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Unreleased Chemicals

Started by WhiteNoise, Feb 04, 2018, 17:35

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Quote from: ThePumisher on Apr 13, 2018, 11:04

I stayed tuned for more happy days, but i cannot resist any longer - give us that goddamn shit now!

Quote from: Sneaker on Apr 14, 2018, 09:15

I know what you are referring to as I saw that a couple of months back!

I doubt you'll ever see a fully release version of this version of Afrika as it is essential 4 songs mashed together. The only way I could ever envisage it being released would be on a brother gonna work it out vol 2 but I can't see that happening unfortunately.
You're right. So what we're referring to is this neat thing:


Galaxy Bounce = formerly "Reggae for Real"! Weird name!

And that Africa track on this promo CD is an early version of IBIA - but it's not that early version. It's about 95% of the way to the finally released EBW version, with a few interesting differences in structure, and some synths that didn't make the cut, deep in the mix.

PM me your email (no, I don't remember everyone's), for... things...
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 02, 2018, 20:34

You're right. So what we're referring to is this neat thing:


Galaxy Bounce = formerly "Reggae for Real"! Weird name!
Fo real, ya? Must have been some kind of code word like in those top secret intel missions because there's nothing there that is remotely Reggae-ish. Funny, though :D
Funny as well is the fact that a 8:53 min track is labeled "edited"  ;D Btw, is that a few seconds longer EBW5 version?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

This demo version freakin' slaps so hard. I love it.

So, I was perusing the PRS database for info about the new album, and I'm not sure whether my search terms were different this time round, but I noticed a few things I hadn't seen before.

I need to delve back into it and edit this into a full list, but, the main one that struck me was actually 3 separate entries for a track called 'Makin A Livin' (one entry was under "Makin' A Living")

Any thoughts on what this might be? It's registered to both of them, with 'work creation dates' of: 19 Jan 2007, 14 Aug 2003, and 08 Nov 1999 for the different entries.

Another thing I found was 100% confirmation that EBW9 is called 'The Wizard Rush':

Will have another look back through later today and update this.

I assume work creation dates are studio dates.

I also assume the track got started in 99 and either got uncompleted or completed in 2007.

WATN was released in 07

Maybe a track called Makin a living?

Spider senses tingling..

Hmm..I wonder if chems were trying to sample 'making a livin'! It's sampled somewhat in classic hip-hop frequently

You can heard these words in the first 10 sec and throughout the song.

Wild guess

Edit: also a track with the same name is on chems BGWIO mix. It's by Kenny Gonzales ( with the same sample on the track as well)

Last Edit: Apr 10, 2019, 20:00 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 10, 2019, 19:48
Edit: also a track with the same name is on chems BGWIO mix. It's by Kenny Gonzales ( with the same sample on the track as well)
^ this - some of the weird entries in the database are just strangely tagged tracks from Brothers Gonna Work It Out
Never for money, always for love.

Yeah, think WN is right there, as you'll no doubt see in the rest of this list I just put together.

I think the durations are just a placeholder, so probably best to disregard them all. Maybe a maximum to make sure it's covered at various speeds or something. Who knows.

Anywho.... Here is the list of all the stuff I found on the PRS database with the search term of 'Thomas Rowlands'

Apologies if any of these have been discussed before. Thought it better to include everything, rather than risk missing something out.

