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Discussions on difficult subjects

Started by Enjoyed, Mar 09, 2018, 23:11

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I am aware what's going on, and I'm pretty pissed about that, can't even imagine what you guys over there are going through
Today I read that USA quit UN human rights council just because they criticized drumpf over clusterfuck that is happening on your borders...

I am seriously shocked and in disbelief how little it takes for USA to turn its back on allies over the sea, it only takes one man's vanity and bunch of spineless politicians that are too afraid for their own position to make a stand and do the right thing, if they even care at all

This is not good and it will screw US-EU relations for generations to come
Last Edit: Jun 20, 2018, 11:50 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Good to see we're on the verge of such a high character dude getting appointed a lifetime seat in the US Supreme Court. Well done senators! Surely his judgement will never be vindictive or partisan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good GUY!

So true. So sad.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Nice, now there will be a judge accused of sexual assaults that lies before senate committee sitting on supreme court dealing justice. Talk about new low.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Oct 06, 2018, 10:24

Nice, now there will be a judge accused of sexual assaults that lies before senate committee sitting on supreme court dealing justice. Talk about new low.

Been a disappointing day... after an exhausting and draining buildup.

Words can't describe it.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: sandelic on Oct 06, 2018, 10:24

Nice, now there will be a judge accused of sexual assaults that lies before senate committee sitting on supreme court dealing justice. Talk about new low.

It's not that we have a sitting judge that has been accused of sexual assault--that's not the issue.

The issue is that he seems to have lied about knowledge of some of the circumstances under oath, and he also seems unable to divorce himself of emotion in a way that you would expect of a justice sitting on the supreme court. He wears his politics on his sleeve, and there is a potential that he could become an activist judge on the Right, which has dire implications for individual rights for minorities, immigrants, the LGBTQ community, and, of course, women.

That's exactly right, Poots! And the grotesque thing is, all the deficiencies he showed at the hearing were in total contrast to his own standards he championed as essential traits in judges/ justices/ umpires in a speech to law students in 2015. Nothing but hypocritical, calculated words it seems.
I do understand he was under huge pressure and stress, but it was him (and his entourage?) that crafted his opening statements which were well thought out and carefully prepared regarding its content. And that partisan, consipracy driven content should have disqualified him in the first place from being elevated to one of the highest of posts there is. There would have been lots of other conservative judges who could have filled the post just as good but time was running out since the fear of losing power in November made them frantically scrambling.

"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I hate to say it but My own country is just being run by corrupt old men (and possibly a few women)

I'm just praying after the midterms we can get some more democrats to bring balance the capital.
Dont get me wrong, I'm in between being republican and democrat, but the republicans have taken over the house, and everything they done that's gone wrong, they always put the blame on the democrats (even when its not them sometimes).
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Just a quick note on the whole Trump Kanye meeting as an 'outsider' (non US citizen) looking in. I felt kind of sick and uncomfortable watching it unfold knowing this is getting shown all around the world. Imagining the younger generation just lapping all this up.

Mental Health is serious if this is the reason to blame for this but then they are both extreme narcissists so its a blurred line. Would they still act this way if 'mental health' wasn't to blame. I'm assuming they wouldn't have some of these mental health issues if they weren't narcissists? I'm no expert of course but this is the danger of being used to 'yes' men/women surrounding you thinking without there are no foreseen consequences as well.

Michael Jackson drove himself into his own illness/death because of this.
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

it's scary how close to reality this is
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I don't see much CNN on this side of the pond. Do they actually report fake news?


You can reasonably accuse CNN of a liberal bias, and of embellishing the facts on a number of serious occasions, they shouldn't be trusted completely blindly - but they're still definitely a major professional news source far from tabloid fiction or insanity. They're legit.

CNN gets ripped by Trump and the far right for being evil fake liberal news all the time, and it's absolutely ridiculous / blown out of proportion.
Never for money, always for love.

