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The Electronic Music Puzzle

Started by WhiteNoise, Mar 22, 2020, 21:26

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You guys might get a kick out of this - a print celebrating the history of electronic music:

See what you can spot. According to the creator, The Chemical Brothers are in there.
Last Edit: Mar 22, 2020, 21:33 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.


yellow & blue demi-globe hats: Pet Shop Boys
torch glasses: orbital
blue phone box/ tardis - could also be orbital but probably BBC Radiophonic Workshop for original Dr Who theme etc
speakers: KLF
Oxygene bottle: Jean M Jarre
Helmets: Daft Punk
Stickers: aphex and Neu!
(speaking of Neu!, where's Can?)
the image below Aphex on the Tardis looks really familiar. Why can't i name it? Grr!
Cross - Justice
Is that meant to be airport runway/apron near the Cross? If so, Brian Eno (music for airports)
Crab - Prodigy
Box of matches on floor - also Prodigy?
Clouds - Orb?
Autobahn sign - Kraftwerk
home computer on the floor - also Kraftwerk? Windows software suggests...not?
A clockwork orange video box - Walter Carlos electronic OST
Disco Ball - LCD soundsystem? Chems? I was looking for chemical robots. Whats the green thing in the tardis? (its not a chems robot)
Fruit next to the frying pan = Silver Apples!!
Rose(s) - Depeche Mode? (Violator sleeve?)
Box of popcorn = Popcorn by The Popcorn Makers? (you probably know this even if you think you don't)
Joystick - a reference to Atari whose computers used to be used for cubase in the late 80s and early 90s??
Knife: The Knife (scandanavian band)?
Yellow sign near Autobahn  - The Hacienda/Factory (New Order)
The polo t-shirt almost looks like an Ed Simons fashion item. Maybe.
might edit more in if i think of any...

Is there an "answer sheet" somewhere? Not that I'm fully ready to see it yet....
Last Edit: Mar 23, 2020, 00:34 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 22, 2020, 23:50
the image below Aphex on the Tardis looks really familiar. Why can't i name it? Grr!
I think that's Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark's S/T first album

B&W image above Hacienda/Factory is "Dare" by The Human League
Tiered hat inside the Tardis is Devo
Box of 9" nails is NIN
Green block and orb things is Boards of Canada
Pylon in back is also Kraftwerk (seems like a lot of Kraftwerk references)
Portishead Road Map is Portishead

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 22, 2020, 23:50

home computer on the floor - also Kraftwerk? Windows software suggests...not?

I think it's gotta be a second Brian Eno, Windows 95 sounds - and the yellow color's just a brief nod to Kraftwerk

My best guess on the Chems reference (which the author says is too obscure and is planning on changing it) is

the "private" reel on the speaker?

There's also

Massive Attack (logo on the bottle on top of the Tardis)
Gary Numan (red pyramid from Pleasure Principle)
Yellow Magic Orchestra (the Circus-like game on the bookshelf)
Throbbing Gristle (sticker on Autobahn sign)
Tangerine Dream (the water drop by the KLF speakers)
Burial (sticker on the KLF speakers)
Global Communication (76 14 on the runway)
General reference to 90s Birmingham trance through the space hopper on the left

Anyone know what the leopard van on the runway is? Or the "hello" UFO?
Never for money, always for love.

The calendar bottom right, New Order - Blue Monday?

Quote from: Metta on Mar 23, 2020, 00:59

The calendar bottom right, New Order - Blue Monday?
love that one. Does Jan 15 hold relevance?
Never for money, always for love.

Pretty confident the mirror ball is LCD Soundystem.
Is the checkered square poster Manuel Göttsching's E2-E4??

Going to collect what it looks like we haven't figured out yet:

  • The bowl of eggs
  • Leopard Van
  • Hello UFO
  • Crazy comets tape
  • Black,grey & white paint by the Windows computer
  • Lemon Jelly looking circle shape things by the paint
  • Table tennis paddle
  • Letter 'G' tile
  • Big A on the IKEA cabinet (using a similar font to Bentley Rhythm Ace)
  • The Polo Shirt  - The Streets/Mike Skinner, maybe?

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Mar 23, 2020, 01:18

love that one. Does Jan 15 hold relevance?

It's the saddest day of the year. Interestingly they have used an American calendar with Sunday as the first day of the week. Guess it's a US designer.
Last Edit: Mar 23, 2020, 01:35 by Enjoyed

Hello UFO - I instantly think of Hello Spaceboy, Pet Shop Boys/David Bowie?
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: actionjackson780 on Mar 23, 2020, 00:36

I think that's Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark's S/T first album
Of course! Designed by Peter Saville of Factory Records. That's why I should have known it...
I couldn't read the word Portishead on the map. Blaming my eyes for that one!

