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George & Mildred, the Lego version (with Instructions)

Started by Stefan, Sep 27, 2023, 19:07

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Hi Chemical Siblings!

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As some of you might know, a few years back I created a Lego build of The Chem's stage with their Robots, George & Mildred.
I've now finally finished the instructions for the Robots, which you can find in the attached Zip archive. There's a .pdf file and an .io file for the software Bricklink Studio (https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page), which I've used to create the digital model and the instructions.
At the end of the pdf there's a part list. Most of those are quite common so you might have some of them at home, for everything else you'll find them also at Bricklink (https://www.bricklink.com/v2/main.page), which is an online marketplace for Lego bricks.

Online 3D view with step-by-step instructions: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/design.page?idModel=478096

Easiest way to buy all the parts:
  • Create a Bricklink Account
  • In the Top Right, select "Want -> Upload"
  • Use either your Default Wanted List or create a new one
  • Select and upload the "George_Mildred.io" from the zip archive attached here and click on "Proceed to verify items"
  • You should now see a list of all 91 unique items and their quantities. Click "Add to Wanted List" at the bottom of the page.
  • Bricklink should now tell you that the list was successfully created. Click to view it.
  • Now you can see the Wanted List. I'd recommend changing the "Condition" to "New", unless you're ok with geting used bricks. Per default nothing is set here, so Bricklink will search parts for any condition. Simply bulk select all and select "Condition -> New"
  • If you already have some of the parts, you can now edit their quantity or even delete them entirely from the list.
  • Once done, click "Buy All"
  • Bricklink will now search for stores that have some or all of the parts, according to your selected settings (i.e. Store location, accepted currency, etc...)
  • If you then click "Auto-select", Bricklink then automatically selects as few stores as possible which, together, contain all your required bricks.
  • Then click on "Create Carts", and all items will be added to the shopping carts of their respective stores
  • Then, you'll have to go to each individual store and complete the checkout process there.

I hope this doesn't sound too complicated and works for everyone.

Happy building, if you spot any errors in the instructions please tell me, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Last Edit: Oct 17, 2023, 17:54 by Stefan

Quote from: Stefan on Sep 27, 2023, 19:07
Hi Chemical Siblings!

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As some of you might know, a few years back I created a Lego build of The Chem's stage with their Robots, George & Mildred.
I've now finally finished the instructions for the Robots, which you can find in the attached Zip archive. There's a .pdf file and an .io file for the software Bricklink Studio (https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page), which I've used to create the digital model and the instructions.
At the end of the pdf there's a part list. Most of those are quite common so you might have some of them at home, for everything else you'll find them also at Bricklink (https://www.bricklink.com/v2/main.page), which is an online marketplace for Lego bricks. I've also uploaded the model to this platform and once it's approved, you can create a cart or wishlist for all the parts, saving you the bother of adding them individually. (I'll add the link here once it's approved, I don't know how long this takes)

Happy building, if you spot any errors in the instructions please tell me, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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I believe you are an angel sent from heaven 
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

Quote from: instantreigen on Sep 27, 2023, 20:02
I believe you are an angel sent from heaven
I wouldn't go that far, but I'm glad you like it :)

Btw, I noticed a small error in the parts, in Step 70, Part 3938 (Hinge Brick 1x2 Top Plate) should be 6134 (Hinge Brick 2x2 Top Plate, blue). I've updated the files, please just re-download the Zip Archive. On the plus side, a part that's been out of production for nearly 20 years is replaced with one that is readily available.
Last Edit: Sep 28, 2023, 20:58 by Stefan

What a great build @Stefan !! Thanks a million for the building instructions! 🤗

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Last Edit: Oct 11, 2023, 14:54 by Csar

Quote from: toxic on Oct 11, 2023, 12:00
What a great build @Stefan !! Thanks a million for the building instructions! 🤗

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Did you already have the pieces?

if not just curious roughly how much it cost?

@Stefan any update on the Bricklink wish list thing?
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Quote from: gfa2001 on Oct 16, 2023, 09:13
Did you already have the pieces?
87% I had from my own parts. I ordered the remaining parts from Bricklink. The costs depends. You want new parts, or used parts, do you need to order from one shop or multiple shops, from your own country or other countries, shipping costs etc etc. I ordered from two shops, and spend around €8 euros including shipping costs. Within the netherlands shipping costs are quite reasonable because LEGO parts (if you don't need loads of them) can be send cheap in flat envelopes.

I added the parts manually in my own brickling want list. I used the list from @Stefan to get a 100% correct list, and bought the remaining parts from that list.

Hope this helps :)

Quote from: toxic on Oct 17, 2023, 09:18
87% I had from my own parts. I ordered the remaining parts from Bricklink. The costs depends. You want new parts, or used parts, do you need to order from one shop or multiple shops, from your own country or other countries, shipping costs etc etc. I ordered from two shops, and spend around €8 euros including shipping costs. Within the netherlands shipping costs are quite reasonable because LEGO parts (if you don't need loads of them) can be send cheap in flat envelopes.

I added the parts manually in my own brickling want list. I used the list from @Stefan to get a 100% correct list, and bought the remaining parts from that list.

Hope this helps :)

Hoping to be able to see the price all in one go easily (i'm lazy!). Unfortunately sold all my bricks a few years back.
Live: Latitude 2021, Field Day 2022, Kalorama 2022, o2 Arena 2023
DJ: Fabric 2021, Printworks 2021, Printworks 2022, Glastonbury 2023, Drumsheds 2024

Quote from: gfa2001 on Oct 16, 2023, 09:13
@Stefan any update on the Bricklink wish list thing?
I've uploaded it (the link is here: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/design.page?idModel=478096) but the easy-buy feature isn't available due to "IP infringements". I don't think Bricklink acutally checks whether there's some copyright but does this out of caution for every model uploaded that is built after some existing thing. Anyway, fortunately it's pretty easy to create a wanted list from the .io file, I'll edit the first post with instructions for how to do this.

Last Edit: Oct 18, 2023, 14:05 by Stefan

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