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Discussions on difficult subjects

Started by Enjoyed, Mar 09, 2018, 23:11

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Quote from: Bosco on May 31, 2022, 17:25
Yeah, this has to be a bit disheartening for Russian fans. I don't even know, are residents allowed to leave the country at this point?
There were no restrictions on our part.
The whole problem is in flights. They are possible with transfers through "friendly countries", it is very expensive. And of course many countries do not give visas.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on May 26, 2022, 01:32
But regulation *is* effective. Do the gun people not realise how high gun deaths are in America compared to say, Europe where gun ownership/availablility is less common?

Well...we tell them. The news tells them. The info is there. They just shout it down as if it is an imaginary talking point, and then circle back with a misunderstanding of words as they are written. And American news media is ridiculously polarized, with a great deal of people believing the  propaganda machine that fuels the ant-science/anti-data nationalistic hate in which they find pride and identity. It's not even 'news', but we have laws that don't hold news agencies to journalistic integrity. What's worse is there is also a hypocritical association to Christianity surrounding it all, not unlike the horrors of the Crusades. Many call themselves pro-life on religious basis, but they couldn't be further from it: they will deny women healthcare regardless of scenario, deny childcare and parental assistance once young women are forced to have babies, deny socialized healthcare despite its global success, deny critical race theory that will educate people on their differences and disadvantages, deny assistance programs for the underprivileged, deny any regulation that will slow the climate crisis, and of course, deny any conversation of even minor compromise on gun control despite children being slaughtered. And they do this while celebrating unregulated guns, worship of the rich, and general denial of facts, empathy, or reality in the name of their religion. It is sickening, and they truly believe this is the greatest nation on Earth, and solely because of people like them. Of course, they're not the majority, but they're the loudest, and year after year their politicians are limiting voting rights and stacking courts while the other side does nothing, ensuring it will continue to get worse.

And one more thing. Some of these people would welcome a police state, as long as the police know that they're the "white good guys". Our police are surprisingly militarized and generally overfunded, but when they are needed, they are often on the wrong side of history. Be it killing black men begging for their lives in front of cameras or standing around outside an active shooting, terrified of the gunman as children were bleeding out, fighting parents instead of saving kids, these 'blue lives matter 'police forces seem to have the unquestioned support of the bootlickers. And it goes both ways when shit goes down.

I implore all of you to research how the police mishandled this school shooting. Be warned: it is horrific. I cried multiple times at my job as more and more information was released. They messed up so many things and were responsible for deaths, not saving lives. But rest assured, they were well armed and well funded with the support of the local municipalities.

So yeah, we in America talk about gun regulation, recurring massacres, and common sense policy frequently and loudly. But the money is with the NRA and Congress, as is the misinformation machine, and they are all more powerful than our stupid little facts and lives.

But don't ya know, we're the greatest goddmaned country on the planet you stupid foreigners! (For my friends who speak English as a second language, that was sarcasm. It is probably obvious, but if not, I LOVE the global community and wish my countrymen understood thay have a lot to learn.)
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jun 02, 2022, 10:51
Clone Distribution statement.
What a fucking tons of shit is described on this page.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: satur8 on Jun 01, 2022, 17:11

Well...we tell them. The news tells them. The info is there. They just shout it down as if it is an imaginary talking point, and then circle back with a misunderstanding of words as they are written. And American news media is ridiculously polarized...

Thank you satur8 for taking the time to say what you did. The horrific tragedy in Texas still haunts and outrages me. Every new detail that emerges rips the bandaid off the hemorrhaging wound.  With everything else going on, the world feels like it's been upside down lately. There was a mass shooting at a church that I lived 2 miles down the road from for several years, right after their Buffalo shooting. And there was another shooting today in Tulsa. I wish I knew what will finally bring common sense change and regulation. 
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

There are some real issues here in America. Guns seem to be great for our kids and society. And don't even get me started on single payer healthcare and mental healthcare. But today, specifically women's healthcare and subsequent social nets are focal issues as we force them to reproduce. It's all driven by forcing extreme religion into political rights, and yet we HATE when the middle east does that.

This is all because that last imbecile stacked the courts...and the opposition rolled over and let him.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

To be honest, that was far from surprising. In those senate hearings, I can't remember anyone being absolutely clear on their standing towards Row v. Wade. They all beat around the bush and used vague language to veil their true attitudes.

And btw, it's not just big orange Tumble who's responsible for this situation. First and foremost the blame has to go to Moscow Mitch who changed his attitude towards SC nominations anytime it served his political needs. One time you can't nominate successors during an Election year, another time, when it's your turn, all of that is forgotten.
The GOP has lost it's effing mind.

And today, in New York, the state SC turned over its 100 year old precedent restricting carrying guns openly.

The USA is on a severe retrogressive course.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I was waiting for this to happen ever since Obama's presidency.
When republicans managed to stall his choice for supreme court, it was obvious how things will roll.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

The United States has some backward-ass logic going on.

Framing the abortion discussion as a "moral issue" without expanding on the analysis that what is really being discussed is applying religious morals to this issue is, to say the least, absolutely disingenuous.