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Mar 23, 2020, 01:18

love that one. Does Jan 15 hold relevance?
Well in recent years Blue Monday has become an "event". As per wikipedia:
Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was first published as part of a 2005 press release from holiday company Sky Travel, which claimed to have calculated the date using an equation...The date is generally reported as falling on the third Monday in January,but also on the second or fourth Monday, or the Monday of the last full week of January

The record was released on a Monday in 1983 but not in January, it was March 7th. Might have made a better reference TBH

Whats that about Birmingham trance in the 90s? I never heard of this connection to Space Hoppers. Where you getting that from? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm old enough to theoretically remember...

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 22, 2020, 23:50


Rose(s) - Depeche Mode? (Violator sleeve?)
Box of popcorn = Popcorn by The Popcorn Makers? (you probably know this even if you think you don't)

I feel like the rose in the, metal?, roses is significant. Doesn't seem close enough to the Depeche Mode cover.
Also, surely Popcorn is the Hot Butter electro disco classic?

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 23, 2020, 01:38

Whats that about Birmingham trance in the 90s? I never heard of this connection to Space Hoppers. Where you getting that from? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm old enough to theoretically remember...

"The space hopper (Hippity Hop in America) was invented by Italian, Aquilino Cosani in 1968, though he referred to it then as the Pon-Pon, and it was launched in Britain just as trance/rave culture was picking up speed in the summer of '71. This may help provide some explanation behind the trend, and space hoppers went on to make appearances at Glastonbury and Birmingham psychedelic trance parties well into the 90s."

Quote from: sandelic on Mar 23, 2020, 01:38

Hello UFO - I instantly think of Hello Spaceboy, Pet Shop Boys/David Bowie?

Was also wondering about DJ Yoda. But that has just one guy in the spaceship, where as this has two aliens who are looking away from us - at the hello sign.

EDIT: It's freakin' Moby isn't it. Duh.

^ You may be right about Depeche Mode being wrong. In which case we don't know what that's about. Or do we?
There are a couple of versions of Popcorn. Yes Hot Butter is probably the more famous.

I'm still confused about this trance thing. 1971 trance/rave culture?? What's that got to do with 90s trance? It's late here, maybe I'm being dumb?

E2-E4 sounds plausible.

And yeah. it's Moby, agreed.

Invented in the 70s but basically released to the public in the UK in the 90s. The Glastonbury thing I'm not sure about, it's kind of before lots of photos were taken of Glastonbury every year. But there was also a Spacehopper club, though the logo isn't the traditional space hopper drawn here. I think it's akin to the ecstasy smiley face of rave, y'know?

The bowl of eggs wouldn't just be The Egg, would they? I'm guessing not as there are many eggs.

Records in the cabinet... DJ Shadow?
Last Edit: Mar 23, 2020, 02:08 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 23, 2020, 01:27
Crazy comets tape
After some research I bet this is for Rob Hubbard - one of the first true video game composers, known for chiptune work on dozens of Commodore 64 games, including the game Crazy Comets

Never for money, always for love.

can't see underworld or air in there.

the polo could be fatboy
the tabletennis racket can be air (kelly watch the stars video)
Last Edit: Mar 23, 2020, 02:47 by ThePumisher
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 23, 2020, 02:40
can't see underworld
Neither do I. But say that weird pink and blue thing in the TARDIS is supposed to be a baby and a lubricant bottle... Born Slippy?

Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 23, 2020, 01:40

I feel like the rose in the, metal?, roses is significant. Doesn't seem close enough to the Depeche Mode cover.

Word of author - one of the roses is Depeche Mode. But the other one?

Edit: Got it, it's


Suzanne Ciani

Sometimes I feel like Buchla synths could be the only instruments in the world, and I'd be happy.
Last Edit: Mar 23, 2020, 03:56 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Hurrah, I was at least partly right about Depeche. They had to be there. No Eurythmics though?

I didn't realise how much we could zoom/enlarge. NOW I can read Portishead. But what's with the cigarette box between Portishead and NIN?
And what's with the frying pan? Is it significant that it's stitting on a tape reel?
Next to Crazy Comets (which I can now read) there's a green/brown thing. Could it be a geiger counter or rather another electrcity measuring device - a reference to Ohm Sweet Ohm sampled by The Chems? Maybe I'm reaching here?
I must admit the polo shirt does remind me of The Streets but would that artist really fit here?
It says Kelly on the joystick. I couldn't see that before. That must relate to Air: Kelly Watch The Stars.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 23, 2020, 04:02
And what's with the frying pan? Is it significant that it's stitting on a tape reel?

Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 23, 2020, 01:53
The bowl of eggs wouldn't just be The Egg, would they? I'm guessing not as there are many eggs.

This took me ages but it's Bjork, from the Venus as a Boy music video

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Mar 23, 2020, 04:02
But what's with the cigarette box between Portishead and NIN?
Next to Crazy Comets (which I can now read) there's a green/brown thing. Could it be a geiger counter - a reference to Ohm
Both items on the cover of Yellow Magic Orchestra's first album - the green/brown thing is an illustration of the Atari game Circus, which the YMO single Computer Game takes samples from
Never for money, always for love.

I'm slowly getting the rest of em. Music videos are the key.

Leopard / giraffe van

Black and white polo shirt

Never for money, always for love.

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