140 SONG - 18 Sep 2003
2 PEOPLE - 04 Oct 2002
BIRDS VV - 25 May 2004
BLOB - 15 May 2006 - 3m 00s
BLOB - second entry - 07 Sep 2010 - 3m 00s
BOSS ON THE BOA VV - 2 entries - 25 May 2004 - Ownership shared with "97 Account"
BROTHER GONNA B VV - 16 Feb 2005
CHATTE ROUGE, LA - 05 Nov 2001
CHERUB CLOWN HARMONIES - 04 Oct 2011 - 3m 01s
E TRADE - 24 Feb 2017 - 4m 00s
ELEKTRO DUB - 06 Mar 1997 - Alternative title: WERBEMUSIK - 3:00 duration
ELEKTRON - 18 Jan 2008 - 3m 00s
EXIT THE PLANET VV - 27 May 2004
FALLING 2710 - 20 Mar 2019 - 0m 01s (not a typo, maybe a NEUUM type thing? But for Catch Me I'm Falling)
FLAMMING LIPS - 27 Jul 2004 - Noel Gallagher with 100% Composer/Author credit, T&E listed too
FORGE - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Just Tom credit
FOUR BROTHERS - 10 Jul 2008 - Big list of composer/author credits that looks suspiciously like the names of the artists featured in track 1 of Brothers Gonna Work It Out.
FURTHER - 06 Jul 2011 - Martin Hall & Anthony Edward Fergusson also credited
GALACTIC PHASE SHIFT INTERLUDE - 04 Oct 2011 - "Intended Use: General Usage" - 3m 01s
GALILEO FINALE - 01 Jun 2017 - Just Tom - 4m 00s
GALVANIZE (ARABIC VERSION) - 01 Jun 2008 - 3m 00s - QTip & Aatabou both listed
GOODYEAR *** WERBESP - 30 Jul 2004
HORSE/DAWN - 01 Jun 2017 - Galileo for sure - Tom only
I LOVE TECHNO - 19 Oct 2007 - 3m 01s
IF SEQUENCES - 06 Dec 2005 - 3m 00s
INTRO - 30 Oct 1998
JUPITER THEME - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Galileo for sure - Tom only
KRAFTY NUMBERS - 30 Nov 2007 - 3m 00s
ME - 18 Jul 2001 - 3m 00s
MIND RESPONSE - 24 Jun 1998 - 3m 00s - Miss/early registration of Music:Response?
MODE 700 - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Galileo probably, maybe using same sounds as Escape 700? - Tom only
Moon Theme - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Galileo for sure - Tom only
O C CUES - 16 Jan 2007
OC - 22 Jun 2007 - related to the one above for sure
ON THE HOUSE - 24 Jan 2002
OPENING GALILEO THEM - Alternative title: Life of Galileo - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s
PACO RABANNE LADY MILLION - 29 Jan 2013 - 3m 00s - Ali Love also credited
PALETTE CLENSER - 15 May 2006 - 3m 00s
PAPAL DISCO - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Mentioned before I think. The awesome nightclub scene from the play
PARTY BREAK - 19 Oct 2004 - 3m 00s
PLAGE 8 VV - 24 Jul 2007
PROBLEMS - 15 May 2006 3m 00s - COULD IT BE!?
RACING THE TIDE - a quick google brings up this article about Surrender. What track is this actually? I'm not up to date
RESPONSE - 17 Nov 1999 - Another alternate entry for Music:Response??
RIOT VV - 15 Jun 2004
ROUND ROUND - 27 Jun 2003 - 3m 00s
SALMA - 07 Mar 2011 - 3 m 01s - Credits for Derrick Stewart, Renato Carusone & Nicola Salerno
SCARECROW - 03 Jun 2003 - 3m 00s - David Lee Roth credit - the proposed collaboration from this article?
SHUKE - 09 May 2006 - 3m 00s
SKINK - 06 Mar 2006 - 3m 00s - Tom only
SKY - 01 Jul 1999
SLOW BUTT GRIND - 04 Nov 2004 - 3m 00s
SOLDIER - 06 Mar 2005 - Obviously Left Right, but no Anwar credit
STEPS - 28 Aug 2008 - 3m 00s
STUFF - 01 Feb 2002
SUN - 01 Jun 2017 - 4m 00s - Galileo - Tom only
SWIFT JUSTICE - 03 Jun 2003 3m 00s
THEME - 14 May 2002
TOMB RAIDER - 04 Jul 2002 - Galaxy Bounce, of course
TRACK 4 NO NAME - 29 Jan 2002
TRAVELLERS SITE - 28 Mar 2017 - 3m 01s
UNDER THE PINK - 08 Apr 2005 - 3m 00s
WITH JUSTIN WAR VV - 20 Mar 2001

Paul Janeway - Healing. I think we talked about this, right? Tom has a writing credit. Didn't include it in the list but it's there.

There's also, A LOT of Ariel tracks that I can't find on Discogs. Am I missing something there?

Hot damn this is a lot to unpack! I'll start with what I think I know:

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• RACING THE TIDE - a quick google brings up this article about Surrender. What track is this actually? I'm not up to date

It's "Surrender" - early promo copies listed that track as "Racing the Tide"

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• STEPS - 28 Aug 2008 - 3m 00s
Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• ELEKTRON - 18 Jan 2008 - 3m 00s
Names of the 3 "ringtones" of synth noises they released in 2008 (hey does anyone still have these? I lost my copies!). The third one was "Wizard", was the intro sound of EBW9 and afaik the first clue we had toward the actual name

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• SLOW BUTT GRIND - 04 Nov 2004 - 3m 00s
Outro to Elektrobank, was named on 2004 setlists as this

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• PARTY BREAK - 19 Oct 2004 - 3m 00s
I think this is an early title for Come Inside. Here's a blog post with the 2004 setlist printed verbatim

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• CHERUB CLOWN HARMONIES - 04 Oct 2011 - 3m 01s
Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• GALACTIC PHASE SHIFT INTERLUDE - 04 Oct 2011 - "Intended Use: General Usage" - 3m 01s
"You are all my Children" outro to Superflash and the massive Don't Think second half outro section, were both named on 2011 setlists like this

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• PACO RABANNE LADY MILLION - 29 Jan 2013 - 3m 00s - Ali Love also credited
Version of Do It Again was used in a Paco Rabanne ad around this time

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• MIND RESPONSE - 24 Jun 1998 - 3m 00s - Miss/early registration of Music:Response?
This one weirds me out - that's the title given to the early version of Music Response on the 1997 Osaka bootleg. I thought it was just the bootlegger's name for it.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
uhhhhh - this is Keep Hope Alive by The Crystal Method, as featured on the Replacement Killers soundtrack and frequently mislabeled as "The Chemical Brothers - Replacement Killers"

So something tells me some of these database entries are actually automated or mistakenly taken from bad tags and bootleg titles floating around.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• KRAFTY NUMBERS - 30 Nov 2007 - 3m 00s
Maybe All Rights Reversed (Fight The Drabs)?

