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Movies/Shows you're watching.

Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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Chicago Museum of Science+Industry has a James Bond exhibit until next spring exploring the vehicles and gadgets of Bond. Hoping to make it out there and get a chance to check out the Lotus sub!

I just got back from seeing Wicked.

I fucking adored it. Might have to go see it again next week.

I didn't grow up with Ariana Grande on my screen, I've only really seen her on the odd SNL sketch (in which she was usually pretty funny) but this performance made me a big fan. I love the original musical, but haven't listened in a while - I had forgotten how bloody good those songs are, and the spectacle that was achieved through the medium of the movie was nothing short of magical. I highly recommend for anyone even remotely interested in the musical/story (the book is also quite good IMHO).

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I also finished up watching The Penguin the other day, which was a real treat. Gritty and well told story, and some top notch gangstering from Mr Farrell.

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I'm also about half way through Interior Chinatown, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. It's maybe no secret that I'm a big fan of Chloe Bennet, but Jimmy O'Yang is also great and the whole premise has been a really fun adventure so far!

Anyone watched, or like me "tried to watch", Joker 2 (Folie à Deux)?

Watched the first hour but then turned it off. It's just not my movie, even though the first one was one of the best movies in the past years. Phoenix played solid, Gaga played solid and Gleeson is always a good watch - but this movie itself for some reason doesn't catch me. Maybe it is the singing, i usualy don't like movies where there is a lot of singing (except Blues Brothers, La La Land, Spinal Tap, Team America and the original Mary Poppins), but i wouldn't say the singing was bad. Maybe it is the complete choreography of the movie? Or the fact that i just can't imagine a superhero supervillain movie as a musical.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Pretty much the same for me. I watched it in the cinema, and all the time I thought "this is a musical movie based on a comic franchise with two super talented actors in the lead, shouldn't I be entertained at some point?". If I watched it at home, I probably also would've turned it off.
The movie for me was just bland and boring. It's supposed to be a "love" story (if not, then what else?), but no part of it is particularly interesting, or innovative, or relateable, and I thought that the characters had exactly zero chemistry with each other. I would've loved the idea of a musical movie, but they managed to create a musical score without any memorable songs.
In my opinion, what they should've done is go all in with the musical idea and make these scenes/songs completely over the top bright, colourful with upbeat chords, and put that in contrast with the grim world where the Joker's incel army bombs the world into chaos.

Tbh, I wasn't a big fan of the first Joker movie either. It wasn't bad or boring, like Folie a Deux, but in my opinion also not particularly great either.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 27, 2024, 21:13
[Twisters] another great tornado based disaster movie, centered around an interesting enough narrative with likable (eventually... you'll see what I mean) characters.

I give it 8 twists out of 10.
I remember watching the original Twister on VHS back in the 90s. But I think I got bored and didn't make it to the end. So I was surprised when I ended up liking this one. Glen Powell seems to have become the go-to guy for cocky, pleased-with-himself characters. No wonder he ended up in Top Gun Maverick, where they insisted on re-visiting the super-cocky pilot persona from the first film. The Honest Trailer for Twisters actually made me laugh out loud - when they did the 'stalker' bit, cos I kinda had that thought during the film, but they made it better.

Quote from: Stefan on Aug 08, 2024, 18:22
Watching M. Night Shyamalan's new movie "Trap" on the same day that Taylor Swift's three sold out shows in Vienna got cancelled due to terrorist threats was certainly a bizarre experience.
Oh this was nearly a good movie. But in the end, it had more plot holes than a swiss cheese. Surely M Night could see that? I remember being so pleased when Split (2016) and Glass (2019) came out. I thought: "He's back! We always knew he had talent; this is his second coming!" But then there was Old and now this. And...ugh, it's so frustrating because there is something worthwhile in that guy's head. I think he needs a co-director to keep him on track.

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 23, 2024, 09:40
Excited for this casting:

Now that Maccaulay no longer appears to be a strung out junkie, I'm pleased to say that he looks like a healthy, adult version of that kid from Home Alone. There was a time when he was almost unrecognisable. Good luck to him, I hope S2 is good.