Apart from over sensationalizing headlines, which all main 3 news outlets (CNN,FOX,and MSNBC) in the States are guilty of... No, CNN is not "fake news". I think all 3 stations are supplying virtually the same "real" news. It's the programing, personalities, and framing of material that makes them different.

You lean left you'll like MSNBC and CNN. You lean right, you'll like FOX.

CNN and MSNBC are obviously going to hammer him with hard questions, so this is his petulant way of dismissing them.

The joke is, reactions like the video you posted, are exactly what all the news and media networks want from him. On one side, it enrages liberals. On the other side, conservatives get a hard on seeing him bully the hard nosed journalists. It's must see TV for each side of the coin.

CNN is certainly not fake news, just follow the facts and you'll see. FOX News on the other hand, with the exepctions of Shep Smith and Chris Wallace, seems completely out of control. I've never seen so much bootlicking towards a political leader/ figure in a democratic country like on Fox. Where CNN may focus too often on the President and his fuck-ups, Fox seems to completely ignore those or spin them and rather praise him to high heavens instead no matter what. Don't get me started on all the opinion shows there. Where Rachel Maddow, for instance, may often seem to over-act a little in her shows but mainly presents facts that are thoroughly investigated and comprehensively explained,Fox's opinion anchors' main purpose seems to be to just rile up their audience with negative, resentful and often misleading "news" against "them". For me it's almost impossible to sit through an entire show like Carlson, Hannity or Ingraham. It causes me phyiscal pain to see them talk incendiary shit all day long without any real repercussions.

But to be completely honest, the whole media landscape in the US is weird and awkward. For two years now I've been following your news outlets and, as a German, I must say it's almost unfathomable how these are presented in the States. Everything is so fucking emotional and over the top, you often get the feeling you're watching actors doing a play on a stage rather than news anchors. It's really bizarre.

That said, I would recommend to lots of news reporters like Jim Acosta to be less personally and emotionally involved (which I know might be hard these days). It just makes you too easy a target to be pointed at as DJT relishes to do all the time. Just ask the tough questions, be persistent, but don't fall for the bait and leave out your personal feelings because it also can make you look like a dick.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Nov 08, 2018, 05:29

they shouldn't be trusted completely blindly
Nobody should! Do your own research too and go read news across the board and try to track down firsthand sources (one of the main principles of scientific work we get taught in college) and leave social networks alone for that matter - you never know what you're fed, left or right.
Last Edit: Nov 08, 2018, 10:06 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The Onion, is without a doubt, a very trusted source.

Quote from: Csar on Nov 08, 2018, 09:42

But to be completely honest, the whole media landscape in the US is weird and awkward. For two years now I've been following your news outlets and, as a German, I must say it's almost unfathomable how these are presented in the States. Everything is so fucking emotional and over the top, you often get the feeling you're watching actors doing a play on a stage rather than news anchors. It's really bizarre.

Dramatizing it is how they get their ratings. If they were completely neutral it would essentially be C-SPAN (another News TV network), which is completely raw and neutralized public access. That's not for Americans! We want tragedy! and comedy!

I applaud you non-Americans for keeping an ear on American Politics. I regret to say, I have zero insight of the political climate from your respective countries. It's hard enough for me to barely have a grasp on my own.

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 08, 2018, 19:34

The Onion, is without a doubt, a very trusted source.

Ahem, America's Finest News Source. 

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 08, 2018, 19:34

The Onion, is without a doubt, a very trusted source.
It's hard to say whether they have an incredibly easy or hard time under Trump. Hard, because you barely can exaggerate the content at hand to make satirical, and easy because they merely need to recite what's happening.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The irony of calling trusted news sources 'fake news' while passing around doctored video as fact (and justification for barring a member of our free press from the White House) would be amusing if it weren't so Orwellian.

I've kept quiet in this thread (otherwise my fingers would fall off from ranting and raving) but I value our free press, it is crucial to the fabric of my country no matter how impassioned or even biased it can be. But this shit scares me.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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