Ohm Sweet Ohm

Who found the Golden Ticket?

Started by lian_rozen, May 08, 2016, 03:06

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Do you remember ?:
In conjunction with the release of their collection of singles and rarities, entitled 'The Singles- '93-'03' on September 30th 2003 on CD and DVD, The Chemical Brothers will be offering one lucky fan the chance to see them DJ on New Year's Eve 2003.

One "Golden Path Ticket" will be found inside specially marked Limited Edition 'The Singles '93-'03' CDs. Fans can also enter a random drawing online at astralwerlks dot  com . The winner will be awarded a trip to see The Chemical Brothers DJ at an undisclosed exclusive New Years Eve event. When asked what he though of the competition, Tom Rowlands of the band replied, " You are Augustus Gloop - we are Willy Wonka. Let's get it on!"

There was 2 prizes, only one was awarded online and the other was awarded to the person who found the golden ticket
in the Chemical Brothers Singles 93-03 limited edition 2cd set.

So, my question is :
Who won the prize?

Not sure! I guess the winner wasn't announced publicly.

Or perhaps a collector out there still has his prized unopened limited edition Singles 93-03 disc sitting on the shelf, with no idea that it contains a 12 year old trip-of-a-lifetime in it.

The ticket must look cool, would love to see it.
Never for money, always for love.

So that's what that yellow thing was ? I threw it away.

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