yet, but just raided the cheapie cd bin at the record store a block and a half from my house.  Apparently, I go there a lot, because I think they cut me a deal.  $5.97 got me:

Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists, Gold Against The Soul, and Know Your Enemy
Gomez - Bring It On and Liquid Skin
L7 - The Beauty Process
Ministry - The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste
Orbital - Back To Mine (great selection, so not mixed)
At Home With The Groovebox
Revolution (the two Norman Cook tracks are the highlights.  one is with Lateef)

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