The Music Gets Louder, The Lights Swirl Faster

2022/09/23 - Live at 1stBank Center - Denver Colorado

Started by Bosco, Jun 01, 2022, 02:42

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Quote from: Bosco on Sep 25, 2022, 07:10

it was my first TPPR, it just took me on my 7th try... ::)

Edit: I know everyone is eager for details, but I'm currently drinking my self silly in the rocky mountains. when I get back to a familiar elevation level I will surely spill my guts about the weekend.

You first TPPR!  :o

I didnt even know you went to the show! Man I can imagine your excitement seeing the Bros live again. I'm happy you made it out of there alive but definitely give me your take of the post-covid show when you emerge from your chemical cocoon.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Flew in from Portland!

Fifth time seeing them since 1995. Might have been the best show yet!!!

Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 26, 2022, 15:28

Flew in from Portland!

Dude! Same! I wonder if we were on the same flight??

I'm also wanting a little more time to formulate a full response to the show. BUT, I will say that it felt like one of the more spiritual experiences all in all. Star Guitar hit on another level, and it normally hits very hard.
The new tracks were brilliant, and I was especially enamored by the visuals for Woo Track (I'm trolling, I thought Woo Track was the other new track, not "Dreaming". Someone can brutally correct me and inform my stupid ass what that first new track is being referred to these days). Easily my favourite new addition since the DYOH sports guys.
Wide Open was interesting. We talked a little about it after the show and I certainly felt, personally, that the build up was too long and a little bit of a vibe killer. It seemed as though T&E felt similarly? Or sensed that things had settled a little. Bosco mentioned it being quiet enough during that part of the set that he could hear people chatting in the audience. I'm definitely curious to hear if it was altered (shortened) at all for the Portola show. The pay off WAS good, but was it worth the full 2 (maybe more?) minutes of build up? I'm not sure.

TPPR will just always be the best way to end the show, huh? I don't think I'd ever want for anything else.

I did think it was a little odd not to hear TDTYF - I have no idea where it would have fit into the set, but it would have been another welcome addition.

Anywho, will process more over the coming days. But I had an amazing time, obviously. I loved the new tracks (having not heard them since the Printworks rips first surfaced), and Star Guitar live remains one of the most transcendental experiences anyone can experience on this earth.

Oh, and it was my first time visiting Denver, Colorado, and meeting Bosco! All of which were very special. One very kindly shared some 13 year old aged cheddar, Rye whiskey, and chatted music, running, samples, food, and all sorts with me into the wee hours of the morning. No clues as to which one of the three it was  ;)
Last Edit: Sep 27, 2022, 07:21 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Enjoyed on Sep 26, 2022, 23:17
Wide Open was interesting. We talked a little about it after the show and I certainly felt, personally, that the build up was too long and a little bit of a vibe killer. It seemed as though T&E felt similarly? Or sensed that things had settled a little. Bosco mentioned it being quiet enough during that part of the set that he could hear people chatting in the audience. I'm definitely curious to hear if it was altered (shortened) at all for the Portola show. The pay off WAS good, but was it worth the full 2 (maybe more?) minutes of build up? I'm not sure.

I can't compare as I was not in Denver, but I felt similar at Portola.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Sep 26, 2022, 23:17

Dude! Same! I wonder if we were on the same flight??

I'm also wanting a little more time to formulate a full response to the show. BUT, I will say that it felt like one of the more spiritual experiences all in all. Star Guitar hit on another level, and it normally hits very hard.
The new tracks were brilliant, and I was especially enamored by the visuals for Woo Track (I'm trolling, I thought Woo Track was the other new track, not "Dreaming". Someone can brutally correct me and inform my stupid ass what that first new track is being referred to these days). Easily my favourite new addition since the DYOH sports guys.
Wide Open was interesting. We talked a little about it after the show and I certainly felt, personally, that the build up was too long and a little bit of a vibe killer. It seemed as though T&E felt similarly? Or sensed that things had settled a little. Bosco mentioned it being quiet enough during that part of the set that he could hear people chatting in the audience. I'm definitely curious to hear if it was altered (shortened) at all for the Portola show. The pay off WAS good, but was it worth the full 2 (maybe more?) minutes of build up? I'm not sure.

TPPR will just always be the best way to end the show, huh? I don't think I'd ever want for anything else.

