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Why didn't tom and ed sign tshirts

Started by Goldmaster, Aug 29, 2016, 07:47

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So I just saw chemical brothers at south west 4 and I was right at the front in front of the camera arm and I'm just wondering home come they didn't come down to the front and sign t-shirts and anything else.
tom, ed can i meet you? please?

Hi goldmaster,

I am truely sorry that you couldn't catch them to get your shirt signed! Tom and Ed are not the typcial rockstar kind of guys. They're almost a little "low-key" compared to a Kanye West for instance :D. To be honest, I've never seen them getting off stage to shake hands or sign anything. I'm not even sure - especially at a festival - that lots of other bands do that after a show. Being a festival, the roadies have to re-arrange rigs an instruments for the next act after the show, so there wouldn't be enough time to do that, I guess. Maybe you could (I'm not sure because I've never done that before) ask a security member to ask on your behalf for Tom and Ed to take a picture with you or sign your shirt etc.

That being said, how did you like the actual show?
Last Edit: Aug 30, 2016, 21:33 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Yeah they never do this kind of stuff.

Quote from: goldmaster on Aug 29, 2016, 07:47

So I just saw chemical brothers at south west 4 and I was right at the front in front of the camera arm and I'm just wondering home come they didn't come down to the front and sign t-shirts and anything else.
Tom and Ed actually hate signing t shirts, as a good friend of theirs was involved in a fatal t shirt signing accident. They don't do it anymore as it reminds them of the pain they both carry.
Never for money, always for love.

Knowing some things about Tom and Ed being a fan for a long time, reading some articles, I can say one thing: they are private persons. That was not always.
They was spending a lot of time at the backstages with fans and people, signing stuff, etc. But there was one horrible moment with Ed in media life, he was annoyed by paparazzi in 07-08, maybe this is the thing about this. But really, i think it's not.

Tom has a family and kids, Ed has girlfriend and some private life in real world.
They're thinking about their safety. They're not so young like in late 90's, and they have responsibility for their families and friends.
So that's the point i guess.

In july, when was a festival in Moscow, Ed spoiled about the hotel where they arrived.
But i knew, that i should not go to that place. I should not to annoy the guys who making the music what i like, even if i like it for a decade of years.

They shared it with me at the stage, at festival. Shared with me their music and their feelings.

And after this, a day later, i'm seeing that crazy pictures from some stupid people catcing them at hotel. In most... selfies.. Jeezus.

They're here to make some music and some noise, to feel your nature when you're jumping and shining when you're at crowd. Not when you're trying make some stupid picture near the hotel!

I'm done.
Hi Kevin!

Because it quickly can become a slippery slope. If they sign your t-shirt, then someone might ask them to sign an empty pizza box. And if they sign that pizza box, somebody might ask them to sign their Cleveland Cavaliers hat.

It's pathetic, really.

Quote from: Bosco on Aug 29, 2016, 22:44

Cleveland Cavaliers hat.

It's pathetic, really.

I know, right ? Lebron sucks.

rats poor ed about that experience :( i do have a theory that the security people would ask tom and ed prior the event not sign because of idiots and therefor the insurance encase the bouncers or tom or ed get injured. in a nutshell the bouncers nor tom and want the hassle if shtf.

BUT HAY THEY WERE BADASS AT SW4 and i might get my face painted like the boys in the galvince music video as thats the song that got me into chemical brothers.
tom, ed can i meet you? please?

Quote from: Bosco on Aug 29, 2016, 22:44
Because it quickly can become a slippery slope. If they sign your t-shirt, then someone might ask them to sign an empty pizza box. And if they sign that pizza box, somebody might ask them to sign their Cleveland Cavaliers hat.

you have a strong point i guess the saying stop making stupid people famous
tom, ed can i meet you? please?

Tom and Ed are usually whisked away, almost as if by teleportation, directly after shows. I've seen them a few times, and only one of those times - after a dj set in Los Angeles in 2003 - Ed lingered a short bit to shake peoples' hands and tell them thank you.

I recall one time on the old forum, someone saw a dj set of theirs, I think it was in the US (maybe Chicago?) and came to the board afterward to accuse Tom and Ed of taking dollar bills in exchange for autographs. It was one of many forum "uh.... OK?" moments. People were having them sign dollar bills, among other things. It may have been Ed who came to the board to set the record straight saying no, they don't take money for autographs, don't be ridiculous! :p

A personal anecdote. There was a funny incident at Coachella, I think it was in 2009. Bosco can hopefully remember this to back up my story here. And I think inchemwetrust was there too, but the memory has gone a bit fuzzy over the years so my apologies if my details are no longer tack sharp. Anyway, we were hanging out watching Leonard Cohen on the first evening of the festival. It was dark, and I am not that great a people-spotter, but Bosco and I saw Tom walking through the crowd with Stuart, their old tour manager. He seemed intent on getting through the crowd totally unnoticed and going to wherever it was they were going to go. At that point we briefly debated whether we should be "those people" going up to Tom. I'd met Tom and Ed a couple years prior, but there is still a sort of line between fan and star that feels unapproachable. So, I get that. Plus it's awkward (for me) approaching people. So I blew it, and Tom drifted off into the sea of festival goers, and that was that. My husband who was off getting drinks when all this happened, was so mad I thought he was going to divorce me, hahaha!

Fast forward a couple hours, and my husband and I parted ways with our friends, then later on reconnected with Tom and Ed. So what does my husband first say to Tom? "So whirly saw you walking through the crowd during Leonard Cohen, and she was too scared to go and say 'Hi!'" To which I said, "Well what was I going to do, run up and make a scene?" Tom said, "That's silly. You should have come said 'hello'" I felt a bit like serious fail at that moment, but it is what it is, and now I have a goofy little Tom and Ed story I can share on the forum for no good reason other than to say in my own long-winded, roundabout way, that Tom and Ed may be private people, but they are seriously quite cool, they are real, and are not unapproachable.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Sep 03, 2016, 14:59
My husband who was off getting drinks when all this happened, was so mad I thought he was going to divorce me, hahaha!

This is hilarious. He had a point though >:D :))
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

When Tom signs your Cavs hat and they win the NBA Finals the upcoming NBA season, what does that tell you?
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: androidgeoff on Oct 14, 2016, 06:19

When Tom signs your Cavs hat and they win the NBA Finals the upcoming NBA season, what does that tell you?
Have him sign a Hillary Clinton cap

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