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what's your favorite brothers song and what is your least favorite

Started by Conn6orsuper117, Oct 31, 2017, 07:03

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favorite (what the? who added this poll XD -CS117)

7 (70%)
1 (10%)
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Just want to know what are your opinions on any song by the brothers.

I've always been a DYOH era guy as it was my first album I bought by the bros, so for me I Love It doesn't matter.
I feel its a underrated to be honest, reminiscent to Rollin' & Scratchin' from Daft Punk, ESPECIALLY with that bass too :music . I kinda get disappointed now, with recent live sets, when they play the acapella for the song but it's just played over the problem:Question transition.

I dread Don't stop the rock, not the EBW version and heres why.
I feel its I.D.M. is the first born who gets all the attention, because its entertaining, but dont stop the rock is the annoying little brother who repeats the what are those joke until its plain annoying.
Unlike its EBW version where they add variation between each act, the album version just repeats the 0:36 mark for 2 minutes, and then uses the rest of the second 3rd, until they segway into the 3rd act of Get Up on it Like This. its even worse on the 96/97 lives because its just the 0:36 mark on repeat with additional drums added.

but hey (boys, hey girls) If you like D.S.T.R. that alright in my book, its just my silly opinion. what is your favorite and least favorite songs
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

that's hard, man...

Out of Control - can it get any better than Bernard on vocals with CB behind keyboards and stuff?

I tend to skip Taste of Honey, I've noticed, so maybe it as least favorite?
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I can't pick a favorite. Surface to Air/Sunshine Underground/Song to the Siren/Chemical Beats/Escape Velocity all flood my mind when trying to pick one, and then I can't believe I didn't mention PPR and BRB, too. And that's without thinking about it, and I instantly think of more. Nope, I cannot do it.

However, Taste of Honey and Left Right are definite album skips for me, so I guess it's easier to pick my least favorites. I also don't care for 'This is Not a Game', which is easier to avoid since it's not an album track.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I agree pretty much exactly with what Satur8 said about favourites. The favourites he mentioned are all strong contenders, and it's really hard to narrow it down to just one. I might throw in Star Guitar too. And Radiate, and...and....

It's easier to come up with most disliked because you're picking from a much smaller pool. But there are still several contenders.

Left Right (again in agreement with Satur8). Mind you the instrumental is marginally better.
This Is Not A Game - I also agree. I don't believe I even own this track. Feels like a cash in.
Although funily enough, it's cousin (or sister?), A Tate Of Honey is not a 'skip' track for me. It's so much more playful than TINAG. The vocal is cheesy but fun, the "guitar solo" is unique and... I actually wish it was longer.
Denmark: Zzzz.
It Doesn't Matter. Controversial one this. Bring on the hate. I think the title describes the track all too well.
The Salmon Dance. Ugh no tune and doesn't make me want to dance. Is this for kids or something? Pumisher's remix may actually be better than the original. He didn't pay me to say this.

Best: Star Guitar
Worst: Nude Night
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Oct 31, 2017, 20:07

I might throw in Star Guitar too.
It Doesn't Matter. Controversial one this. Bring on the hate.
The Salmon Dance. Ugh no tune and doesn't make me want to dance.

Agreed, Star Guitar was very much on my mind during that string of thoughts. I rather like It Doesn't Matter as well, but if a track doesn't do it for doesn't do it for you. It's one of the things I've loved about this forum, especially since the big jump. Everyone is here for the same reason and there is a lot of respect for difference in opinion.

Speaking of which, there was a time when I was known as one of the only forum members that liked The Salmon Dance. The song made me laugh and I liked the video. No, it's not one of their best tracks, but I think it's an interesting departure.

We've talked about favorites over the years, but this has potential to be a fun thread.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Obviosly Star Guitar is my favorite. The most atmospheric and melodic Chems track seems to me.
Second one is Surface To Air.
Hi Kevin!

Best: Hey boy Hey girl
Słucham THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS od 1995 roku .

