Superstar DJs, Here We Go!

Show me what you've got (Chems releases collections)

Started by Explud, Aug 13, 2015, 14:26

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Dude. You need to come to Portland at some point. I see CWU at Everyday Music for 5 bucks every time I visit. Not to mention a bunch of singles (you need Music:Response for your collection, no arguments).

I even saw PTB with the free sticker last week!!

There's a bunch of other record stores around too, and Chems stuff is usually pretty reasonably priced when it's used. Everyday Music has a 'skuff' section with cds for $2, all of which are totally playable too.

I'm having a bit of a Chems catalog Sunday. Thought I would pull out everything and take a snap to share. Most of these are official releases that I've been collecting since 1998. I wanted to exclude anything that I have that's not official (i.e. Live album bootlegs and unofficial mixes). I did however include a white label of Africa (that's what's on the label). It holds a special place in my heart. It was given to me by a local DJ who use to work at a local record shop. I saw him one weekend at a rave spinning the track and the next week I went into the shop and asked him what it was. He handed me the record and I was like.... sweet, a white label Chems track. Later on I realized it was a fake. Including my vinyl in one pic, then the other pic is my CD, DVD, and VHS collection (realize the VHS is not official).

I'm currently in the midst of packing for a move to Vancouver. I knew that somewhere around my place was these posters but couldn't remember where they ended up. Finally found them behind boxes and hockey sticks (the Canadian equivalent to in the couch...sorry...sofa cushions).

First is the poster from the screening of Don't Think in my hometown (which turns out actionjackson and Metta were at right behind me...with all 5 other people in the theatre). My mate was the local promo rep for paramount pictures at the time and managed to track it down from the theatre manager before they tossed it out. The second pic is the stub from the screening. I put it in the jewel case of my original (heavily scratched) version of Come With Us knowing that I wouldn't play it again (I had a second copy by that time).

Third is the Olympia Lithogragh print from 2008. I think it's numbered 139/500 (I'll check when I get home tonight). Certain that I ordered it when made available on the web store post-gig. I know quite a few of you have it. Still was chuffed to find the gem during the clean up.

Fourth is a sticker set. Unsure when I picked it up. Possibly the Oakland '05 gig considering the CWU era designs and them selling potential overstock. I remember buying the Push The Button zip up hoodie at the gig. It also could have been from Fuji Rock '04 where I bought the 'kick ass' ebw 6 shirt (that is long gone now).
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Now can someone tell me if this CWU Tour poster from '02 was included in the original vinyl set? I can't recall if I took it out and hung it on my wall for years or if it's an item I bought.

It folds out with the 'tour' side have a few other promo shots of tom & ed and the lyrics for The State We're In on one panel. The back side is the large Black/White '01-02 promo shot where we first saw Tom with short hair. (The following pic is not the poster, it's just the reference)

Also found the original ticket from the Oakland '05 gig in a photo album. I'll add more pics once I get home to provide better reference. I'll also throw up the elektrobank poster my sister put on foam board for Christmas one year.
Last Edit: Sep 15, 2019, 22:08 by rynostar
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: rynostar on Sep 15, 2019, 21:37

Fourth is a sticker set. Unsure when I picked it up. Possibly the Oakland '05 gig considering the CWU era designs and them selling potential overstock. I remember buying the Push The Button zip up hoodie at the gig. It also could have been from Fuji Rock '04 where I bought the 'kick ass' ebw 6 shirt (that is long gone now).

I have those same stickers! I also forget where I got them. I feel like they were maybe included with the hoody I bought from the website? Or maybe I picked them up at a show in Brixton or something?? I know for sure they are plastered on my vinyl cases back in England though.

The rest of that little collection of yours is niiiiiiiice. I would LOVE some CWU era artwork to put up around all the places I exist.

Best of luck with the move!

I've never posted photos of my collection and it's overdue. I have primarily CDs, including (as far as I know):

  • Every studio album (specifically the version with the most tracks, such as both Japanese versions of Born In The Echoes and the EBW version of Brotherhood.)

  • At least one version of every physical single and EP through Push The Button, including all b-sides/remixes.

  • A few DJ sets (studio and otherwise), although I think my In Glint and Dusted Decks aren't the real deal.

  • A bunch of compilations and singles by other artists featuring their older remixes.

  • DVDs for Don't Think and Singles (not pictured), and the Surrender Anniversary set.
I really wish they continued with physical releases of singles, but I'm also a dinosaur.

The highlight of my collection is a French promo bonus disc release from Dig Your Own Hole. Look at those tracks! I found it for a dollar or two in a used record shop some time ago. It's hard to find on Discogs because it's not titled : I had to search by cat #.

I would love to know if this is considered one of the rarer CDs.
Last Edit: Feb 25, 2021, 01:35 by satur8
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

My collection not so huge, but something:

Click to expand for photos

The "big boy" is in neighborhood with my Genesis games collection:

Click to expand for photo
Hi Kevin!

Might have been answered before but curios why there was a promo for Not Another Drug Store in the first place. Same story could be asked for Where Do I Begin.

In the case of Not Another Drug Store, was it in conjunction with Brothers Gonna Work It Out?

Cool get by the way, Satur8.

Explud, nice Chems collection, but I love the row of elite Sega Genesis games even more!

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 25, 2021, 18:24
In the case of Not Another Drug Store, was it in conjunction with Brothers Gonna Work It Out?