Quote from: Fine Time on Nov 24, 2024, 11:31
I've not seen Romulus yet , but i've heard it doesn't break any new ground , just plays all the hits , and comes in at a mediocre 5/10 , will probably watch it before the year's out.
I had this conversation with a friend before I saw it. My POV: this doesn't expand the story like Promethius did; it's just a sort of semi re-boot. An excuse to make another Alien film to appeal to a new, younger audience. But then I saw the film, and although I don't disagree with my comments, I will say that it was quite engaging. The final third of the film really ramps things up. Ironically my friend who disagreed with my huffy "pre-opinion" still hasn't seen it, but I have, and I think its worth a watch!

Quote from: Stefan on Nov 29, 2024, 18:55
The Substance was also great, though I think the final part was a bit over the top for me (I guess this was entirely intentional).
Agreed. I would have liked it to be a bit less silly at the end. Even if that was a deliberate choice by the director. Definitely one of those films that - visually - I will never forget. BTW I didn't realise until recently that Margaret Qualley was Andie McDowell's daughter. Nepotism eh?

Quote from: Stefan on Nov 29, 2024, 18:55
Strange Darling was another fantastic movie this year.
I started this and then said: "Hmmm, female being chased by scary man. I'm not in the mood." So I stopped. Maybe I should try it again...

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 02, 2024, 02:50

Chicago Museum of Science+Industry has a James Bond exhibit until next spring exploring the vehicles and gadgets of Bond. Hoping to make it out there and get a chance to check out the Lotus sub!
There's an English guy called Calvin Dyson who does big in depth reviews of all the Bond films on YouTube. He's clearly a huge Bond fan but isn't shy of pointing out all the absurdities and bad bits in Bond films too. I enjoyed watching a lot of his reviews when I did my Bond marathon several years ago. Anyway he's also on Twitter and posted these back in 2022. I think he was in San Francisco/California at the time. I wonder if this is the same exhibition but now in a different city.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 05, 2024, 18:36
...i usualy don't like movies where there is a lot of singing (except Blues Brothers, La La Land, Spinal Tap, Team America and the original Mary Poppins)...

I'm glad I didn't see La La Land at the cinema. Everytime people hopped on the roofs of their cars to dance, or engaged in some impromptu finger snapping, my fingers snapped on to the FFWD button. Hard. The only muscal part of that film I liked was Ryan Gosling's piano playing. I liked the rest of the film though.
Blues Brothers - yeah that was good (Aretha!)
Spinal Tap - well yes we had to have the comedy songs. Especially when those tiny Stone Henge props descended from above.
Mary Poppins - fun fact: I met Angela Lansbury when I was about 7. Stayed in the same farm house as her in Cork, Ireland. Sat at the same big dinner table with her at dinner time. Didn't have a clue. EDIT: Oh wait, she was in Bedknobs & Broomsticks not Mary Poppins. Never mind. PS: Yes she did know that Murder She wrote was rubbish (I'm told), but they kept paying her so well!

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 05, 2024, 18:36
Anyone watched, or like me "tried to watch", Joker 2 (Folie à Deux)?

Watched the first hour but then turned it off. It's just not my movie,
I had to split it over three nights. It had its moments here and there. But even the ending wasn't what I wanted. And yeah, why was it a musical? Considering how quickly it went from cinemas to streaming, clearly everybody else disliked it too. But you know sometimes the worse the movie, the better the honest trailer. So this one is great! I laughed hard at 3:53 "Uh, new phone, who dis?".

Other films that I have liked in 2024:

Blink Twice (original title: Pussy Island)
Rebel Ridge
Fly Me To The Moon
The Instigators
Late Night With The Devil
Furiosa (but no, it wasn't as good as Mad Max Fury Road)
The Chernobyl series (2019), yeah I'm late to this.
Civil War (Ex Machina remains Alex Garland's best film though)
Challengers (except the ending)
Love Lies Bleeding (might appeal to people who liked The Substance. Though the ending is OTT here too)
Black Flies (aka Asphalt City)
Monkey Man
Knox Goes Away
Snack Shack
Last Edit: Dec 07, 2024, 01:38 by Wolkenkrabber

Haha I love Honest Trailers. They manage to roast movies in a way that's hilarious, whether you love the movie or not ;D

Twisters was a really fun, solid popcorn movie.


