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Brief Moments in your lives!!! Also, show us your Pets Thread!!!

Started by Bosco, Feb 13, 2021, 11:19

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To be honest, my first thoughts when seeing your video was it looked a little too clean for a record store. And you're saying scaled down by 40 percent? Dang, you would think it would be the opposite.

Well, here's hoping they don't ever change the other locations.

I was meaning to post this for Earth Day.

"let your heart see the colors":

Ah, I love sunsets and sunrises. Lovely shot, Bosco. Did you arrange the lensflares the way they are deliberately, too?
Last Edit: Apr 23, 2021, 09:08 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Not too far from where I live is a village called St. Corona.
Someone "up"graded their road sign.

Quote from: Csar on Apr 23, 2021, 09:00

Did you arrange the lensflares the way they are deliberately, too?

I'm no photographer, just a dude that noticed a beautiful sunset as I was making my way back home and captured it with my phone. It reminded me of the sunsets you see from the African Savanna or the album cover art for Come With Us. Happy how it came out!

My dog Pinky loves to be teased and tested, especially when it comes to fetching her favorite ball. I placed the ball on empty toilet paper roll on the corner of a lamp table to see how she would react.

I'm easily amused:

Also, was celebrating Cinco de Mayo by putting together some enchiladas and noticed a visitor outside on the feeders...

Awe! A new addition? With Carl showing him the ropes, he'll be 'catting' in no time.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: MadPooter on May 17, 2021, 22:39

This is Dewey in all his glory.

He's gorgeous.
Stupid question, you're sure he is not a she?
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Bosco on May 10, 2021, 02:34

My dog Pinky loves to be teased and tested, especially when it comes to fetching her favorite ball. I placed the ball on empty toilet paper roll on the corner of a lamp table to see how she would react.

I'm easily amused:

Also, was celebrating Cinco de Mayo by putting together some enchiladas and noticed a visitor outside on the feeders...

Looks like Pinky knew exactly what to do  ;D

Ohhh, a Hummingbird! I was absolutely delighted when I saw one in the backyard of a restaurant in California during my US road trip years ago.

Quote from: sandelic on May 21, 2021, 10:46

He's gorgeous.
Stupid question, you're sure he is not a she?

Why thank you. I tend to think of him as the most handsome kitty ever.

And yes, the shelter I picked Dewey up from most assuredly snipped his balls before I brought him home.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on May 18, 2021, 19:15

Awe! A new addition? With Carl showing him the ropes, he'll be 'catting' in no time.

Carl sadly departed with my ex girlfriend. :,( I will miss that kitty forever.

Reason I asked is that, according to my friend who should know these kind of things, male multicoloured cats are extremely rare. So he's not only gorgeous, but rare as a pink diamond.

This is my cat, she's called Miki (don't ask) and she's well behaved super model   ;D

I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

You're correct, Calico cats (with white, black, red fur) are usually female, while completely red cats are usually male. Red female cats are still way more common than calico male cats (which are usually sterile, so it's extremely unlikely the trait is passed on). (Read on for some details: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2015/03/calico-cats-almost-always-female/)
Fun facts and statistics, but of course all cats and fur patterns are beautiful  ;D
Keep all the pet pics (cats, dogs, gerbils, all your furry or not furry friends who brighten up your days) coming!

Anyway, now for something completely different:
Today, when I was looking up some statistics, I found something dated 2021 and wondered for a minute or so whether this refered to this year or last year.
Either the pandemic or age (most likely both) are surely wrecking my brain.

Something to look forward to: Next week an outside barbecue is planned where I will see some friends who I haven't seen in person for more than a year. I just hope that the wheather holds out.
Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 20:38 by Stefan

our little boy
The DJ eases a spliff from his lyrical lips
And smilingly orders:

This is Stu. Short for Studio Dog. Graduate of Soft Tummy University.


Brief moments..

After many years later finally i got the driver's license.
(i'm not the Sponge Bob ;D, it was more of a legal problem due to the move to another "state" of country).

And finally bought this 10 years old friend (searches were long, took 3 months, now the car market in Russia is going through hard times):


This US-EU-JP origin mate is very popular and economic in our country in the used car market.
As i know US got different second generation model, correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh.. by the way i got married two days ago. :)
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Explud on Jul 05, 2021, 21:09

Oh.. by the way i got married two days ago. :)
Woah. Cogratulations.

(And I'm sure the Ford Focus is great too)

(a little late but) Me (far right) and the boys coming together for USA day, for the 1st time after quarantining, mask mandate was lifted in my county.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist :D :D

videos coming soon
Last Edit: Jul 10, 2021, 22:53 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Explud on Jul 05, 2021, 21:09

Brief moments..

After many years later finally i got the driver's license.

Oh.. by the way i got married two days ago. :)
Talk about liberating to debilitating!

I kid, I kid. Congrats on both, Explud.

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