Bosco - Thanks. Discogs says it came with some copies of Dig Your Own Hole in France, and yes, I also thought of the Brothers Gonna Work It Out connection. Who knows?

On another note, I just discovered that I don't have the Galvanize (Abe Duque Dub Remix) on disc. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! This recap is making me consider seeking out the WATN singles, so maybe I'll also try to get one of the Galvanize CDrs in the process. I just hate spending $$$ on CDs and have to decide if a collection is worth it when I already have digital material...
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 25, 2021, 18:24
but I love the row of elite Sega Genesis games even more

It makes me think about creating a separate topic about it.
Maybe someone is also into retrogaming. I would really appreciate the help of forumites from the US to occasionally buy cool things.
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Explud on Feb 25, 2021, 19:52


It makes me think about creating a separate topic about it.
Maybe someone is also into retrogaming. I would really appreciate the help of forumites from the US to occasionally buy cool things.

I would think you could just post about it in the video game thread.

Not sure about others, but I can talk a little retro gaming with you. I don't personally participate in collecting but occasionally I'll bust out the old consoles and try and relive the magic of yesteryear.

And you bring up a good idea, we should have some type of international swap thread. If there's any English speaking, Japanese resident, out there... you could be a very popular person in this regard.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 25, 2021, 18:24
In the case of Not Another Drug Store, was it in conjunction with Brothers Gonna Work It Out?

Bosco, speaking of Brothers Gonna Work It Out, there is another one of these French DYOH promos out there for Morning Lemon!
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Interesting. The break in connection is, Brothers Gonna Work It Out was released in 1998.

There was an old forum member (antype) who probably could answer the reasoning behind these promos. Maybe Whitenoise could chime in too. I know he is loaded with info to create a logical theory to answer something like this.

Ultimately, the reasoning is probably totally irrelevant.

Quote from: satur8 on Feb 24, 2021, 23:50

I've never posted photos of my collection and it's overdue. I have primarily CDs, including (as far as I know):

The highlight of my collection is a French promo bonus disc release from Dig Your Own Hole. Look at those tracks! I found it for a dollar or two in a used record shop some time ago. It's hard to find on Discogs because it's not titled : I had to search by cat #.

I would love to know if this is considered one of the rarer CDs.

Long time no see Satur8! I never heard about this CD before. That's pretty cool that a promo of B-sides actually exist. I cant really say that your CD is 'strictly limited edition' rare, but I will say that's an awesome find.

But I'm kind of wondering why the bros would put out this particular promo CD when those songs are not even on the album. Maybe the French were originally suppose to get NAD and TBAMFB on their version of DYOH but the Chems changed their minds?

Quote from: Explud on Feb 25, 2021, 10:51

My collection not so huge, but something:

Click to expand for photos

What the  :o  All your CD's are unopened and new? Thats crazy! Thats mint stuff right there. Preserve and protect the music for the next generation right?  ;D

Quote from: satur8 on Feb 25, 2021, 18:49

This recap is making me consider seeking out the WATN singles, so maybe I'll also try to get one of the Galvanize CDrs in the process. I just hate spending $$$ on CDs and have to decide if a collection is worth it when I already have digital material...

Lolz! Your recap has made me consider doing a recap for myself. Might as well catch up on my collection since were stuck in Covid times. Found some cool discounts on Cd promos for the Surrender and CWU era.

My collection is similar to yours:

  • Every studio album

  • At least one version of every physical single and EP through Push The Button, including all b-sides/remixes.

Oh and Satur8, you forgot to mention your beloved Elektrobank poster!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Mar 01, 2021, 08:58
But I'm kind of wondering why the bros would put out this particular promo CD when those songs are not even on the album. Maybe the French were originally suppose to get NAD and TBAMFB on their version of DYOH but the Chems changed their minds?

I wish someone knew more about it. Maybe it was an early version testing bonus track exclusives (like they do for Japan), or maybe it was an additional DYOH pressing released just prior to Brothers Gonna Work It Out. I still can't believe I found it sitting there at a bargain bin price!

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Mar 01, 2021, 08:58
Oh and Satur8, you forgot to mention your beloved Elektrobank poster!

Sadly, I don't think this was me. I have a few other items like shirts, decals, a mousepad, and even a nite-lite, but no poster. If it was me, DAMN, I was way high and lost it years ago.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: whitelabel84 on Feb 21, 2021, 08:12

Hello fellow Chems fans.
I have started up a new Instagram page dedicated to my Chems collection.
I'll be posting various bits 'n' bobs from my collection whenever I have time/in lockdown/can be bothered...
Hope you all enjoy.
Cheers 🍻

I only saw this original Thread now, if you like to keep an eye on what I have collected/scavenged/bargained/saved/etc from my yrs of collecting, please Follow 🍻...

Been meaning to post this for a while, but LOOK WHAT MRS ENJOYED GOT ME FOR CHRIM!

Last Edit: Jan 20, 2022, 17:23 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 20, 2022, 01:47

Been meaning to post this for a while, but LOOK WHAT MRS ENJOYED GOT ME FOR CHRIM!

I think you linked a photo from your personnal Google Photo albums, so it doesn't show for us

Is it Here Come The Drums?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Apologies. I tried it in a different browser that I wasn't logged into and it still showed, so I thought it was fine. My b.

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