'Twister' boring? Hogwash! I think there might be a little bit of baked-in ignorance with that take. You need to experience some violent high-winds/weather across the plain states and you'll understand the thrilling anxiety this conjured up at the time. Obviously, the CGI is terrible to todays standards, but I think it still achieves some great sound, a fun cast, and a tight and simple story for a 1hr 53mins.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 07, 2024, 09:57

'Twister' boring? Hogwash! I think there might be a little bit of baked-in ignorance with that take. 

Baked-in ignorance? Don't hold back Bosco! I think I actualy fell asleep. I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse. Lemme grab the Delorean, go back to my 1996 self and let him know that Bosco from 2024 thinks I've got baked-in ignorance.
I'll also tell him that I watched the new re-boot-sequel and enjoyed it, so I must have broadened my mind in the mean time.

I seem to recall also nodding off during The Peacemaker then waking up and asking if the cool car chase from the trailer had happened yet, "about an hour ago dude". Oh. Video went back to Blockbuster the next day. I eventually watched it in full about five years later on regular TV.

Oh and The Matrix (1) in the cinema too. I was loving it but also my eyes kept falling shut. Fortunately it was quite loud, so full sleep was not achieved.

BTW Bosco what was that film you said you had never watched, but I think your cousin or someone keeps chastising you for not watchng? Was it Die Hard? Cos if it was, that has an 8.2 score on IMDB. EDIT: It was Rocky - IMDB score of 8.1. Both Twister movies are currently 6.5's...
Last Edit: Dec 07, 2024, 17:38 by Wolkenkrabber

lol, I admit after review, my wording might have come off offensive...but maybe truer than you want to admit...

I don't expect ocean/sea locked countries to feel the general threat of the weather phenomenon that is a Tornado and all the nuances that come with it. But as someone who does experience some of this every year, this was an awesome scary/depiction/dramatization of what Tornado damage is and what chasers do. It could have been better minus the "evil" sponsored competition and lame love triangle, but that's Hollywood baby!

'Twister' has to be the first high budget attempt since Wizard of Oz to depict a Tornado. I don't think you're giving enough credit.

Not boring!

I guess If I didn't like Titanic much (-I didn't) that must mean I don't have the perspective of someone in an ocean-locked country.

It's funny that I praised the recent Twisters film and made lots of other film comments in my post, but what you got out of it is that my opinion of a 90s disater movie was wrong. To the point where even your reply to my reply reiterated your "it's not boring" point. Well if you keep saying it you must be...right?

Incidentally "I think I got bored" isn't quite the same as saying "it was boring". A subtle dfference but it's there. I think you get overly defensive of things that you like. Perhaps more than you want to admit.

I suggest you read that IMDB score again and realise that clearly lots of people didn't rate it particularly highly. Feel free to tell them they're all wrong instead of calling me ignorant because I nodded off back in 1996!

I respect your thoroughness, but you're taking this further then it needs to be. I "LIKED" your original post, so obviously I respect your opinion(s). Don't always feel obligated to respond to me for every dumb or knee-jerk remark I make. Yeah, maybe I have one-sided or strong opinions on things, but that doesn't make me wrong...

Because we are here:

The opening scene of 'Twister',
is literally Helen Hunt character's father (when she was a child) being sucked from a storm shelter into a tornado.
Is that not intriguing enough from the get-go?

I'm not sure what exactly you wanted. Perhaps the tornado opens a portal from the future, and the Terminator makes an appearance? "Ciclone la vista, baby!". Or, perhaps you were just a little outside of the age demographic where the movie's "reality" was stretched too thin. Thus, disengaged you and becoming "bored"? Even then, general knowledge about tornadoes wasn't that common. So exploiting imaginations was an effective way to go. Perhaps you're TOO big-brained for script writers. Good for you. I was 10, it worked.

Why waive IMDB scores around?  There is so many middling and low-end score Movies/TV on IMDB that are entertaining. I fully admit, it's not a great film. It's far-fetched and generally a dumb script. But it's also a fun flick and pretty well done (whether you want to admit that or not). It's a popular enough property that warranted a sequel ~30+ years after the original.

