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For That Beautiful Feeling (XDUST12)

Started by ThePumisher, Aug 27, 2021, 21:44

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Funny Tom and Ed cameo.

Video is nice but also a bit of a mixed bag like the track itself for me.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jul 19, 2023, 17:45
Csar noob renamed board and forgot to make it visible
How long did it take you to realise @Csar that the rest of us couldn't see the xdust12 section? I thought you had deleted the whole thing when you decided to update the name. I was imagining you messaging Explud, saying: "Help! I've f**king wiped it!"
Until Pumisher grumbled about it being missing because for me it was there and had No Reason to suspect anything weird was going on.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jul 19, 2023, 17:45
Pumisher and I had a private chat about Ellie Rowsell whilst the xdust12 section was invisible. I reckon Dreaming perhaps started as a collaboration with Ellie, but by the end there was so little left of her on the track that they didn't put her as a "featuring". Either that, or what Pumisher says above.
Let's see what the booklet will list but I can't imagine Tom and Ed doing such a thing. Feels Like Dreaming doesn't have any samples beyond its title lyrics as far as we could hear in live performances. Or maybe I missed something.
Another explanation could be that Ellie went into the woods like Aurora but never returned.
Last Edit: Jul 19, 2023, 18:14 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Bosco on Jul 19, 2023, 17:49
And I'm the one who predicted the cassettes, although less of a prediction and more of a music industry trend as of late. The boombox teaser for 'Live Again', triggered some kind of response...
It's weird to think that the '90s albums have wide release on cassette (still hunting down copies), they went away for the '00s-'10s, and now they live again. 
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Csar on Jul 19, 2023, 17:54
Let's see what the booklet will list but I can't imagine Tom and Ed doing such a thing. Feels Like Dreaming doesn't have any samples beyond its title lyrics as far as we could hear in live performances. Or maybe I missed something.
Another explanation could be that Ellie went into the woods like Aurora but never returned.

I'd suspect that there never was any creative collaboration, but the Sacem database has to list her because of some copyright/legal reason.

Waiting for Japanese CD to see if there are bonus track(s) included. Hopefully something we haven't heard.

Quote from: Joslyn on Jul 19, 2023, 16:35
I am surprised by the prices of the album. £ 60/€ 70 the 3LP is a lot, especialy after spending £ 130 on the book. It seems to be a nice album though as much of the album description goes into detailing package.

I agree, £60 is taking the piss, and as with No Geography, doesn't even include any bonus tracks. How much was the 3LP of No Geography on release, it was around £45 from memory wasn't it? (EDIT: Just had a look at Wayback Machine and confirmed 3LP was £44 and 2LP was £27 in November 2018)

Might have to skip the 3LP on release this time and try find it on sale down the track.

Even £40 for the general 2LP is a bit much - will try find it for less on Amazon or Rarewaves or something.

The video for Live Again is great though! And the colourful cover is nice. Wonder if it's wholly original or 'inspired' from existing artwork again?

wait what is the point of the 3 LP version given all tracks fit on a 2 LP version? both are 180G.

I suspect this is contributing to the price (as well as other factors such as inflation, of course):


aren't you excited about having final artwork in black hot foil??

Holy shit you guys!! I'm so excited! ;D It's so fun watching this all come together (the predictions here!!) There is so much to love about this album already, The Darkness That You Fear being on the new album... I'm so surprised! I was not expecting that at all! And another track with Beck!! Oh oh and I love the happy feeling of the artwork, and how vivid and trippy it is.Gah!! Can't wait to hear where this album takes us! Can't wait to feel it.

(Oh and I have had Live Again stuck in my head all day. Again!)

Last Edit: Jul 20, 2023, 04:15 by whirlygirl
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: shakermaker on Jul 20, 2023, 02:29
wait what is the point of the 3 LP version given all tracks fit on a 2 LP version? both are 180G.

I suspect this is contributing to the price (as well as other factors such as inflation, of course):

aren't you excited about having final artwork in black hot foil??

