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No Coachella. :(

Started by MadPooter, Jan 05, 2016, 07:23

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I was certainly sad to see the Chemical Brothers' name lacking from the Cochella lineup. Happy to see Underworld on there, though.

All in all it looks like I won't be making it this year, again, sadly. Too much money, not enough draw.

Guns'n'Roses with Slash & McKagan
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Erm... LCD, you guys.

It's a shame they stopped the day tickets. A Friday pass would have my diving deep, deep into my pockets.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 05, 2016, 11:08

Erm... LCD, you guys.

It's a shame they stopped the day tickets. A Friday pass would have my diving deep, deep into my pockets.
I was always skeptical about the break up of LCD.  A bit like the first time Orbital broke up; I thought: they'll be back.  The one time I saw them outdoors (supporting Daft Punk at Hyde Park, 2007) they weren't so great though. Better as an indoor band methinks (Astoria, Brixton and Ally Pally were all great).

I will never be able to go to Coachella.

It would probably be easier to become an artist, make music, and become a time slot at Coachella than it would be for me to save up for it.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jan 05, 2016, 13:55

It would probably be easier to become an artist, make music, and become a time slot at Coachella than it would be for me to save up for it.
Who's stoping you?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

To the tape decks!
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really glad about LCD Soundsystem touring again !

Quote from: Ben_j on Jan 05, 2016, 17:46

Really glad about LCD Soundsystem touring again !

I demand my money back from my "Shut Up & Play The Hits" dvd.  This was supposed to be the last show ever.

Props to my local scene friend Marea aka The Black Madonna on day 2!

I know James Murphy is a cool cat, but I can't envision LCD Soundsystem as a headliner. Regardless, I agree, Friday looks like the best day.  Underworld at Coachella will be a great experience. It should be a light, and mature crowd, with all the kiddies rollin' over at the Sahara tent with Jack U.

The lineup as a whole, is just... weird. I'm probably a hopeless idiot, but I feel this festival will rebound, eventually.

To those who haven't been. The festival is an outstanding event. Very friendly, great weather, and a picturesque atmosphere. There are very few places cooler to be than Coachella at nighttime. Additionally, the festival is laid on a flat and luscious grass, which is a very overlooked and unique attribute about this festival.

Funny that the lineup came out so early! No Chems....again! interest for me or in the foreseeable future.

GnR reunion???  Good luck with that!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Calvin Harris as a big font headliner???? what has he done in the last couple of years besides dating the biggest pop star of the moment?
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: MIKL on Jan 07, 2016, 08:33

Calvin Harris as a big font headliner???? what has he done in the last couple of years besides dating the biggest pop star of the moment?
An album. And he's one of the most asked DJs in the world, apparently.

Devastated that they weren't on the lineup...I thought this year would make up for their short set in 2011. A friend in the know was expecting them to be on the Ultra lineup so when they didn't appear I knew Coachella wasn't looking good.

Looking forward to LCD Soundsystem (they were great in 2010), Underworld and 2ManyDJs though. Despacio running all weekend was a nice surprise as well.

Who knows maybe the brothers will be a late add like in 2009. Them playing in the Sahara with Calvin Harris on the Main is the perfect way to end the weekend. Oh well.
Last Edit: Jan 11, 2016, 00:17 by Crosscrops

Ah, Coachella. How I love and miss Coachella, but more so from a nostalgia point of view. Sigh sigh sigh...

I would love, absolutely love, for the Chems to make a triumphant return there one day. But proper next time - just let them have the closing slot on the main stage.  None of the last-minute-closing-slot shenanigans - which Coachella pulled twice: they were given the closing slot over Bjork last minute, then again with that pigeon shit excuse for a band that spoiled the last time they played.

I recently read a local rag's article about the best ever acts at Coachella and the Chems set in 2005 got a solid mention. Now that I have some hindsight, I have to agree. And I think that was probably my favorite show I've seen from them...

And there I go being nostalgic.  :P
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

The mad rush Pre-sale for 2017 starts Wednesday...

Weekend 1 is worth the investment even if you don't go. Easy profit.

It will sell out, so act accordingly.

Additionally, starting 2017, there will be an expansion for another stage, along with an increase to the festival grounds, and capacity.
Last Edit: Jun 06, 2016, 19:07 by Bosco

Took time off of work today for the presale. I have 6 devices ready to blitz this bitch. My internet service will be put to the limit.

This is what I've been reduced to...

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