* this chemical is good, this chemical is bad *

My favorite one is 'Surface To Air'. But i actually don't think that it's the best thing that the bros have ever made. And i don't mean some honoured tracks like HBHG and others. It's about TPPR. But here comes some romantic side which says you that you can love your wife when she's obviously not such cool as some hot lady from TV-screen. And that's why STA wins here.
The least favourite song is the last version of 'Dust-Up Beats'. And again it is not the worst Chems' track. But i hate it because it replaced the great original version of 'Dust-Up Beats' which was cool as hell.
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

Quote from: satur8 on Nov 01, 2017, 13:43

Agreed, Star Guitar was very much on my mind during that string of thoughts. I rather like It Doesn't Matter as well, but if a track doesn't do it for doesn't do it for you. It's one of the things I've loved about this forum, especially since the big jump. Everyone is here for the same reason and there is a lot of respect for difference in opinion.

Speaking of which, there was a time when I was known as one of the only forum members that liked The Salmon Dance. The song made me laugh and I liked the video. No, it's not one of their best tracks, but I think it's an interesting departure.

We've talked about favorites over the years, but this has potential to be a fun thread.

Hey I love The Salmon Dance! So does my girl. It's a fun song. I don't get the hate. The video is great as well. I'll take Salmon Dance over Galvanize or Go.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Oct 31, 2017, 20:07
It Doesn't Matter. Controversial one this. Bring on the hate. I think the title describes the track all too well.

I'm writing to admins for a ban for you ASAP
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

I could not pick just one favourite track. To name just three: The Sunshine Underground, Piku, EBW6

Least favourites: Taste of Honey, Pioneer Skies, Radiate

Fav: Snow/Surface or Star Guitar. Oh, and KDB, because it's godlike...

no idea, no idea

Speaking of fave tracks, some of y'all might be interested in some fan-polls of a rather larger size at the Slicing Up Eyeballs music website ("The legacy of 80s College rock").
They've done polls on favourite tracks for REM, Depeche Mode, The Cure and The Smiths.

They list every song by the artist and encourage you to pick your 25 (yes twenty five) favourite songs by them. Then they add up the votes and list all the songs from most to least popular. Although in the case of REM, a hundful of their songs got zero votes and therefore didn't make the final chart.

They're getting some pretty decent vote numbers: 100k votes cast for The Cure, 91k for Depeche Mode, 64k for REM and 70k for The Smiths.
Anyway the current poll is New Order. You have until the 17th of November to cast your votes. LINK.


25 eh?

01 Let Forever Be
02 Not Another Drugstore
03 Flashback
04 Loops Of Fury
05 The Sunshine Underground
06 Song To The Siren
07 Elektrobank
08 We Are The Night
09 Snow
10 The Pills Won't Help You Now
11 Keep Your Composure
12 Dig Your Own Hole
13 Her Jazz
14 Playground For A Wedgeless Firm
15 The Salmon Dance
16 Morning Lemon
17 Hey Boy Hey Girl
18 The State We're In
19 K+D+B
20 The Devil Is In The Beats
21 Come With Us
22 Wonders Of The Deep
23 Hot Acid Rhythm 1
24 Music: Response
25 The Private Psychedelic Reel

The order itself may not be exact, but definitely my favorite 25 tracks from them. ;)

Quote from: neorev on Nov 10, 2017, 03:15


25 eh?

01 Let Forever Be
02 Not Another Drugstore
03 Flashback
04 Loops Of Fury
05 The Sunshine Underground
06 Song To The Siren
07 Elektrobank
08 We Are The Night
09 Snow
10 The Pills Won't Help You Now
11 Keep Your Composure
12 Dig Your Own Hole
13 Her Jazz
14 Playground For A Wedgeless Firm
15 The Salmon Dance
16 Morning Lemon
17 Hey Boy Hey Girl
18 The State We're In
19 K+D+B
20 The Devil Is In The Beats
21 Come With Us
22 Wonders Of The Deep
23 Hot Acid Rhythm 1
24 Music: Response
25 The Private Psychedelic Reel

The order itself may not be exact, but definitely my favorite 25 tracks from them. ;)

Hey! Where's Star Guitar?
:-[ ??? :(
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Explud on Nov 10, 2017, 10:26

Hey! Where's Star Guitar?
:-[ ??? :(

It's somewhere between #26 and #30. ;)
I'm more about the beats than their club beats/dance oriented tracks.

Favourite: Galaxy Bounce*
Least: Alive Alone

*Today. Ask me again tomorrow and it could be any one of the following: Come With Us / Got Glint? / Base 6 / Freak of the Week / Out Of Control / Star Guitar / Denmark / Not Another Drugstore (Planet Nine Mix)

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