Your Love Is Lifting Me

Movies/Shows you're watching.

Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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Season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead was stupid as hell and wasn't even very good, but seeing this trailer has reminded me of just how much I need it in my life. Evil Dead 2 is one of my favourite movies and nothing I've ever seen has come close to it's perfect mix of cheesiness and awesomeness, but I'll still enjoy anything that puts in the effort and that includes this stupid, stupid show. ;D
The devil is in the details

You're nuts.  Season 1 was fun as all hell.  Season 2 looks even bloodier.  Also, Lee Fucking Majors!

Suicide Squad. I enjoyed it more than I expected. Margot Robbie stole the film though.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 29, 2016, 15:07

Watched Under The Skin the other day. What a strange movie, i'm not sure if i've enjoyed the movie or not - but i'm tending to not like this movie, even though you've seen Scarlett Johannson plenty times fully naked.
I didn't think she looked quite as stunning naked as I imagined (not that she looked bad or anything). And I don't remember seeing her naked plenty of times, but maybe that's just my memory. As for the film, yeah it was weird and somehow less fun than I thought it would be. But it kept me glued til the end.

Finally watched Boyhood.  Great film, I can't even imagine the editing process. 

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 10, 2016, 18:11

Margot Robbie stole the film.

She was the only decent thing. The rest was garbage. A seriously hack job of some actually very interesting DC characters. And what the heck was that Joker? Regardless of comparing him to what came before, Joker as a gangbanger crime lord with tattoos and a grill? No. Just no.
Big big waste.

Just watched Batman V Superman ultimate edition, in preparation for Suicide Squad. Lots of additions in this version, most of them really good and giving a much clearer view on some points that were very sketchy in the theatrical version. I already liked the movie but this version makes it much better.

Now, given how bad the reviews were for Batman v Superman and I ended up liking it, I hope I like Suicide Squad too.

Did anyone go see the new Ghostbusters ? I went without any expectations, seeing how bad the trailers were, and thinking they had made a Ghostbusters with girls "just because", but it was a really good surprise. The movie is funny, making references to the original movies without it being forced or looking to remake them point for point. It's not the movie of the century but it's not bad, and I want to see a sequel.

Quote from: Ben_j on Aug 22, 2016, 18:14

Did anyone go see the new Ghostbusters ?
Csar did, so did I. See our comments one page back.

Quote from: Skyscraper on Aug 22, 2016, 19:03

Csar did, so did I. See our comments one page back.
Ah crap, I didn't even think of checking the previous posts >_<

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 28, 2016, 22:08

It felt like it was so nearly a good movie. At times the editing felt pretty blunt, yet they didn't mind giving us some long ass closing credits to sit through just so we could see a so-so bonus scene at the very end. I actually liked the ladies performances (Kate McKinnon was a minor revelation). I just wish there had been a few more jokes and a bit less of a chopped-together feel about it.
Yeah, the 4 actress really lifted this up. With anyone else this could have been terrible.

Speaking of edits, there were a couple of bits in the trailer below that I don't remember in the film:
1) "no-one should have to encounter that kind of evil...except you girls I think you can handle it" 0.10- 0.17
2) "these women are just sad..." "oh". 0.30-0.37.

Anyone else remember those bits in the film?

It looks like they shot so many more scenes (some can be seen in the ending credits), and the trailer editing was so bad... I read somewhere that there was a first edit that was 2h20 long and that it was awful. I'm also wondering if they added some new shots afterwards: the parts with mean internet comments, the "It's not so bad" line at the end... All of these meta things mocking all the backlash that the movie got before it was event released (at least that's how I perceived them, and it was subtle and nicely done, which is not always the case (I'm looking at you, "Two and a Half Man" finale)

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 16, 2016, 05:19

Well I'll give you a hint at the pacing of this series. "Winter" has yet to come, and we're almost through season 6.

The more I watch Game Of Thrones, the more I'm reminded of my longing for a HBO version reboot of "Hercules: The Legendary Journey" with Kevin Sorbo. and "Xena: Warrior Princess" with Lucy Lawless (oh baby!).

I finally started actively watching GOT last week.  Just finished "And Now His Watch Has Ended" (S3Ep4).  HOLY FUCK SHIT IS REALLY GETTING REAL. 

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Sep 13, 2016, 02:38

I finally started actively watching GOT last week.  Just finished "And Now His Watch Has Ended" (S3Ep4).  HOLY FUCK SHIT IS REALLY GETTING REAL. 

Wait for the wedding - and for S06E09!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Born In Planet Dust on Sep 14, 2016, 08:06


Hahaha :D You're so not prepared for everything that comes next !

I've seen the first episode of Blindspot, which seemed like a bingo of movie/shows clichés :

Tatooed girl, that is amnesic, doesn't remember a thing (even her own name), but actually is a badass former spec ops agent, knows close combat, speaks Chinese, etc... (Jason Bourne anyone ?), with a big badass FBI agent (whose name is tatooed on the girl's back)...

It wasn't bad per se, but I feel like I've seen or heard this story a million times.

The Good Place is probably my favourite series right now.

Ok, I havent actually seen The Man From Mo'wax but I think I want to. It's starting to be shown at Film Festivals so hopefully it will be released soon...

Game Of Thrones S5EP9.  FUCK STANNIS. 

Screw you! Stannis is the true king! And Melisandre is a babe (despite her baggage [and haggage  ;)])!

Quote from: Bosco on Oct 18, 2016, 04:20

Screw you! Stannis is the true king! And Melisandre is a babe (despite her baggage [and haggage  ;)])!

I got a thing for cougars...

Anyone else watching Westworld?

I'm really enjoying it. And the slow build to whatever is coming is nice and wholesome.
A fairly big ol' cast of well known talent too. Probably the most I've seen in on ongoing TV series.

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