I cant fully comment about 'Twisters' because I haven't seen it yet. I'm sure I'll enjoy it like the rest of you. From the previews, it looks like 'Twisters' has license to be campy. So already it has ability to break through boundaries where the original couldn't.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 08, 2024, 07:55
I respect your thoroughness, but you're taking this further then it needs to be..

Your response to my original post accused me of "baked-in ignorance." And you followed it up by telling me it "maybe truer than you want to admit..."

Crumbs. Thanks Sigmund!  :o

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 07, 2024, 18:13
Because we are here:

The opening scene of 'Twister',
is literally Helen Hunt character's father (when she was a child) being sucked from a storm shelter into a tornado.
Is that not intriguing enough from the get-go?

I'm not sure what exactly you wanted. Perhaps the tornado opens a portal from the future, and the Terminator makes an appearance? "Ciclone la vista, baby!". Or, perhaps you were just a little outside of the age demographic where the movie's "reality" was stretched too thin. Thus, disengaged you and becoming "bored"? Even then, general knowledge about tornadoes wasn't that common. So exploiting imaginations was an effective way to go. Perhaps you're TOO big-brained for script writers. Good for you. I was 10, it worked.

Holy Moly, that's a lot of text on something that I mentioned in passing, in one line of my original post. Just one line - check it.
I only mentioned the '96 film as a lead-in to the new one, but your response to me ("ignorance") felt overly personal and defensive (or aggressive).
What did I want from Twisters 1996? Nothing in particular. It was just a video that a housemate rented in 1996. I watched a bit of it, it didn't keep my attention and I nodded off. That's all.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 07, 2024, 18:13
Why waive IMDB scores around? 
Simply to show that I wasn't the only person who wasn't blown away (pun kinda intended) by the movie. It's not exactly Citizen Kane so please don't call me ignorant just because I didn't give it an 8 or a 9 in passing. I think Rocky is much better but if you ever watch it and you don't like it, I promise not to get personal.

This isn't the first time you've responded with a personal comment when someone doesn't agree with your opinion on something.
When I didn't agree with your opinion that "Caroline Ellis provides one of the best vocal samples ever in Chems history", you responded with:
Quote from: Bosco on Sep 08, 2023, 15:54
I pity your childhood and the lack of comforting nostalgia.
Ouch! Sigmund strikes again!  :o
This feels unnecessary and kinda belittling. If I'm going to get comments like these then it may put me off posting here in future.
So what I want is not to receive personal attacks/critiques when I comment on a film/music/whatever here. And that's it.
As for Twisters '96? Couldn't give a monkeys!

I suggest you remember we aren't a married couple and you should know I've always been somewhat of wildcard around here. I'll try better to not make what you are considering "personal attacks" so you don't feel like you have to hold me so accountable.

Live Long and Prosper

Can we just come back to movie and/or show watching?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

:D You guys. I know the discussion is hot but I'm dying here over the bickering, haha If I had a dollar for every time I've nodded off during a movie (good or bad, in my livingroom and on occasion, at the cinema), I'd be a millionaire, lol

Oh hi! 
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Maybe we should discuss less controversial movies. Like how Star Wars The Last Jedi is one of the best movies in that franchise, on par with Empire and Rogue One.

Quote from: Stefan on Dec 09, 2024, 16:27
Maybe we should discuss less controversial movies. Like how Star Wars The Last Jedi is one of the best movies in that franchise, on par with Empire and Rogue One.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I kinda love Rogue One :)

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 10, 2024, 01:48
I kinda love Rogue One :)

Yes, Rogue One and the original Thrawn-trilogy by Timothy Zahn from the early 90s (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising & The Last Command) are the best that happens to the Star Wars universe since A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back & Return Of The Jedi
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Anyway, for a while you think Dr. Robotnik is good, but then he turns out to be bad, especially when his grandfather (also played by Carrey) shows up. The two team with Shadow to conquer the world. Robotnik the Younger gets a musical dress-up montage set to "Firestarter" by The Prodigy, then the two get an extended dance number set to "Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers.

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