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• SKY - 01 Jul 1999
probably The Diamond Sky

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17
• FURTHER - 06 Jul 2011 - Martin Hall & Anthony Edward Fergusson also credited
Another World
Never for money, always for love.

Quite a lot of these are already addressed on the SACEM thread. Might be worth having that open in a second tab before doing any more explanations like WN's.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Apr 10, 2019, 21:47

MIND RESPONSE - 24 Jun 1998
This one weirds me out - that's the title given to the early version of Music Response on the 1997 Osaka bootleg. I thought it was just the bootlegger's name for it.
For some reason I thought this was the name for the Breaks version of HBHG (with the Jungle Brothers "What U Waiting For" rap) in DJ sets? There was definitely a name besides HBHG  ???

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Apr 10, 2019, 21:47

• KRAFTY NUMBERS - 30 Nov 2007 - 3m 00s
Maybe All Rights Reversed (Fight The Drabs)?
Kraftwerk have a track called Numbers (and New Orders' Krafty is a reference to Kraftwerk - although it really doesn't sound like Kraftwerk). Did the Chems have a DJ weapon of Numbers at some point?

Incidentally, French speakers: La Chatte Rouge, isn't that a bit naughty?
My understanding is that Le chat = the cat, La chatte = pussy, but not really in the cat sense. Rouge of course is red. I could be very wrong about this!
Last Edit: Apr 10, 2019, 22:52 by Wolkenkrabber

Sorry guys. I knew there would be some obvious ones that, with a little more mental power spent I could have omitted, but I'd rather have them all and ignore (or edit out) the ones we don't need.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Apr 10, 2019, 21:47

So something tells me some of these database entries are actually automated or mistakenly taken from bad tags and bootleg titles floating around.

Yeah. Almost all of those peculiar looking ones have comments/tags essentially saying that no one is trying to figure out who owns the work. Though, weirdly some of them have been updated relatively recently - again, perhaps due to bot sweeps automatically ingesting bad information and populating the database.

Glad we have a bunch figured out already.
Mind Response is cool.
But Music:Response is cooler.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Feb 12, 2018, 04:05
I'll try to make my archive of interviews available online somewhere if someone asks!

I'm asking ;D I read a couple of interviews way back in the day (like, late 90s back in the day) where they divulge some cool details. Would love to read some of those old interviews again.

One amazing story was about the birth of It Doesn't Matter. They said the power went out at a gig like 10 mins before their show and they didn't have time to load up all their samplers etc. again. So they programmed that drum beat and a big kick underneath it, and chucked in the vocal sample and jammed on that while the rest of the gear was loaded up. So awesome.

I like how all of those have creative names and then there's just "Track 4 no name"  ;D

Updated to include the early DJ versions of C-H-E-M-I-C-A-L, Got To Keep On, and Eve of Destruction as well as the goodies and oddities from this years' BBC mixes, and Ed's speculation they might release or create some extended versions of No Geography era songs including the title track itself.
Last Edit: Nov 21, 2019, 23:53 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 10, 2019, 21:17

CHATTE ROUGE, LA - 05 Nov 2001
First thing I think of when seeing this is Etienne De Crecy and Cassius' Philippe Zdar, they released a couple of records under that name. Could it be a remix for them, maybe? They haven't released anything around 2001, even under their other alias, Motorbass

I love that track:

And Wolkenkrabber, La Chatte Rouge can also just mean the red (female) cat ;)

Searching on Discogs, Etienne de Crécy released Tempovision in late 2000 and Tempovision Remixes in 2002 (not sure when exactly) A remix of sorts for him in late 2001 seems plausible. Maybe it didn't make the cut
Last Edit: Nov 22, 2019, 00:02 by Ben_j

Updated for the Rowlands Audio Research stuff
Never for money, always for love.


Me neither Tom, me neither.
(Is this the right thread? I mean you can download it now so it's kinda released)

and it's foking brilliant
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

That's funny- I had this Chems biography book called Life is Sweet that was published probably around '97 or '98 and they mention them playing Tomorrow Never Knows live. I had just assumed they messed up and meant Setting Sun.

What an insane surprise! I straight up never thought we'd ever hear this, I've read about it and even confirmed it with Tom - it was something they did for encores at early shows - but like he said, he wasn't aware of any recordings. This man's just been sitting on a DAT tape of the whole show for 24 years.

The Orb, Orbital, and Underworld all played this fest and their sets have been circulating for a while. 1996 was among the best Chems tours and there's a chance we hear weirdies like Get Up On It or Don't Stop The Rock in the set once/if he uploads the whole thing.

IIRC they got a cease and desist from the Beatles for doing this.
Last Edit: Oct 24, 2020, 16:05 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Woot woot, some "new" stuff. It sounded really good, but man, the vocal loop gets tedious after two minutes. The rest is dope!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

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