Who's Gonna Take the Weight, Who's Gonna Take the Blame?

Weekly Question 2! What song are you desperate to hear live?

Started by WhiteNoise, Jun 19, 2016, 03:55

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It's been one week since the last weekly question (exactly one week), so it's time for a new one.

New members and lurkers, we especially want to hear from you!

What song are you most desperate to hear played live? This could be a song they've played before, that you haven't had the chance to hear, or a song they've never played live that you imagine would be incredible. Tell us why too! Multiple answers are OK.
Never for money, always for love.

I'll See You There
The full Elektrobank
Setting Sun (1999 Version)
Out Of Control/Don't Fight It Feel It
Flashback/Eight Miles High
the 2011 encore
the full EBW 7
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Quote from: hstn on Jun 19, 2016, 05:23

I'll See You There
The full Elektrobank
Setting Sun (1999 Version)
Out Of Control/Don't Fight It Feel It
Flashback/Eight Miles High
the 2011 encore
the full EBW 7
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 19, 2016, 03:55

Tell us why too!
Never for money, always for love.

Snow/Surface - i don't think this has to be explained

K+D+B - because it's godlike (this can't be told enough)

as intro "brothers gonna work it out (vocals) => dust-up beats => loops of fury => best part of breaking up => prescription beats" - best intro ever

come with us interview disc - ...
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Come With Us - Because I think it's the best opening track possible


Heard it at Lowlands in 1999. It's a piece of awsome psychotic acid noise

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 19, 2016, 11:27

Snow/Surface - i don't think this has to be explained
The most spine-tingling moment of the Roundhouse gig last year. Why would you want to stop tingling spines?

I have a question about this week's question. Are the answers secretely being fed back to ...someone?

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 19, 2016, 05:45

Oh yes sorry :3
but explanations:
ISYT (Psychedelic overload, energy, the ending)
The full Elektrobank (It wasn't played much in recent shows, underrated live track)
Setting Sun (1999) (Why not? It's the ultimate rave! The acidized sample, the 909 beats, pure bliss)
Out Of Control/Feel It (PRIMAL SCREAM!!! and the animals make it complete)
Flashback/Eight Miles High (also not played often, awesome tribute/mix, very dark and exciting)
2011 encore (SNOW/STA, ACID HOOPS, DISSOLVE, SYMPATHY FOR THE REEL!!! Seriously that performance contained the best versions of each song, although Snow was topped with the Roundhouse gig)
EBW 7 (THE ACID, THE CLOWN, it's the perfect joyride of terror, more bliss and nightmarish elation)
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Further, the complete album, like they played it in 2010.
Let Forever Be. I think it would make an awesome live song
Snow/STA, because it's a fucking perfect mashup of two individually perfect songs
The Test, although in a version different to what was played at previous shows (one of the very few instances where I think the live version of a song doesn't come close to the studio version)


Imagine the end of Go, the drums looping, the synth craziness, and then a complete break with "AAAHHHH YEAH" from Galaxy Bounce. And then the "Ummm bayadep... AAAHHH YEAH" on top of the drums with more and more sounds GB being gradually brought it.


Maybe even the Base 6 drums too?

In fact...


It would make a great opener I think. With some live synthy additions of course.

I would also love to hear Hoops/EBW6 again. And A Modern Midnight Conversation. Because I love them both and for no other real reason.

I agree with Stefan about the Test too. I want to hear it closer to the record sound.

Denmark and My Elastic Eye and Orange Wedge would also go down a treat for me. The former for the disco madness that would inevitable ensue, and the latter two because they have some crazy synth textures that I would love to have forced into my earholes live.

Don't Think in my opinion should be a permanent treat in a chemical live set. In fact, I can't believe they actually removed it from their playlist as this is a hell of a pumping, energetic song. Every time that deep bass drops I lose it. What an energy! I believe it's best placed in the middle of their sets, maybe as the second last track right before the encore when you start sweating and gasping for more.

