Just Get Yourself High

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Thank you for reminding me I need to get a new stereo AND tv for living room.  Fuhhh.  I do at least own 4 boomboxes (because I am a Lips fan).  I still buy cds and records and even saved all my tapes (including mixtapes/compilations friends or I made).  My roommate at least has nice studio monitors in our record room. 

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Jun 05, 2019, 15:02
I still buy cds and records and even saved all my tapes (including mixtapes/compilations friends or I made)

I once had to move from a spacious apartment to a smaller one with little help on a short timeline. I remember throwing about 400 cassette tapes and singles (and their display racks) in a dumpster because nobody would buy them. I kept about a dozen and some personal mixtapes.

I don't actually miss them, but it was difficult at the time.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I still have some old cassettes (and an old boom box) but they are more for nostalgic reasons than for actual listening. Making mixtapes was so much fun at the time but I don't miss the cumbersome and low quality sounding cassette format at all, lol!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

This is the annoying thing about it all and it seems for everyone else. How we have our music is all over the shop because the industry keeps changing it and someone like Apple wasn't even originally for the music industry but now arguably has significant control over it like they crashed the party. But then I guess they were supposed to save the industry cause everyone was downloading it free already but look whats happened anyway.

I know bands thankfully may decide to sell mp3s directly from there site like some already are and vinyl it seems is still popular and getting refined in its craft with new turntables to preserve that. Hopefully CDs don't phase out because i like having a physical back up of some sort if any of your computer back up equipment and internet don't work.

I'll only get the CD if the artwork is significantly good and not an after thought and if I love the album from start to finish. Vinyl is a pure aesthetic thing like if its limited edition etching/artwork etc. I wish I had the $ to actually have a decent collection but I'd rather put that into new hifi equipment etc.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I still find it very, very difficult justifying money in exchange for data. I know it's entirely a me thing, and that the 1s and 0s are in fact representative of the art that I'm enjoying. But something in my head still has trouble giving value to an infinitely reproducible set of numbers. A CD, or vinyl, is a physical item that costs money to print, design, manufacturer and ship. An mp3/flac/whatever does not really cost anything. You can cmd+c and cmd+v and you have another exact copy. You can't do the same with a physical. Which is why I hand over cash for it.

that's the fundamental issue in the philosophy of money though..and a big part of the reason that Finance gets to take advantage of everybody—steadfast belief that `money' is somehow real while licenses and other abstract entities are not
Eight or over.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 09, 2019, 20:43

I still find it very, very difficult justifying money in exchange for data. I know it's entirely a me thing, and that the 1s and 0s are in fact representative of the art that I'm enjoying. But something in my head still has trouble giving value to an infinitely reproducible set of numbers. A CD, or vinyl, is a physical item that costs money to print, design, manufacturer and ship. An mp3/flac/whatever does not really cost anything. You can cmd+c and cmd+v and you have another exact copy. You can't do the same with a physical. Which is why I hand over cash for it.
Maybe think of it that way: When you buy a physical item (CD/Vinyl/whatever), the cost of the item itself is only a (I guess very small) fraction of the price you pay. The creation of the contents also costs something, as does marketing/distribution etc. And that cost doesn't change much when you change the medium (The data you download has to be stored somewhere).

^ That logic is not flawed, but if all costs are equal, I would rather own the product than pay someone to host it and lend or license it to me.

And I honestly don't think it was the consumer market that decided this was better. The corporate sector made a quick bait and switch seeing that they could lose overhead yet charge the same because young people were willing to settle for data without physical material. The caveat is that young people were doing this because it was free and shared, and in less than a generation's time they lost their ownership of the music they were paying for. I don't think the artists have really benefited in this regard, either, but I am not an expert in that area. Maybe lesser artists have found success because the value and importance of an album has greatly decreased, but I certainly don't think the music industry is better today as a result. And I'm not just saying that because I'm old (but it helps). 8)
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Philippe Zdar died.

He produced/mixed a number of albums that are really special to me. Not to mention his work in Cassius and Motorbass. And the many, many remixes he had a hand in.

Sad loss. Just before the release of the latest Cassius record too.


Saw that.. Cassius 1999 was an important record for me growing up. RIP

So sad to hear about Zdar... I didn't know he had produced or worked as sound engineed for so many other bands.
Last Edit: Jun 21, 2019, 12:11 by Ben_j

I still listen to some of his mixes on occasion as well the odd cassius track. nice knack for mixing house styles together.

Another Ed Banger alumni who passed in a similar way. (DJ Mehdi being unfortunate other)
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Happy 4th of July fellow Americans! Be safe!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Happy birthday, USA (of which I just learned was actually two days ago).

I'm curious: How do you, US forumers, think about today's events planned by the president (display of military machinery, speech, select audience etc.)? Has there been any controversial discussion among your friends, family etc. about that?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Jul 04, 2019, 17:07

Happy birthday, USA (of which I just learned was actually two days ago).

I'm curious: How do you, US forumers, think about today's events planned by the president (display of military machinery, speech, select audience etc.)? Has there been any controversial discussion among your friends, family etc. about that?
To be honest none of my family or friends have been thinking about it, every president has alot of events on the 4th, they just happen and we move on.

I think the biggest event on the news RN is the 6.4 Earthquake this morning in cali.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

^ and we get rocked by another one! Much bigger too! Back to back quakes! It lasted way much longer than the last one. I'd say about 20 - 25 seconds.

Last Edit: Jul 06, 2019, 15:48 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

The earthquake last night was strong and long overdue. It made the trees in my backyard sway back and forth! Very surreal and unnerving.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I'm glad you folks are ok. Hopefully that will be last one that big.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Yes, stay safe and sound!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I'm just back from Lyon where I attended the Women World Cup Final, USA vs Netherlands. The stadium and the city were half full of americans, and even the train back to Paris was filled with people with USA caps and apparel. The support for their soccer team sure is strong!
The dutch were fewer, but more organized. Next to the fan-zone in the center of the city, we stumbled on a wave of orange fans, dancing and partying around a double-decker orange bus.
It was a great experience, although I would have prefered to see France in final

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