I'm Dancing In the Shadow of Love

Tel-Aviv Who's going?

Started by scaryman, Nov 10, 2016, 01:03

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I am flying in for the weekend from the United States. I imagine I am the only one insane enough to fly in just for this show From the US? I know some of you from Europe will be there.
PM me if you wanna meet up. I'm in the VIP section.

Fill us in on your journey if you can! Dates like this are pretty far and few between for this part of the world, and it would be nice hear from an actual witness of the show!

Will do, I just learned the VIP section is stage left very front. So the view is looking from the left. I'll grab video with HD on iPhone 7 plus. Not sure how audio will be being that close.

The fact this is a rare show is the reason why I'm going through the trouble. I pray that Tom & Ed reward me and everyone in Israel with the Reel to close. I gotta see them do the private reel once in my life!!

Quote from: scaryman on Nov 10, 2016, 23:50

I'll grab video with HD on iPhone 7 plus. Not sure how audio will be being that close.

The fact this is a rare show is the reason why I'm going through the trouble. I pray that Tom & Ed reward me and everyone in Israel with the Reel to close. I gotta see them do the private reel once in my life!!
Try to record the whole show's (or just audio) if it doesn't detract from your experience! That would be amazing.
Never for money, always for love.

I'm going to try, then post the raw footage unedited. I'm just concerned about audio quality.

Quote from: scaryman on Nov 10, 2016, 23:50

I gotta see them do the private reel once in my life!!
You will! I promise! Ed himself promised some changes to the setlist towards the end of the year in a recent interview and they already have Hold Tight London/ Wide Open and THE REEL added to it (probably being those changes). You're gonna have a fun time! Be safe there and back.

Quote from: scaryman on Nov 11, 2016, 01:42

I'm going to try, then post the raw footage unedited. I'm just concerned about audio quality.
Do you have an App for audio recording on your Iphone? There should be some out there that allow for volume level metering enabling you to visually detect clipping in your recordings.

May this one?
Last Edit: Nov 11, 2016, 10:53 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Nov 11, 2016, 10:46

You will! I promise! Ed himself promised some changes to the setlist towards the end of the year in a recent interview and they already have Hold Tight London/ Wide Open and THE REEL added to it (probably being those changes). You're gonna have a fun time! Be safe there and back.
Do you have an App for audio recording on your Iphone? There should be some out there that allow for volume level metering enabling you to visually detect clipping in your recordings.

May this one?
As I sit here on my layover in Amsterdam, I'm estatic that I'm gonna get the reel! Wow!!! Ty so much for that news. Makes this  long trip worth it and then some.

 What an awesome show, I was in the VIP section very first row and they did not do the real. However I have video of the entire show separated into two videos because it shut off somehow in the middle of one of the songs. I'm not gonna be able to edit it. If anyone wants to add some titles to it again I'd like to add some things to it and give it to the forum. As long as I'm givin credit. I think if you look through the whole entire footage he'll think it's worthy.

Quote from: scaryman on Nov 12, 2016, 22:43

What an awesome show, I was in the VIP section very first row and they did not do the real. However I have video of the entire show separated into two videos because it shut off somehow in the middle of one of the songs. I'm not gonna be able to edit it. If anyone wants to add some titles to it again I'd like to add some things to it and give it to the forum. As long as I'm givin credit. I think if you look through the whole entire footage he'll think it's worthy.
WHAAAAT??? They didn't??? Can't process that. They should have, given that it was fecking rare show. What a bummer. I was like 110% sure they would play it.
Hope you enjoyed yourself though!

P.S.: I'll never ever make promises again. Argh.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

In the entire two videos that need to be put together by the fourth community, you'll see some really good cool awesome close-ups of Tom and Ed. I'm leaving Tel Aviv now so I can't upload the video

Is it normal for them as part of their set to throw out inflatable balloons?

Goodbye dancing policemen  :'(

and the balloons I hear are done on occassion :3 (if you're talking about giant green and yellow balloons)
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Thanks for posting footage. Looks like it was a great set.

Quote from: scaryman on Nov 13, 2016, 02:21

Is it normal for them as part of their set to throw out inflatable balloons?
They use it for Saturate if venues are suited for this kind of gimmick. Looking forward to your thoughts of the show and still want to apologize they didn't bring on the Reel.

Btw, can you confirm this setlist? Looks pretty (festival) "standard" to me

Hey Boy Hey Girl
Sometimes I Feel So Deserted
Chemical Beats
Do It Again / Get Yourself High
Temptation / Star Guitar
EML Ritual
Out of Control
Setting Sun
I'll See You There
Got Glint?
Escape Velocity / The Golden Path
Under the Influence
Block Rockin' Beats

Love that Setting Sun outro/ segue into Saturate

Last Edit: Nov 13, 2016, 10:46 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I have video coming but its in two parts, video recording stopped 1/2 way through. Didnt miss much though. But its going to give you perspective from front row stage right. Please take time time to watch the entire video, i got some REALLY COOL close ups of Tom and Ed. Especially Tom's little dance at 42:35 ish on part 2. Its the entire show.

It was a very VERY long weekend, I flew from Atlanta, Ga (United States) To Tel-Aviv and a long layover in Amsterdam. two hours after the show I was showered and on the way to the airport to depart Israel. The video is in 1080HD 60 FPS. I am not going to Edit or anything of that nature. But when its finished uploading to youtube I will NOT publish the video publicly. It  will be kept private. This is only for The Chembase entertainment only. If someone from the Chembase is interested in polishing it and what not let me know, I'll make the raw video available, as long as credit is given to me. But honestly I went through the trouble of recording this to have the memory and because the forum asked me to if I can. So I'm interested in giving the raw video to this forum fro "archival reasons."
Even though its from front row stage I got.

I'll post a reply with the private URL's from you tube when its finished. Just make sure to watch it in 1080HD, ( you have to select the video option lower right corner of youtube videos.) Please make sure to watch it in 1080HD it gives the video more justice. :):):)

Here is the VIP pass:

This screen Cap from the video doesn't do it justice. But if you watch the video I am uploading thoroughly you'll see I did my best.

Tom and Ed zoomed in ( again its a screen Cap from the video) So it looks horrible.
Last Edit: Nov 14, 2016, 15:21 by scaryman

Can't wait to see it!
Never for money, always for love.

Please watch this in 1080HD :) Tel-Aviv

Part 1 -

Part two-

access to videos is denied :(
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

Ok, Looks like I am going to have to upload some where else. You tube is blocking because of copyright issues. Anyone have ideas? :( :( >:(
Last Edit: Nov 14, 2016, 16:23 by scaryman

Vimeo isn't bad. Or try Dailymotion.
Never for money, always for love.

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