I did think it was a little odd not to hear TDTYF - I have no idea where it would have fit into the set, but it would have been another welcome addition.

Anywho, will process more over the coming days. But I had an amazing time, obviously. I loved the new tracks (having not heard them since the Printworks rips first surfaced), and Star Guitar live remains one of the most transcendental experiences anyone can experience on this earth.

Oh, and it was my first time visiting Denver, Colorado, and meeting Bosco! All of which were very special. One very kindly shared some 13 year old aged cheddar, Rye whiskey, and chatted music, running, samples, food, and all sorts with me into the wee hours of the morning. No clues as to which one of the three it was  ;)

Any chance you are going to see Front242 Saturday night?

Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:31

Any chance you are going to see Front242 Saturday night?

I actually only know Front 242 from the Underworld remix of Happiness.

My next two planned shows are Daði Freyr and Everything Everything, both at Wonder!

Colorado was a blast, guys!

The general buzz and excitement from this crowd was a feeling I have missed for a long time. What I mean is... we were there for THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS. It's been 15 years since I've seen a headlining, stand alone show. Everything since, has been at a festival.

I must say I was a bit concerned going in knowing that they gave away FREE tickets to fill the venue. Well, concerned and pissed off. I spent ~$100 on my ticket the day pre-sale was available, and while I'm all for my money supporting Tom and Ed, like, where is my loyalty rewarded... That's not to mention they basically did a reverse dynamic ticket pricing up until a couple of days before the show. Then tickets became FREE.

Beyond being frustrated about what I paid, the concern of FREE tickets was risk for it just being a social night out for locals. Which is fine, but sometimes when you're not fully into the band, people tend to be Chatty Cathys and ruin the vibe of the show who might be fully invested. Thankfully that did not become an issue.

Anywho, about the show itself...

This was the first time I went close to stage for a Chems show. I mean I was about 5-10 people deep, basically dead center, it was hard to gauge because there was a lot of shifting from jumping up and down and the disorientation from the up-close visuals. Which ironically be the theme of the night for me. I didn't get to fully enjoy the depth of sound because I had earplugs saving me from deafness (The sound was ULTRA LOUD, and no I'm not old...fuck you, IM NOT OLD!). The trade off was immersive visuals. And damn did I underestimate them.

The confetti during Got To Keep On was quite an amazing experience, and Escape Velocity ball bounce was a riot (tripping balls, anyone?).

MAH, is just a perfect moment in the set. I've never been a huge fan of the track, but the accompanied visuals back when it originally was promoted were always intriguing. When the lights shoot from the finger tips on the drop of the track, my goodness. And the strobe lighting at the front of the stage, up-close n' shit, is SUPER intense.

New songs, fun! Need to chew on them for a bit more myself, but I was riding high on a very positive crowd reaction.

Spaghettio visuals for Star Guitar. I dig it. Spaghettios were nourishment for the better part of my youth and Star Guitar has been nourishment for my soul most of my life, works for me.

Encore... Was hoping they would sneak in a track before TPPR, and with the new tie-dyed merch they are now selling, I think it's TDTYF nod to early 90's like the music video. I kinda thought it would open the Encore. But nope, just TPPR. And it's just as mind blowing from the recordings I have seen prior. I did remove my earplugs for this one, as I've been waiting for this moment for quite awhile. You guys know the visuals, it's PERFECT.

Met a few new faces. One in particular which was long in the making. None other then Mr. Enjoyed, or Pizza Pete, which I'm now crowning him. Super knowledgeable, effortless presence, and obliged to correct himself and say Garage like a true American. I would go on, but a gentlemen never tells  ^-^

Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure Macaulay Culkin dressed in a Canadian tuxedo, attempted to give me belly raspberries.

I'll spare you my stories about my little adventure through Colorado. But I do want to express that it's an awesome place to visit. I encourage anyone not familiar with the area to find a good rental car and get out into the mountain towns. Totally worth it. Really hope The Chems play out there again, because I really want an excuse to go back.

Shoutout to Androidgeoff, who was my traveling bud for the better part of this trip, see ya at King Gizz in a couple of weeks!

Quote from: Bosco on Sep 29, 2022, 08:03

MAH... And the strobe lighting at the front of the stage, up-close n' shit, is SUPER intense.