Another track I'd like to see return is Get Up On It. It's such a funky and groovy track it would fit just great along with other classics like Music Response or Morning Lemon for instance!

I'd be also very happy if they played Come Inside once again. Its dramtic break in the middle is just perfect and would make for a great segue to any other track of their choice.

My Elastic Eye! Hell yeah, this needs to be played again, loved the 2002 take on it!

Hold Tight London! What a live tune. I often play the Trafalgar Square version from 2007 in the car and it always gets me. Especially when the break drops and they start fiddling about with the synth's pitch and shifting semitones inside the melody which then sounds like two melodies, arr, I love that part.

Furthermore would I like to hear Denmark at least once in a live set. I mean, come on, you're about to play there, couldn't you just bother once to give this a spin? :D

Burst Generator! Back to back with Reflexion, please? I love it's bleeping sounds and noises and I never can figure out what the hell the man's saying in that sample (I always hear "coz only you").
Another one I'm still eager to hear again is (an extended) Pills and WATN. That segue you created in 2008 was simply mesmerizing!

Last but not least, I could picture Dig Your Own Hole making a reappearance as a filler or in its entire glory. It was played only on their DYOH tour in 1997 but it's got a great vibe and would make people dance... At least it would make me dance :D.

P.S. Could you also play that BRB version from 2005 again, please? That intro is just perfect - the staccatoesque synth, the funky beat and that vocal sample! Br Br Br Br Break down, Br Br Br Br Break down!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Jun 21, 2016, 22:50

P.S. Could you also play that BRB version from 2005 again, please? That intro is just perfect - the staccatoesque synth, the funky beat and that vocal sample! Br Br Br Br Break down, Br Br Br Br Break down!

Oh yeah ! I'd love that breakdown transition too !

Quote from: Csar on Jun 21, 2016, 22:50

Don't Think in my opinion should be a permanent treat in a chemical live set. In fact, I can't believe they actually removed it from their playlist as this is a hell of a pumping, energetic song. Every time that deep bass drops I lose it. What an energy! I believe it's best placed in the middle of their sets, maybe as the second last track right before the encore when you start sweating and gasping for more.

I'd be also very happy if they played Come Inside once again. Its dramtic break in the middle is just perfect and would make for a great segue to any other track of their choice.

Hold Tight London! What a live tune. I often play the Trafalgar Square version from 2007 in the car and it always gets me. Especially when the break drops and they start fiddling about with the synth's pitch and shifting semitones inside the melody which then sounds like two melodies, arr, I love that part.

Burst Generator! Back to back with Reflexion, please? I love it's bleeping sounds and noises and I never can figure out what the hell the man's saying in that sample (I always hear "coz only you").
Another one I'm still eager to hear again is (an extended) Pills and WATN. That segue you created in 2008 was simply mesmerizing!
Yes please!

Ad. Burst Generator: I think the sample says "Insommnia"

Quote from: Csar on Jun 21, 2016, 22:50
Burst Generator! Back to back with Reflexion, please? I love it's bleeping sounds and noises and I never can figure out what the hell the man's saying in that sample (I always hear "coz only you").
Quote from: Stefan on Jun 22, 2016, 16:12
Burst Generator: I think the sample says "Insommnia"

Huh. I always thought it was "Utopia".
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

When I think "Utopia" that's what I hear, when I think "Insomnia" that's what I hear. On balance though I'm going with "Insomnia".

I always thought Burst Generator went "thing's/it's gonna heat up"
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jun 22, 2016, 21:33

When I think "Utopia" that's what I hear, when I think "Insomnia" that's what I hear. On balance though I'm going with "Insomnia".
This phenomenon is called priming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priming_%28psychology%29?wprov=sfla1

Here's an excellent example of auditory priming:

I totally forgot to mention Das Spiegel. If they are ever going to retire the Reel as the closing song, I think it would also work perfectly.

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