For That Beautiful Feeling

I just listened to BITE for the 1st time in its entirety

Started by Conn6orsuper117, Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

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Wanted to say this but the site was down last night.
I own Born In The Echoes but I don't think I ever sat down to listen to it in it's entirety. Last night for my Wednesday, decided to drop an edible & give it a listen.

WHAT A BLAST, and an experience!!!

OK, I admit it, I now have a new found respect for SIFSD, I used to hate it on it's own but now I see its a package deal when it comes to the whole album.

Go! Same old same old, listen to it a few times in work, Q-Tip returning is always a plus

Why hasn't Under Neon Lights been played live yet? could be a good transition between Star guitar to Eve of destruction or Swoon.

EML Ritual sounds so strange at a lower tempo, since I'm so used to the live versions, dunno if it's intentional but it fits the heavy anxiety "I'm going to lose my mind" trip.

I'll see you there, one of my go to trip songs. I dunno if I'll get a pat on the back or my head in a cake box, but imma say it, this & Taste of honey gives me "Grade S" psychedelic vibes.

Just Bang, very interesting, definitely hear some classic breakbeat breakdance in there.

Reflexion, So Good, heard the live version from my archive many times before. the layout is very similar probably the same if it weren't for it's live filters, but on it's own in studio is it's own monster.

Taste of Honey, I know I said it earlier, but this trips me out, like a weird psychedelic outtake from Yellow Submarine.

BITE I can see it being perfect for invincible, BTW 2:32 & onward: the screams from Pink Floyd Echoes, anybody?

Radiate, love it, I feel like I just dropped into a cinematic Cyberpunk Utopia, doesn't help there's the Vangelis style synths at the 2:50 mark. Jusssssssst-t-t-tt-t Raaa-ddddiiii-aaaaa-t-te-te-te-te-te-te

I've never bothered with album version of Wide Open until last night. I am so disappointed in myself I gone all this time and never listened.

I feel so bad ranking BITE so low in the past. I always tried to listen to these on their own, as if I head the album many times, and I never was phased, but now holy hell, combined, all of these songs are amazing.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Under Neon Lights is such an underrated track.
Agreed, a live version would be fantastic to hear one day

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

Taste of Honey, I know I said it earlier, but this trips me out, like a weird psychedelic outtake from Yellow Submarine.
This is a top 5 track from the album for me. A lot of people perhaps didn't like it because it reminds them of the stinky This Is Not A Game. But for me it shows how much better you can do with that riff/idea. It's a playful, creative, underrated track which works really well as a more chilled album track.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

BITE I can see it being perfect for invincible, BTW 2:32 & onward: the screams from Pink Floyd Echoes, anybody?
Worst track on the album for me.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

Radiate, love it, I feel like I just dropped into a cinematic Cyberpunk Utopia, doesn't help there's the Vangelis style synths at the 2:50 mark. Jusssssssst-t-t-tt-t Raaa-ddddiiii-aaaaa-t-te-te-te-te-te-te
Some people seem to really like it and others don't seem to care for it at all. Personally I file this under "lovely", even if that makes ne a bit soft.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

I've never bothered with album version of Wide Open until last night. I am so disappointed in myself I gone all this time and never listened.
Love the songwriting, hate the production. Every other version (remixes, live) of this is better than this 'original' version, for me. But the song can nonetheless be appreciated.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 11, 2022, 19:48

I feel so bad ranking BITE so low in the past. I always tried to listen to these on their own, as if I head the album many times, and I never was phased, but now holy hell, combined, all of these songs are amazing.
Oh it's still not as good as many of the other albums. But that doesn't mean that it's bad.

There are a number of tracks on this album that don't quite connect with me, but by and large I do love this album. Reflexion is still one of my favorite Chemical Brothers tracks ever.

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