So much this. Sounds like I was just behind you. Centered maybe 10-15 people back, just enough that the gear wasn't obstructing the screen. Being totally surrounded by those strobing beams and hard hitting beats is something I'm never going to forget and perhaps will stay as my most vivid memory of the whole show, as stiff as the competition is. It was such a moment of ecstacy and release of waiting for this night for months and it being everything I was hoping it to be. Ugh. I was going absolutely ham and it was totally disorienting in the best way possible.

Love your take on the crowd vibe being a headlining show versus a festival set. Everyone there was just so happy to be there and amped up for THEM. It was also far and away the most respectful crowd I've ever been in being that close for this type of music. I'm still grinning thinking about it. I don't mind the free tickets, the crowd was still incredible and it allowed us to bring some people that were on the fence, and ended up saying it was far and away one of the best shows they've ever seen despite not knowing their music at all. Just added to the positive atmosphere that was overflowing.

Also, hey forum. New here but share the same enthusiasm you all do for the brothers. This was my fifth show. Denver 2007, Denver 2010, Chicago 2010, Chicago 2015.

I really hope with the new album comes another tour. I'll absolutely be flying to whatever the smallest market headlining show is, if it's not Denver again.

Quote from: thirtynation on Oct 02, 2022, 17:08

Also, hey forum. New here but share the same enthusiasm you all do for the brothers. This was my fifth show. Denver 2007, Denver 2010, Chicago 2010, Chicago 2015.

I really hope with the new album comes another tour. I'll absolutely be flying to whatever the smallest market headlining show is, if it's not Denver again.

heck yeah! I can see we've been to some of the same shows. Seen everything in Chicago since 2007, but this is my first take in Denver (Broomfield). Before the show, I was basically unofficially making this the last date I travel to, but Colorado was so awesome I need to go back! Honestly, think the venue was perfect and would love if the Chems could make it happen in Broomfield again, but I'm not sure they can make it feasible considering poor ticket sales.

Other option is a return to Red Rocks, which would be need to be announced well in advance as a destination show. But again, need to move tickets and I'm just not sure they can pull it off.

Anywho, happy you enjoyed the show. Stick around! It looks like we're close to some new music announcements. The upcoming DJ dates will give a good clue just how close we are to a new album.

1stBank was an interesting choice since I'm fairly positive the last time they came here they ended up hanging an enormous curtain in the middle of the floor of the Fillmore, forcing everyone to the front half of the venue.  (I know for sure they had to do this for Underworld as well, around that same era.) I'm wondering if they landed on 1stBank, an even bigger venue than the Fillmore, because of how big their screen is now.  I don't think it would fit in the Fillmore.  1stBank and Mission Ballroom may have been the only feasible options.

Red Rocks would be truly next level.  That mini-film about the show there with Fatboy Slim in 1999 was some of my first exposure to them.  I think it would require a pretty huge co-bill though.  9,500 is a LOT of tickets to move.

Quote from: thirtynation on Oct 03, 2022, 01:38

1stBank was an interesting choice since I'm fairly positive the last time they came here they ended up hanging an enormous curtain in the middle of the floor of the Fillmore, forcing everyone to the front half of the venue.  (I know for sure they had to do this for Underworld as well, around that same era.) I'm wondering if they landed on 1stBank, an even bigger venue than the Fillmore, because of how big their screen is now.  I don't think it would fit in the Fillmore.  1stBank and Mission Ballroom may have been the only feasible options.

Red Rocks would be truly next level.  That mini-film about the show there with Fatboy Slim in 1999 was some of my first exposure to them.  I think it would require a pretty huge co-bill though.  9,500 is a LOT of tickets to move.

Capacity is 9500? Jeeze... yeah, I imagine they would struggle to get a third of that filled. Who knows though, if they have quality support ::cough:: Underworld ::cough::, I think they just might draw enough heads to make it work. Fans of these groups know how difficult and rare it is for something like that to happen (especially in the states). "If you build it, they will come", right? But they'd really have to plan it in advance and really get the word out, something I don't think really happened beyond a few social media posts for 1stBank Center.

If Kraftwerk played Red Rocks this summer, I think the Chems could muster something...

