It Doesn't Matter

EBW12 !!! IT'S COMING !!!

Started by orangewedge99, Jun 05, 2018, 10:46

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still think of this song every time (this is a great album, overall)
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I've been waiting for.

And what I feel Tom and Ed have been trying to get at for the last decade, starting with XTC and Nothing but Pleasure and continuing with EML Ritual and Reflexion - the absolutely perfect mechanical synthy clubby acid madness track.

It is a necessity that a 7+ minute EBW version of this is released.

The production is so pristine, the dynamic range is huge and quality of everything in the mix is enormous, yet unlike Free Yourself nothing about this song is polite, and that's what makes it so fantastic. I like Free Yourself, but like SIFSD, it's a little forgettable as it fails to really go wild and over your head in favor of perfect mixing and arrangement. This goes wild. This is not pinned down, dissected, and understood. This is operating on instinct. This kicks ass.
Never for money, always for love.

Guys. I've been listening, quite literally, non-stop to MAH today. I listened on my speaker while I worked. I listened on headphones. I listened while driving my my car. I listened while I went to the gym all mad about the holiday weight I'm trying to burn off, haha And I'm sure I've probably jacked up my hearing (even more) that I probably should have. :p

Anyway, MAH is everything I love about the Chemical Brothers' less swimmy/oceanic/dreamy/heavy-textured/massive soundscape side. MAH cuts a perfect picture of their hard hitting, loud, commanding, sinister and angry side. The stuff that feels good to dance to, and listen to at dangerous ear shattering levels. I fucking love it.

The production is everything WhiteNoise describes. It's so crisp, it just snaps in your face. Let me say again - I fucking love it.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Haha, yeah, they just mentioned that in their Desert Island mix.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Listening to the show right now, but we're not into the chems right now
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I <3 CWU & PTB

so let's get clear! i think DYOH (+surrender) and BITE (+beyond) represent extraordinary technical accomplishments: sampler, filter, & synthi heaven and then spatiality, drum machine, & synth heaven, respectively. hence i'm not taking aim at songwriting but really just thinking about bits and details here and there in, say, afrika, galaxy bounce, my elastic eye, denmark,the test, hia, ebw6/7, base 6, nude night, and then hold tight, [almost all of] come inside, the big jump, marvo ging.

MAH feels like a real technical refinement of loops of fury / believe (/ etc?) ilk.
Eight or over.

we're getting a vinyl version of Free Yourself and an EBW version of MAH!!!!!
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Here's the link to the US/Mexico store page.

The UK page gave me a 404...
EDIT: They were missing a '2' in the url on Facebook. Here is the link.

Do we think these will be DJ friendly 'unmixed' versions? Or just the album versions on each side of an acetate?


Last Edit: Jan 17, 2019, 18:43 by Enjoyed

Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 17, 2019, 18:29

The UK page gave me a 404...
It does work in the UK. Fourteen pounds. I haven't checked to see if postage is extra.
Would prefer to walk into Phonica and just buy it for £8 like I did with EBW11.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 17, 2019, 18:29


Well we knew there was an EBW version, hence the title of this thread. I guess it's not gonna be on the standard EBW label with a plain sleeve.
The forthcoming CD album is listed as £9.99 on the Chemstore, so this is actually more expensive! I'll probably get it anyway.
This vinyl release is also listed on the chemstore. In fact, that's what the (uk) link is that they put on instagram.

remaining calm, remaining calm...


I'm cool. 

Even though this looks really nice, I hope they go a different direction with their album design. Looks a bit too plain and we already had black/white themes (FY looked similar) with BITE, Further and DYO. I'd like to see something more psychedelic or imaginative.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Jan 17, 2019, 19:37

Even though this looks really nice, I hope they go a different direction with their album design. Looks a bit too plain and we already had black/white themes (FY looked similar) with BITE, Further and DYO. I'd like to see something more psychedelic or imaginative.

Yes please! I want to Free myself from the same old B&W.

EDIT: Got my copy

Last Edit: Jan 17, 2019, 22:11 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

First off, extremely happy this is happening. But if I can say something about the cost...

From the US store, shipping from Astralwerks is ridiculous. I don't mind putting out a few more dollars out for any Chemical Brother creation. But ~$10 for shipping, to bring it to a grand total (after taxes) of $30.50 for a 2 sided single is not good.

Better off buying in bulk and distributing amongst us.

Jeez. I just about persuaded my wife that it was OK for my to spend 20 bucks on a vinyl I wont be able to play until I go back to the UK, but another 10...

I could be persuaded to go in on a bulk order. How much would it save do you think?

Depending how you distribute, USPS Media Mail within the United States is an economical method to ship amongst Americans at about ~$3 a package.

The trick is, the more you purchase, the cheaper the overall shared price is. This is due to an apparently flat shipping fee of $10.70. So for example, the cost of shipping a bulk order of 25 records cost the same as 1.

So for a small bulk order of 5 records, the total comes to $107. Divide that by 5 people, it comes to $21.40. Add distribution cost (USPS Media Mail) ~$3. Which makes a final price of ~$24.40 per person shipped. So about $6 savings, not great, but still something. Also, distribution cost could be bypassed too. We could disperse albums from a bulk order at an upcoming concert/meetup. But I know not everyone is patient.

Long story short. Shipping should not be 35% of total cost to ship a record within its respective country.

Oof, £21 delivered to Australia.


Just ordered my copy! The Chems are one of maybe three artists that I will happily drop the dollars for. Especially for that EBW version of MAH!! I am so thrilled

what day IS the vinyl dropping, Im so excited Im checking sites daily
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