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Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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Quote from: Stefan on Dec 09, 2024, 16:27
Maybe we should discuss less controversial movies. Like how Star Wars The Last Jedi is one of the best movies in that franchise, on par with Empire and Rogue One.
Ha! Yes, much less controversial! No one ever argues about Star Wars...

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 10, 2024, 01:48
I kinda love Rogue One :)

Yeah great stand-alone film (sort of). I remember there were worrying rumours of Disney not being happy with it and the director being under pressure to re-do parts of it. So it was a pleasant surprise when it came out. "Meet an all new gang of rebels you uhhh, shouldn't get too attached to." - yes I'm quoting Honest Trailers again.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 19, 2024, 04:33

Ooh maybe the Chems will get exposure to a whole new US (worldwide?) demographic from this, like when Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill popped up in Stranger Things giving her a first ever US Top 10 hit 37 years after release. Kate is great; her Hounds Of Love album really is an all time classic.
Or maybe Sonic 3 won't do anything at all for the Chems...


Uptick from the furry demo

This could be the most mainstream usage of their music though, correct? I mean it's just not another song on a movie soundtrack if Jim Carrey is literally dancing around (like the review suggested) and mouthing the words from Galvanize in an actual scene.

Stadium world tour, here we come! ;D

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 21, 2024, 02:02
This could be the most mainstream usage of their music though, correct?

Do It Again for Paco Rabanne (was it paco rabanne? some perfume) maybe?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Sonic 3 scene spoiler alert
Robotnik Dance
^act fast before Paramount/youtube takes it down

That sequence was not only technically challenging to pull off, Sonic 3 director Jeff Fowler tells Polygon, it was a scene proposed by Carrey himself — which sure sounds like a thing Jim Carrey would do.

"In our early conversations, it was one of Jim's requests," Fowler recalls. "In the first
Sonic the Hedgehog, there's a moment where Robotnik is in his lab, and thinks he's by himself. He puts on some music "Where Evil Grows" by the Poppy Family and he just starts dancing. He has a little dance party, and then he gets interrupted by [his assistant] Stone. And so Jim wanted to dance again. Of course, we had to not just have him dance, we had to go big, and really go for it."

Carrey even requested the song that was ultimately used in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, The Chemical Brothers' "Galvanize."
Last Edit: Dec 23, 2024, 22:53 by Bosco Reason: cleaned up copied and pasted quote

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 21, 2024, 11:03
Do It Again for Paco Rabanne (was it paco rabanne? some perfume) maybe?
Mind you Go got used in various car commercials and a video game advert too, I think. Somewhere in the Chemical Spotting thread people posted about that circa 2016...

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 23, 2024, 20:19
Sonic 3 scene spoiler alert
^act fast before Paramount takes it down
The day I responded to this story above I also found a "CAM" copy of Sonic 3 on my firestick. I wouldn't want to watch the whole film in that quality but I skipped through it, and at exactly 1 hour into the film, there it is.
It seems to be father and son Robotnik. Older Robitnik says to the son (suprised):
"The lasers don't seem to be penetrating my suit!...So now we could just dance right through". Robotnik the younger replies "That sounds like a challenge!", and thus we have their dance off.
To be honest it does feel a bit shoehorned in, and I wondered if this was Carrey's idea when I watched it (honest!).

The editing of the track really is as blunt as it is in that clip. And that really is how it ends, before suddenly cutting to Sonic who's in London (I think). So it leaves you wating for the "drop"/chorus to come back in, and it never does. Which is frustrating if you're a Chems fan but perhaps a relief to everyone else who was wondering: "WTF was all that about?"

If the dancers were two lithe young 20-somethings, this could almost be a Chems live visual (and wouldn't it be fun if the Chems decided to incorporate this clip into future shows?). Carrey's dancing isn't quite up there with the pro's though...

Galvanize youtube page is flooded with Sonic 3 comments

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 23, 2024, 23:04
Galvanize youtube page is flooded with Sonic 3 comments

I admit, I was scared to read the comments! But I've read a good many and am loving the positivity! 
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: satur8 on Jun 30, 2023, 17:10
Other things I've enjoyed in the genre are Severance (best series ever)

Just started watching Season 1, not sure about best series ever, but it is incredible good. Definitely one of the best i've seen in a long time (oh, and please no spoilers if you brothers, sisters and siblings are thinking about responding to this).

Quote from: Qubitdyne on Mar 20, 2023, 14:29
Can you believe that The Golden Path is now 20 years old? (...) I would love (...) a remake of the video using modern video production technology. Get the cast of Severance to play the lead characters...

Now i understand the hint  ;D 
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 23, 2024, 20:19
Sonic 3 scene spoiler alert
Robotnik Dance
^act fast before Paramount/youtube takes it down
They have done.

Ok, seen Sonic 3 now; the whole thing.
No one told me Krysten Ritter was in this!
No one told me Keanu Reeves was in this!
No one told me that The Prodigy are on the soundtrack! (Another Jim Carrey scene. Did he pick this one too?)
No one told me that a bad 'punk' cover version of 99 Red Balloons performed by Goldfinger was in this! (Ugh, why?)
We also get End Of The Line by The Traveling Wilburys in some flashback scenes. As far as I can tell, it's meant to be the 1970s, but that track didn't come out until late 1988/early 1989...

Speaking of Goldfinger, no one told me that this film had a hint of James Bond about it. I'm thinking Moonraker and general Bondian "destroy the world" megalomania.

