Just Remember ... to Fall In Love!

Tracks that grew on you

Started by Ben_j, Dec 29, 2020, 12:56

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Every once in a while, there's a track (Chems or not) that I had never been too fond of before, that I suddenly feel an urge to listen to, and I hear them with a fresh new ear and begin to like them.

Apparently today is Midnight Madness' turn for me. Never really enjoyed it, yet today for some reason I like it.

It happened to me for a few Chems tracks, to name some: The Test, Galvanize, Another World... Who knows maybe one day I'll love No Geography?

Midnight Madness is a perfect example for me too actually!

The full Further album. it rose 2 spots on my list.

I used to hate star guitar when I first started (don't take my beautiful head please), now when that bad boi comes onto my playlist, volume nob twisted 100%. I even tried starting a chant for Temptation when I was at Civic center last year
Last Edit: Dec 31, 2020, 09:56 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 30, 2020, 19:49

The full Further album. it rose 2 spots on my list.

I used to hate star guitar when I first started (don't take my beautiful head please)
Oh yeah, Star Guitar for me too. It's the first Chemical Brothers track I heard actually, before I really got into The Chemical Brothers, and at the time I was like "meh"

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 30, 2020, 19:49

I used to hate star guitar when I first started (don't take my beautiful head please)

Quote from: Ben_j on Dec 30, 2020, 20:58

Oh yeah, Star Guitar for me too. It's the first Chemical Brothers track I heard actually, before I really got into The Chemical Brothers, and at the time I was like "meh"


I'm with you Enjoyed. I should ignore this thread purely because a precedent of Star Guitar blasphemy has been set, but I like you guys too much so I'll play along...

Horse Power, for me.

Upon my first listen to 'Further' this track stuck out like a sore thumb (and in a way I still think it's a jagged fit for the album), but upon multiple listens, this has quietly become one of my favorite tracks. I can't get enough of the breakdown/bridge and wish they would have highlighted in the live version.

Unfortunately 'The Universe Sent Me'

Ofc because the listening party wasn't good I wasn't in the right mood but I inititally thought it fell flat on first listen but when I could fully experience it the song has slowly become one of my favorites by them ever (one that deserves to be played live if any of the brothers are reading the forum!)
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Quote from: Ben_j on Dec 30, 2020, 20:58

Oh yeah, Star Guitar for me too. It's the first Chemical Brothers track I heard actually, before I really got into The Chemical Brothers, and at the time I was like "meh"
Haha yeah, for me too. I have a memory of sitting in front of the TV with MTV or Viva running, and the VJ announcing the new video for a Chemical Brothers song, I clearly remember the train ride video and not being impressed with the song. I think back then I was vaguely aware that there's a band called The Chemical Brothers, but I certainly didn't know any of their music. This was waaaay before I got into their music, which was in the Pre-Further era.

man... Star Guitar and the music video is where my love started.

My first introduction was 'Let Forever Be' via a music cable channel where you would call a toll free number and make a purchase to watch a particular music video. Think it as a music video jukebox. Any who, I took notice of the odd music video but never really went down the rabbit hole to figure out who the Chemical Brothers were. My internet access was limited, and when I did use it I was in AOL chat rooms getting cat-fished by grown men.

I'm a night owl, so most of this was caught at the wee hours (probably during the summer time). I also recall coming across a live show around that time and it had to be on MTV or MTV2 which had the Chemical Brothers playing "Hey Boy, Hey Girl". It could have been Woodstock 99, but the backdrop of Redrocks seems super familiar, I've still yet to confirm this memory.

Fast forward two years later, Star Guitar plays on MTV2 late night. I become completely infatuated with song and video, and take note of the upcoming album release which I buy it before a spring vacation trip down I take down to Disney World (I just received my first CD-Walkman the following Christmas). I would have Star Guitar on repeat for most of the car trip down to Florida, until I finally gave the entire album a try. My ears never heard such unique and futuristic music. I became fucking hooked. I even heard "The State Where In" at the Virgin Megastore in downtown Disney on my trip, and looking back in retrospect it was a rather strange track to catch in-store, but the timing of hearing it and the current obsession with the 'Come With Us' album, solidified my love for this group.

Edit: I'm now thinking of odd correlation of catching non-promoted song ("The State We're In") by Chemical Brothers in Virgin Mega Store and their first US gig, which was in Orlando.

P.S. - I'm drinking...
Last Edit: Jan 13, 2021, 06:43 by Bosco

Horse Power went from "hmmm" to "favorite track of Further"

Wide Open grew on me a lot and the alt mix is sooo good
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please say The Salmon Dance...please say The Salmon Dance...

One day you people will come around.

For me it's probably Electronic Battle Weapon 4 / Freak of the Week. I never disliked it per se, but I have a newfound appreciation for it thanks to the Surrender rerelease.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: satur8 on Jan 14, 2021, 22:28

Please say The Salmon Dance...please say The Salmon Dance...

One day you people will come around.

For me it's probably Electronic Battle Weapon 4 / Freak of the Week. I never disliked it per se, but I have a newfound appreciation for it thanks to the Surrender rerelease.
Do not fret, my friend, I listen to WATN on a bi-weekly basis, Salmon dance is always on Max with Bass boost headphones.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: satur8 on Jan 14, 2021, 22:28

Please say The Salmon Dance...please say The Salmon Dance...

One day you people will come around.

For me it's probably Electronic Battle Weapon 4 / Freak of the Week. I never disliked it per se, but I have a newfound appreciation for it thanks to the Surrender rerelease.
It never grew on me, because I liked it from the start :D

Quote from: satur8 on Jan 14, 2021, 22:28

Please say The Salmon Dance...please say The Salmon Dance...

One day you people will come around.

For me it's probably Electronic Battle Weapon 4 / Freak of the Week. I never disliked it per se, but I have a newfound appreciation for it thanks to the Surrender rerelease.

I loved Salmon Dance from the getgo. It's a pretty genius track. In my top 20 Chem Bros tracks of all time.

Horse Power would grow on me without the horse sounds. Ed, if you're perusing the threads, release a non-horse neighing version of Horse Power. Please.

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jan 13, 2021, 16:59

Horse Power went from "hmmm" to "favorite track of Further"

You spelled K+D+B wrong

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jan 13, 2021, 16:59

Wide Open grew on me a lot
here too. it's now my favorite track on BITE. And my favourite Chems-vid (ok, Star Guitar, Get Yorself High & Believe are close, but Wide Open owns the pole position right now)
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: neorev on Jan 15, 2021, 12:20
Horse Power would grow on me without the horse sounds. Ed, if you're perusing the threads, release a non-horse neighing version of Horse Power. Please.
Same here. I want to like it but just can't get past the neighing. It's clearly a banger but not something I'll ever "love" as long as those sounds are there.

I say "nay" to the lot that say "no" to the neighing!

How do you guys feel about the big cats in It Began In Afrika? I'm curious if any animal sound is the issue or if it's just the horse specifically.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

And what about the bee in Honey?
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

imo the cat sounds in It Began In Afrika are used sparingly enough that I dig em. I don't really like Taste of Honey to begin with, find it generally skip-able so no further comment!

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