I also don't see anything about a digital download in description of any of vinyl versions, so buyer beware

Quote from: shakermaker on Jul 20, 2023, 02:29
wait what is the point of the 3 LP version given all tracks fit on a 2 LP version? both are 180G.
Good question! Don't know! They did the same for No Geography but at least made the 3LP the limited white vinyl edition. But now they've got a limited white 2LP - will the collection completists out there now triple dip on this album to complete the set?!

With the 3LP there were different versions of songs since some couldn't mix into each other due to different record allocation.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Jul 19, 2023, 16:59
Since I'm editing, is this a first for the Chems to have the first track called 'Intro'?
Ha! We had the same thought within minutes of each other @inchemwetrust
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Ford on Jul 20, 2023, 00:29
Even £40 for the general 2LP is a bit much - will try find it for less on Amazon or Rarewaves or something.
Someone in the BROTHERHOOD group has indeed found it on Amazon (via this link) for £28.57.
Obviously that's UK so I don't know how it will work for others...

EDIT: I think the Amazon price has jumped to £37.48 since I posted 3 hours ago!
Last Edit: Jul 20, 2023, 09:56 by Wolkenkrabber

a UPC or CN # is usually helpful for scrounging the internet for best deals. Now, that's not saying the best deals are exactly websites/stores I want to order from...

Unless they provide a bundle for USD, I think the only thing I will be ordering from official shop is the Cassette (assuming that's not widely available.)

I'm all about maximizing an audio experience, but I don't think I've experienced a NEW release on cassette tape since, 'Totally Krossed Out' by Kriss Kross. So time to turn back the clock and have some fun.
Last Edit: Jul 20, 2023, 17:42 by Bosco

Now that it's been officially announced, record stores should be seeing it pop up in their distributors' catalogs. I am going to give it another couple days then see what versions are going to be available through my local shop before pulling the trigger on anything in GBP from the official store.

Quote from: mesamm99 on Jul 19, 2023, 14:00
Just listened to both "Live Again" and "No Reason" from the album version on Apple Music... check it out... both have some surprises.

Thanks @mesamm99!  I absolutely would not have checked the album before release without your comment. Yes, awesome surprises indeed! I am even more excited for this release.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: Ford on Jul 20, 2023, 05:21
Good question! Don't know! They did the same for No Geography but at least made the 3LP the limited white vinyl edition. But now they've got a limited white 2LP - will the collection completists out there now triple dip on this album to complete the set?!

With the 3LP there were different versions of songs since some couldn't mix into each other due to different record allocation.
That's what I'm wondering as well. No Geography had Eve of Destruction unmixed and Free yourself, the latter also available on the 12" single. 
For now No Reason seems the only unmixed track which is strange because it's not even 4.5 minutes long and is also available on a 12" single. 
Ah, how times changed the music industry where a 3LP had a porpuse and we got an unmixed Got Glint? and Burst Generator. Now is has become a collectors thing.

Anyway, I have to stop being cynical as I am very exicited. No Geography is/was a really good return to form and Live Again is ace.
Also I am happy to see them live before the album drops on August 18th.

Here's the track listing for the 3LP - the third LP is the same as the second LP on the 2LP.

The Chemical Brothers LP1 / 3LP
2Live Again
1No Reason
The Chemical Brothers LP2 / 3LP
1Magic Wand
2The Weight
The Chemical Brothers LP3 / 3LP
1Skipping Like A Stone
2The Darkness That You Fear
1Feels Like I Am Dreaming
2For That Beautiful Feeling

Quote from: Joslyn on Jul 20, 2023, 21:03
Ah, how times changed the music industry where a 3LP had a porpuse and we got an unmixed Got Glint? and Burst Generator. Now is has become a collectors gougers thing.

Anybody else thinks that September 8 feels very close and very far away at the same time?

How many singles do you think we'll get before the release? One or two?

Quote from: Stefan on Jul 22, 2023, 09:09
How many singles do you think we'll get before the release? One or two?
First of all i'm waiting for one or two b-sides to Live Again, then maybe 3 remixes. And boom, it's September. After that we'll get Skipping Like A Stone and Fountains as singles, both with b-sides and remixes. Meanwhile the japanese get 3 bonus tracks for That Beautiful Feeling => Live Again (instrumental), Feels Like I'm Dreaming (feat. Ellie Rowsell) and Intro (EBW Version).
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

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