All this is noise though. If they are interested in playing America at all, their focus should be to take momentum of last weekend and play Coachella 2023. I know it ain't what it used to be, and it's not gonna get a ton of people here on the forum motivated to go, but there is just so much exposure at that festival unlike any other here in the United States. Then parlay themselves into a booking at Red Rocks. ;D

Been going back and digging into these reviews! So much love!

Bosco, am I reading this correctly that finally after all this time, the 1st bank show is your first experience with the Reel live?? Stoked for you!! 🤩
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I would be thrilled if they played Coachella again. I've been going every year for over a decade now but it's been getting harder and harder to find reasons to continue. I think the Kings of Leon situation probably left a really sore taste in their mouth and I also wonder how willing they would be to take a demotion. There's no way they could still headline the thing.

Still have PTSD from 2019 when the stars were perfectly aligned for them to be playing it again, finally.  The new album released on Friday of weekend one, they were actively touring and had their rig in North America having just played Mexico 2 weeks before coachella, and had live dates planned on the west coast for their first US shows in 4 years also being promoted by Goldenvoice. It's possible that GV already had Aphex Twin booked when the talks were going down and there just wasn't enough room for two acts like that, but still, crushing.

Who knows.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Oct 03, 2022, 14:45

Bosco, am I reading this correctly that finally after all this time, the 1st bank show is your first experience with the Reel live?? Stoked for you!! 🤩

Thanks Whirly. Been a long time in the making, and honestly didn't know if I ever would have the opportunity to make it happen. Thanks Tom and Ed for coming through!

Quote from: thirtynation on Oct 03, 2022, 17:09

I would be thrilled if they played Coachella again. I've been going every year for over a decade now but it's been getting harder and harder to find reasons to continue. I think the Kings of Leon situation probably left a really sore taste in their mouth and I also wonder how willing they would be to take a demotion. There's no way they could still headline the thing.

Still have PTSD from 2019 when the stars were perfectly aligned for them to be playing it again, finally.  The new album released on Friday of weekend one, they were actively touring and had their rig in North America having just played Mexico 2 weeks before coachella, and had live dates planned on the west coast for their first US shows in 4 years also being promoted by Goldenvoice. It's possible that GV already had Aphex Twin booked when the talks were going down and there just wasn't enough room for two acts like that, but still, crushing.

Who knows.

Man, I salute you if you're still sticking it out with Coachella after all these years. I know they always have a tantalizing act that has no business in playing "today's" Coachella. But it's just not enough for me to put the money out anymore. That being said, some of my best music experiences have happened at Coachella. I feel fortunate to experience it when I did.

Regarding Chems at Coachella and hard feelings... a lot has happened in the last three years where artists need to take a new look at things. Without getting too detailed and overstepping my boundaries, I'd like to think they potentially would be reconsidering at this time.

And as far as demotions and whatnot... I don't think they are concerned about headlining. I think their goal would to be a closing night slot for either The Main Stage or The Outdoor Theatre, with the later being more likely. I think they would be perfectly content with Sub-headliner status.

riding off their success at Portola they could definitely go on to play Coachella. I could easily see them closing out the main stage again (which isn't the same as headlining). hopefully they would be kept out of the Sahara, ugh.

their reception at Portola was not like I've seen from an American audience ever. if they played Coachella it could continue to expose them to a broader, younger audience. if they were included on the webcast then the exposure would be huge. they could then ride those coat-tails and play some bigger shows here such as red rocks. ::dreams::

You know, I was so caught up in the moment before the show. Was there a marquee or signage about the show? And if so, did anyone catch a photo of it?

I know facing towards the highway they had a LED board to advertise the 1stBank, but I only realized this days after the concert on my way back to Airport.

My bad! See Portola post!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Slow on the forum right now, and I just came across this news accidentally...
1stBank Center in line for demolition?  ???
(video news segment included on this one)

Pretty crazy that a 17 year old arena would be wiped away so quickly. According to the article, its struggled to fill its schedule and been hemorrhaging money on an annual basis. Also, it's overdue for a multimillion HVAC update and roof repairs so no real incentive to continually feed this money pit.

Only was there once, but sad to hear it go. It looked in decent condition and I thought it was a great venue for The Chemical Brothers, just didn't have the turnout when we were there...


It's gone:

Last Edit: Feb 20, 2025, 03:57 by Bosco

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