What I read in the supreme court decision is a carefully-crafted sidestep. Somehow, this entire issue is framed from a religious/moral perspective without actually discussing the foundational basis for it.

No joke: The rationale for the 2nd Amendment is to allow people to have, at all times, the opportunity to rise up against the government and take it by force if necessary. See: Militia.

But somehow we're supposed to accept imposition of religious will in a state legislature if they so choose.

Among comparable wealthy countries, the U.S. has
the highest infant mortality rate (
the highest maternal mortality rate (
the highest child poverty rate. (

The so-called "Pro-Life" GOP has been central in causing and aggrevating all of these issues, with working against accessable healthcare and adequate social security every step of the way. With their stance on abortion, this means: We'll force you to carry to term, from then on fuck you, you're on your own. It's forced birth, not pro-life.

The politicians of the GOP are not dumb. Just as with gun control, they know people will suffer and die from their actions. They just don't care. They don't give a single shit about anybody's life.
What they do care about, however, is staying in power, and their idea of power is white, fundamental Christian/Evangelical and patriarchal. In their worldview, a womens right to choose is simply a threat to their power.

Quote from: MadPooter on Jun 24, 2022, 18:58

No joke: The rationale for the 2nd Amendment is to allow people to have, at all times, the opportunity to rise up against the government and take it by force if necessary. See: Militia.

Quote from: Stefan on Jun 24, 2022, 19:38

The politicians of the GOP are not dumb... In their worldview, a womens right to choose is simply a threat to their power.
Mm, interesting point.


Oh god, I've just seen this.
Last Edit: Jun 24, 2022, 22:20 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: sandelic on Jun 24, 2022, 17:35
I was waiting for this to happen ever since Obama's presidency.
When republicans managed to stall his choice for supreme court, it was obvious how things will roll.

And yet, so many Americans didn't see it or didn't care. Just like they didn't see it when Trump got 3 seats in, two of which were clearly nutjobs, all of which were forced in with partisan power and little pushback from the other side, and one of which was stolen, as you mentioned. And many Americans still don't see it as a problem today that the Supreme Court is ruling based on religious agenda, or the fact that 5 out of 9 sitting Supreme Court Justices have lifelong appointments from Presidents who LOST the popular vote.

But ask most Americans, and they'll make sure you know this is "the greatest country on Earth". Yee-Fucking-Haw. And somehow the majority remains powerless to stop this craziness.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 11, 2022, 11:06

Quote from: Bosco on Jul 11, 2022, 04:20

Qatar World Cup coming up this late autumn, we doing a friendly World Cup pool on here or what?
I not going to watch any of these games and i cannot understand why any team is going to this tournament...

Not saying the human rights issue are something to gloss over, but us 1st worlders are pretty fucking full of shit to sit here and condemn a burgeoning country with all the blood that's on our hands. If we are pulling the plug now, why haven't we done time and time before when these issues around the world arise.

Don't mind me Pumisher, noble pursuit on your part. I'm mostly spineless.
Last Edit: Jul 11, 2022, 18:02 by Csar

1:19 to 1:22 "Zalenskys Nazi regime".
Do Russians think Zalensky wants to annexe Poland and gas the jews? He's a former comedian FFS!

Ukraine does have some far right groups who cause problems but so does Russia!

The guy from 5:18 to about 6:12 seems to make some sense: "we should be talking to the Ukranians...and tell them how their future will look with Russia. Telling them that they don't exist will only cause them to reject us".

It's certainly true that people dont like being told that they're a member of an organisation they didn't want to join. Norway doesn't want to be a full member of the EU, so you can't force them to join. Imagine if the EU invaded Norway, calling it a "special military operation". Would the EU say: "Well, they're European and some other Scandanavian countries are EU members so this is a matter for the EU, it's not for others to comment or get involved" Imagine!
(yes I know, there isn't an EU army).

The bit at the very end:
"so my 10 year old kids..."
"will eventually get the chance to fight, right?"

I want to know what was said in reply. Did any Russian forumites see this?

Also the last few seconds of this clip are interesting
"Stalin...called for the ones who panic to be shot"  :-[

Last Edit: Sep 12, 2022, 15:51 by Wolkenkrabber

This is the piece to read about Musks twitter acquisition:

I can only hope that he looses as much money as possible and that twitter somehow survives without all the cool people leaving.

Cool people? I don't know. Seems more like a platform for grandstanders, loudmouths, blowhards and full-of-themselves and all sorts of nasty people.
Elon Musk will probably soon find out that his "vision" of being an opinion abolutist won't work and reality is very likely going to put a spoke in his Twesla wheel, so to speak. He won't be able to not moderate the platform and people that are now prasing this guy as the second coming of Free Speech Jesus are going to have a hard awakening and be pissed.

Elon Musk and people like him is/are just the best example that lots of money can't buy you character.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

There's certainly a lot of great people who write great and interesting content there.
One thing I love, for instance, is the many scientists writing about their field, so that, if you follow the right people, you can hear some of the chit-chat and banter from experts about topics you're interested in.

Seriously, what is wrong with (45% of) this country? I'm so fucking sad looking at this.


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