Surrender to the Void

New Chemical Merch!

Started by inchemwetrust, Jun 03, 2016, 02:49

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Could not find if this was posted somewhere else but I guess this one slipped under our noses.

what do you think guys?
Last Edit: Feb 10, 2023, 20:29 by Csar
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I think it's expensive.
Hi Kevin!

They're not exactly "new", I think they were already selling them one year ago

They've been selling these for a year and I didn't know?? The design is awesome!

I know the other Born In The Echoes shirts have been up for a while.
Last Edit: Jun 03, 2016, 10:41 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 03, 2016, 10:40

They've been selling these for a year and I didn't know?? The design is awesome!

I know the other Born In The Echoes shirts have been up for a while.

I know Chemicalmat had one at least 6 months ago

Maybe 6 months (I don't know), no way a year. BITE came out last July and we were all looking at the merch page around the time of release.

"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

They also have T-Shirts for the covers of Hey Boy Hey Girl (low stock) and Push The Button (out of stock), Kate Gibb showed me the HBHG shirt on twitter and ordered it instantly
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Wow, there's a lot of HBHG and PTB in Moscow UNIQLO stores.
Ordered both.
Hi Kevin!

Looks like the HBHG print is different from Kate Gibb's HBHG print:

For the record, I would pay obscene amounts of money for the We Are The Night, Come With Us or Star Guitar shirts. Obscene.
Never for money, always for love.

OMG! I need that Come With Us album cover shirt in my life!

There's a chance I can do recreations of some of those shirts! Come With Us would be the easiest. There is a great shirt printing company in Chicago called OneHourTees that can do custom designs starting at $6, as long as you're okay with waiting 7-10 days for the order. They might be able to do big designs like those limited Kate Gibb prints.

At the very least I'm going to make Nous Sommes Le Pouvoir and other Chems-inspired shirts available too - will help pay for backend ChemBase expenses. I have the next month off so I'm finally not making an empty promise. Just got to find that old hard drive!
Last Edit: Jun 19, 2016, 04:18 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 19, 2016, 04:15

There's a chance I can do recreations of some of those shirts! Come With Us would be the easiest. There is a great shirt printing company in Chicago called OneHourTees that can do custom designs starting at $6, as long as you're okay with waiting 7-10 days for the order. They might be able to do big designs like those limited Kate Gibb prints.

At the very least I'm going to make Nous Sommes Le Pouvoir and other Chems-inspired shirts available too - will help pay for backend ChemBase expenses. I have the next month off so I'm finally not making an empty promise. Just got to find that old hard drive!

Make a Paypal donation button, and hopefully forum members will do what's right here, rather than sticking you with the bill. Not sure what the cost is like, but  I'm ready to put down $20 for my contribution. 

I don't want to put a donation button on the forum (as it's connected to the official site and could be misconstrued as a donate to The Chemical Brothers button). But I'm more than happy to make shirts etc for all you wonderful people.

The bill is not harsh, I'll leave it at that.
Never for money, always for love.

Would definitely want that come with us shirt O_O
Eight or over.

Looking good:
Never for money, always for love.

Looks even beter than the original Kate Gibb one. The picture is a wider spread on the shirt.

I would like to have the Come With Us shirt but I'm afraid the shipping costs to Holland will be high.
And recently I bought this for 10 euro

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