Did You Know That We Can Go to Japan?

n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 26, 2015, 03:15

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Go on now! Don't be shy. ;-)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Well I'll be the first I guess. Longtime lurker of the old forums and was overjoyed to see the community reunited on this forum, thank you especially to the creator/s for giving us all a home.

As a friendly piece of feedback, this forum is extremely difficult to find via Google. I almost given up trying to find where the community had broken off too. I even used way back machine to try and find stalwarts such as Whitenoise to contact them through any means possible.

Ultimately a useful Redditor told me of the new forums on the r/chemicalbrothers subreddit after I specifically enquired on there, as that subreddit isn't very active at all. Thank you MadPooter.
Last Edit: Jul 26, 2015, 16:09 by oHUTCHYo

God, it's like I'm a new student at a school and the teacher just asked me to introduce myself to the class!
Hello! My name is Peter and I live in a rural town in Queensland, Australia, where the internet is bad enough that I thought I'd better get a physical copy of Born in The Echoes via mail. Unfortunately, this means I still haven't got the bloody thing and am slowly going insane!
I've been lurking on the forums for a few years now, and I first heard the chemical brothers around 2010/2011 when I was 12 and Further was still new. My taste in music hadn't really been defined yet, so I wasn't sure what to make of it. Obviously, I found it all to be quite insane, and just stuck to listening to Horse Power and the Daft Punk songs I was already into. But I guess there was something about the album that intrigued me, cause I kept being drawn back to it. I think a large part of it was the sensation of the album, It was so ethereal, like nothing I'd ever heard before. It didn't sound like the techno or dance music I was familiar with. I didn't know what the hell I was listening to or what it was doing to my brain, but one by one, I fell in love with every song on the album.
From that point on, I knew I wanted more, and I ended up going through their discography in a really weird way: in reverse order.
I guess it was because Further was their most recent work, so I figured the more recent stuff must be better than their older stuff. After I heard We Are The Night and Push The Button, I was pretty much exclusively listening to Chemical Brothers. After I heard Come With Us and Surrender, Don't Think was released, so it was the first time I heard tracks from the first two albums, like Setting Sun and Block Rockin Beats, and also the first time I got see the majesty of Chemical Brothers live. It was mind blowing! It was also the first time I paid money for Chemical Brothers (gimme a break I was a kid :P). But I still wasn't sure if I wanted to listen to the first two albums. Each time I ventured into an album, I felt like I was taking a risk. I wasn't sure if the Chemical Brothers were always good, and it would be almost heartbraking if I found I didn't like an album. I was so relieved each time I got an album and discovered it was awesome too, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be the case with the first two. I'd heard other big beat from around the same era, like Fatboy Slim and the Prodigy, and I thought it was all obnoxious crap. It sounds silly when I think back, but I was really nervous when I got Dig Your Own Hole, I was kinda scared to start it. I decided to pick a song at random as a little taste, just to get an idea of what I was about to listen to. I picked The Private Psychedelic Reel. How fucking lucky is that!? I still think their more recent work is better than their old work, but I can happily say that the Chemical Brothers have never dissapointed me. Well, maybe This Is Not A Game...
Anyway, sorry for the rant. When I started typing this, I didn't realise it was gonna be so long. Oh well.
I hope I didn't come off as too starry-eyed. The Chemical Brothers are still my favourite band, but don't listen to them exclusively anymore. It's because of them that I've gotten into bands like Justice and the Beatles. I don't know what's gonna happen to the Chems after BITE, but I don't think I'll ever stop listening to their music.
The devil is in the details

Well spoken Bendy!

Just to let you know...

We love the Chems, but we don't have those creepy shrines full of collages of the band.  ;D

Were a small collective of vinyl enthusiasts, gamers, and people with personal agendas against the world who dare challenge this band (Ex: see Kings Of Leon)

You might want to talk to Krisper in the forum. He has plenty of Chemical exploits to tell you, and plus, he's near your area.

Congrats on scoring your first show btw.

Last Edit: Jul 28, 2015, 03:17 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Bendy, that was a great story! I can see myself in parts there too, just a few years earlier. :)
I'm glad too, and I think the brothers would endorse this, that you don't keep solely listening to their stuff but instead, inspired by their sound, keep digging through the nuggets of (electronic) music. It's something the chems have done to me too. They introduced me to a whole new sonic world and made me look for more interesting sounds (e.g. samples), songs and entire bands (e.g. I Break Horses among others) whch led to great experiences. It was kind of a liberating encounter that largely  induced my musical coming of age.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The forum has always been a place to geek out on the Chems music, share opinions even if there's disagreement, and in general just be nerds and shoot the shit and discover other likes and interests we have in common. :) We're not ones for idol worship. That's just creepy!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Welcome Bendy, I love reading your story. I am much older than you, but I didn't discover my love for the Chems until 2009. They are timeless.

I have a very memorable experience at the River Stage in Brisbane in 2011 (I think), 9000 people standing on the grass, sun going down, drizzling rain, and then 2 hours of the most unforgettable sights and sounds from a live show by Tom and Ed.

You must find some way to see them live when they tour again very soon :)

Quote from: Krisper on Jul 29, 2015, 03:43
You must find some way to see them live when they tour again very soon :)
God I want to! It's definitely something I gotta do before I die, probably something I should be doing on a regular basis. This is my last year of school and I'll be living in Canberra by 2016. Even then, I probably wouldn't be able to go any further than Sydney to see a live show.
So, if you're reading this Tom/Ed, how about giving the ACT a thought, eh?
The devil is in the details

Quote from: Bendy1001 on Jul 29, 2015, 14:10
I probably wouldn't be able to go any further than Sydney to see a live show.

They almost always do a Sydney show too. Once you have seen them once, it is never enough. Last time they came my wife and I saw them in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. What a magickal week that was :)

Quote from: Biff on Jul 31, 2015, 20:09

It  is I, Biff. I have returned,

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Biff!! Welcome back! Did you bring your Chems Almanac and can you tell us what's in store for us in the Chemical future?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I'll  harness my stills in astrology

it's good to be back!

I'm Brian, 38, and had been lurking on the old board for a long time (for some reason, my tech deficient ass couldn't figure out how to register or log in).  Either "loops of fury" or "chemical beats" (which I first heard on an awesome mostly trip hop comp. "Special Brew."  Check the "aba all starrs" mix of "army of me" - credited to Mike D).  I immediately fell in love with those acid riffs and big, speaker quaking bass hits.  I picked up the "loops" ep, fucking loved it.  "Setting Sun" came out and I found myself waiting intently for "Dig Your Own Hole."  Since the first time I heard that album, the glint has forever been. 

Welcome to the Brotherhood BIPD! Thanx for coming out from the shadows and entering our beloved forum. I remember thinking that the Chems would come out with a 'Breaks' CD when 'Loops ep' came out.

That same style came back when CWU was released in 2002 when I heard Hoops, and the SG b-side, Base 6, which is my fave break track.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Hey everyone, I'm Karl. I'm 38 and been a chems fan for many many moons. I live in Essex

Quote from: karlsberg76 on Aug 25, 2015, 07:45

Hey everyone, I'm Karl. I'm 38 and been a chems fan for many many moons. I live in Essex
Welcome to the forum, Karlsberg! I hope you'll enjoy your time on here!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

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