What I did know was more-or-less what it would be like. Because I had already seen Sonics 1 & 2. Though I just had to re-watch the trailers now to remind myself of the specifics.
Like the first two, it's a reasonably entertaning family-action-adenture-comedy. Oh and if you want to go by the IMDB scores, it's a sequel that's better than the original (S1: 6.5, S2: 6.5, S3: 7.1).
I think I said 7.2 as the credits rolled, so yeah it's fine if you take it for what it is.
As for the Galvanize scene, it didn't seem to stick out so much whilst watching it within the whole film, but then again, I was kinda waiting for it...

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 05, 2024, 05:33
I also finished up watching The Penguin the other day, which was a real treat. Gritty and well told story, and some top notch gangstering from Mr Farrell.

Just finished it myself now. After 5 episodes of the 8, I decided to go back and watch The Batman (2022). I had forgotten how long it was - 3 hours.
My feeling on Penguin is that it was more like a Mafia drama than a comic book thing. At times it maybe felt a bit too in-depth, with Penguin's childhood given a lot of screen time along with his mother's dementia. If you showed this to somebody who hadn't seen Batman since the 1960s, I don't thnk they would consider this as being even remotely related.

It was also difficult to know who to root for. Penguin/Oz is no hero; he's clever at times, but his bad stuff isn't necessaily fun; it's often just nasty and heartless.
So do we root for Penguin's new sidekick Vic, who probably should have left Gotham after the sea wall collapse? Meh.
Do we root for the heads of the Falcone or Maroni crime families? Meh.
Sofia Falcone aka The Hangman (and Catwoman's half sister) is perhaps the only one. Maybe we'll get her in the next film?
It was nonetheless very watchable, and I'm sure Colin Farrell did himself no harm as he continued to present himself as nothing like Colin Farell.
I guess it's a 7 from me for satisfaction, although the overall production, acting etc was very good.

Oh PS: The Batman sequel is now scheduled for an October 2027 release date. Which is quite a long wait from 2022. Considering the first one clearly ended with a "to be continued" vibe, you would imagine they had the next one scripted and ready to go. But apparently not.
Last Edit: Jan 27, 2025, 15:03 by Wolkenkrabber

I wonder if the Chems camp would want to reach out to Jim Carey.

Both have done reputable work with Michel Gondry, Let's get our own "Weapon of Choice" moment and make something fun. Speaking of which, I think Spike Jonze (Elektrobank and Weapon of Choice director) has a pretty solid friendship with Jim, so that could work too.
Last Edit: Jan 26, 2025, 21:17 by Bosco

If you like horror/thriller movies, go treat yourself and watch Heretic.
I can't remember when the last time was that I watched a movie that was this much "edge of the seat"

I should be catching up on Oscar nominated films to be featured tomorrow (I've watch none, lol), but somehow got hooked into mountain/rock climbing documentaries recently. I mean they're self explanatory... If you enjoy some amazing cinematography along with some free spirited narcissists and ego feeding personalities I would advise watching these couple of titles:

1. The Alpinist (2021) - MUST SEE, features a Collin Stetson (Radiate contributor) track. Do not wikipedia or seek any more information, go in and watch it blindly. I'm not saying anymore. You'll thank me later.

2. Meru - the trial and tribulations of a trio of climbers and their epic climb of Meru in the Himalayas .

3. Free Solo - climber free solos the big wall of El Capitan at Yosemite National Park, perhaps one of the most majestic rock walls in the world. This won an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2019.

Touching the Void is another gripping climbing related documentary, a good watch I would recommend if you like those others.

Quote from: Stefan on Feb 05, 2025, 19:57
If you like horror/thriller movies, go treat yourself and watch Heretic.
I can't remember when the last time was that I watched a movie that was this much "edge of the seat"

Yes, intriguing film. If you're a relgious person, it may feel like a kick in the teeth, but food for thought nonetheless. And next time you're down the pub discussing the existance of God and the role of religion, this film would be a handy castalyst. Not a conventional horror.

One of the two Mormon ladies in the film is played by Sophie Thatcher - who seems to be making some waves in Hollywood. Just watched her in Companion (2025) a few days ago. I'm not saying it's as good as Blade Runner or Ex Machina, but if you like that sort of thing, and if you like Hughie from The Boys, then you might like this.

Quote from: shakermaker on Mar 02, 2025, 16:50
Touching the Void is another gripping climbing related documentary, a good watch I would recommend if you like those others.

Seen it. Quite harrowing/stressful IIRC, but it's good, and a must watch for Boney M fans!

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 02, 2025, 07:18
3. Free Solo - climber free solos the big wall of El Capitan at Yosemite National Park, perhaps one of the most majestic rock walls in the world. This won an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2019.

Seen this too. Quite um, gripping (yeah pun intended).

I had no idea I could comment on mountain/rock climbing films, but here we are!

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 02, 2025, 07:18
I should be catching up on Oscar nominated films
This has somehow snuck up on me this year. Usually I text a couple of friends before the ceremony with my predictions for the main categories (I tend to see how films have done in the other awards ceremonies - is that cheating?). They're always amazed at my accuracy(!). Best film is hard these days though, cos there are 10 films nominated. If each film gets roughly 10% of the votes, you only have to get about 11% of the votes to win.

And speaking of Oscars (not politics!), this just caught my eye. I didnt realise there was an Irish connection to this film when I mentioned it in another thread recently. If ever you needed an endorsement to watch a film, this is surely it!
Click to play video,

Last Edit: Mar 02, 2025, 21:05 by Wolkenkrabber

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