K+D+B Is Godlike

08-30-2015 Rock en Seine

Started by chemdup, Jul 22, 2015, 14:20

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Any one going to Rock en Seine?

Ive looked at the other European shows and this seems the easiest to get to, and its only €50 for a day ticket!

I unfortunately missed the Dublin show due to circumstances beyond my control, I cant risk there not being any UK shows announced, so its off to France i go!  ;D

Last Edit: Aug 02, 2015, 15:44 by Csar
The music gets louder, the lights swirl faster and the chap who freaks out just hasn't passed the acid test. A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is

Nice one Ben! we crossed paths in 2010 at the Further shows in London, but werent able to hang out cause i had an early flight the next morning.

Im booking flights this Friday. Flying in Saturday afternoon, then flying home Monday afternoon.
The music gets louder, the lights swirl faster and the chap who freaks out just hasn't passed the acid test. A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is

So, you're only going to the festival on sunday, right ? I'm still not sure if I'm going all 3 days

Yeah, no one else i want to see on the other days, so I'm around Saturday night to soak up some parisian vibes, then maybe do some culture on the monday before my flight!
The music gets louder, the lights swirl faster and the chap who freaks out just hasn't passed the acid test. A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is

Quote from: Chemdup on Jul 24, 2015, 15:23

Yeah, no one else i want to see on the other days, so I'm around Saturday night to soak up some parisian vibes, then maybe do some culture on the monday before my flight!
It doesn't look like I'm gonna go the other days either. Might go on friday, for Kasabian and Handbraekes (Mr Oizo + Boys Noize), and Son Lux. But they had the brilliant idea to put them all at the same time... Same goes for the Chems, at the same time as Run The Jewels, that I really really really wanted to see too :(

Anyway, if you want to get a beer or picnic on the quais de Seine on saturday, send me a private message !

Undigging the old stuff... This was at Rock En Seine, 11 years ago in 2004. This was my first festival, ever, and my first real concert, too (I had been to one or two concerts with my parents, but nothing really fancy). Cameras were really no good back then though  :D

Last Edit: Aug 22, 2015, 10:16 by Ben_j

Will be there too. I think the idm live video is the first footage i saw from the chembros. Loved it.

The show might be live streamed here. Although it seems it won't be the case :(

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 29, 2015, 08:02

Look out for Ed in the crowd.


Watching a Chemical Brothers show with Ed would be totally surreal!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Can't wait for tomorrow ! Going with Brian (Chemd'up), Antoine (Bouh), Guillaume (Flyghost), and legendary Chrisman will be there too  ;D

You guys have an awesome time there and be safe on travels.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Have a great time! Enjoy! But you sure will :)

Salut et bienvenue dans le forum!

Hope you all had a blast at the concert!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Ben_j on Aug 28, 2015, 14:42

The show might be live streamed here. Although it seems it won't be the case :(

Yep, no Chems in there.

Quote from: Marie on Aug 30, 2015, 13:23

Yes I am ! :) You ?
Yup ! Too bad I see your message only now though, we could have met at the festival :(

Just went back from the festival. It was amazing ! It has been so hot those last few days, but thankfuly the sun was down quite early and the big park where the festival was held helped cooling the air a little.
We saw the end of Hot Chip, was pretty good, then went to have something to eat before going to Tame Impala, which were just as awesome as I hoped they would be. They opened with Let it Happen and closed with Apocalypse Dreams, and both were an incredible whirlwind of psychedelia.

Then we went to the barriers and waited for the Chems to start. The crowd was huge, and was going crazy ! And kudos to that lady that was right in front of me at the barrier, who was something like 60 years old, and she was having great time ! The show was as good as the usual, but Tom and Adam looked like they were having such a great time, with Tom waving and shouting at the crowd a lot. Star Guitar sounded like he let the vocals part run for longer than usual, and it was really nice. He did have a few hiccups during the UTI/Galvanize transition, it sounded like the acid line was not the right one or was out of sync. One small problem though : the sound was really good for the most part of the show but when Escape Velocity came in, it sounded like they turned the bass up really loud, and we couldn't hear anything but the bass during Escape Velocity and UTI. Same for Galvanize and BRB but since the kick is less present it was not as disturbing. All in all, it was better than at the Rockhal. Both the live performance and the crowd.
During all the set I tried to spot Ed, and I think I did, at the end of Believe, I saw a guy on the right of the stage, waving his hands in a very Ed fashion, but it might have been someone else, I couldn't clearly see...

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