It Doesn't Matter

Animal Collective

Started by Enjoyed, Feb 20, 2016, 00:26

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This thread wont be for everyone. But AC are one of my absolute favourite bands.
If the Chems and Underworld are fighting for first place, AC are right behind the scrap accepting a shared bronze medal with BT. I've seen them nearly 20 times since I started listening to them around the time 'Feels' came out. They always amaze. And they always inspire.

Their new album came out today. It's called 'Painting With'. I listened to it twice while walking around Portland in the rain.
It's fantastic.
They described it as kind of a caveman / tribal dance sound and there's a lot of that vibe in the album. Very primal and simple patterns and great movement throughout.
More than anything though it is another testament to their complete mastery of melody. And their super out the box approach to song writing. Along with the usual folks we all listen to, AC are one of my biggest influences when it comes to song writing. And this album has already inspired me to get stuck in writing more interesting lyrics and melodies.

Here are the two singles from the new album:

And here are some older favourites (this is like choosing 3 Chems tracks to share with new listeners...) of mine:

I could have made this a topic about Panda Bear too but he should have his own separate area for my gushing.


Centipede Hz is one of my favorite albums. I think it's one of the greatest albums to come out in a long time. It should be held up there with some of the greats. I would love to see the Chems collab with them, create some crazy psychedelic stuff together.

MGMT was another band that I thought could sound great working with the Chems. But they haven't been able to match their debut album Oracular Spectacular.

One of the members of Animal Collective (finally) released his debut album a couple of weeks ago.

This track is stunning.

Okay, we have pretty similar music tastes... but after a good number of tries? I don't understand this shit at all. :D
Never for money, always for love.


Fair. I appreciate you giving it a go though.

It's my buddy's influence to tell the truth. He got me into them.

Well "My Girls" is surely the one that even casual listeners can get into. It's certainly my favourite track by AC. I can't help thinking that you could put some sort of big beats under it to make it a really good dance track.

And it's fun to stare at the magic eye artwork on the song's parent album, Post Merriweather Pavillion.

I'm also enjoying Gnip Gnop and it's B-side. Why AC decided to release this 7"/Download single a month after the album but didn't include them on the album, I'm not quite sure. Is this the best way to promote your new long player?

Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 22:57 by Skyscraper

It was a bonus 7" released with the limited edition vinyl. Domino I think decided to just release the tracks to everyone afterwards.

You're right about My Girls though. What Would I Want Sky is pretty accessible too. Besides the time signature and the structure perhaps. Top stuff.

"In an effort to raise awareness & help those fighting for equality, we are making two of our favorite recent shows available for download and all proceeds from these downloads will go to Progress NC."

Available here:

They also released Gnip Gnop / Hounds of Bairro last month in 24 bit...

Incredible set.
Seems to be entirely lost on the crowd (one guy yawning at one point!) Shame.

Still. They play Bees! BEES!!


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