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Creative Crisis, please help, inspiration, direction and motivation needed

Started by Chops, Jul 28, 2015, 20:59

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So, have started jamming for new mix, both on CDJ's and on Ableton but am stuck. Suffering from lack of confidence and general confusion.
Some of you might remember this i did Chemicalism and i still think its actually the best creative thing i have ever done.
Some of you might also remember the mix that other guy did that i cant find the effing link for, when he did loads of bits broke up into chemical elements and it was phenomenal.
I'm totally confused as to what to do for this next mix.  I have set myself a boundary because if i dont have one, nothing will get done.  The boundary i have set is if its not on one of the 8 albums its not for consideration.  But i am torn on doing something really similar to my mix, possibly even leaving some of the bits alone and crowbarring some stuff from BITE in or doing a similar mix but starting again, lots of the same tunes but different. OR trying to emulate the other chap's effort and going absolutely mental and chucking loads of little bits of lots of songs.
I dont really know why i am telling you this, as its a personal thing, i guess i am asking if editing my first mix is going to be enough. I seem to be caring too much about my first mix, so not sure if this one should be born in the echoes of that or whether there really is no path to follow. See what i did there, anyway. say some positive stuff and that might help. Thanks

Decisions, decisions! I hate having road blocks like this!

I think sometimes the best way to figure out what it is you want to do, is to just step away for a bit and do other things. Especially if there's no deadline, then time is on your side. I get that way with anything creative I try to do, and end up getting a writer's block or the equivalent. Just put it out of your mind for a few days, then come back to it.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Jul 28, 2015, 21:14

Decisions, decisions! I hate having road blocks like this!

I think sometimes the best way to figure out what it is you want to do, is to just step away for a bit and do other things. Especially if there's no deadline, then time is on your side. I get that way with anything creative I try to do, and end up getting a writer's block or the equivalent. Just put it out of your mind for a few days, then come back to it.

yeah i guess i am trying to figure out what other people would like to hear and thats probably a bad idea.  I need to do something i like.  I wasnt expecting anyone to like my first mix and i got lots of lovely comments from peeps all over the shop.  And its more a case of too many ideas than writers block.  Think you are right, step away and chill the eff out . Thanks Whirly.  I have been listening non stop to a playlist of all the albums.  Maybe i should leave it all alone for a bit. Thought this was going to be a doddle

ooh thats good and yes sort of like one of the ideas i was thinking about. am sure the one i cant find ws by dyhzn or something like that

is that one you chemreact?

yeah thats the one. its fucking brilliant is that.  kinda like if Girl Talk did the a chems mix. love girl talk. anyway, glad i listened to that again as its just shown me thats probably not the way to go, if i attempted that it would feel like a lesser copy of that.  but stil trying to think of a different approach but i guess all i can do is stop being a knobhead and enjoy myself whilst making it and see what happens

well quite, just conscious of not repeating what i have done but at the same time want it to be of similar quality. not listened to any chems today at all.

although i have had a breif flash of inspiration but i need help.  Does anyone know where i can get hold of any Chems vocal acapellas at all? I have galvanize acapella but think thats it

Quote from: Chops on Jul 29, 2015, 16:45

Does anyone know where i can get hold of any Chems vocal acapellas at all?
Salmon Dance =>

Quote from: Chops on Jul 29, 2015, 16:45

I have galvanize acapella but think thats it
Me want this
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 29, 2015, 19:24

Salmon Dance =>
Me want this

cool, i'll dig it out and link it up. i might have even got it off youtube, but i used it for my first mix so i still have it somewhere

Why is elektrobank such a pain in the arse? 

Not that i am technical really but for some reason, when i use it on ableton the speed buggers up even if i set my bpm for the whole mix at one bpm, i assume because elektrobank changes tempo, ableton cant handle it, so i set the tune to master tempo and that automates the bpm and buggers up any other tunes i have in the set.   I probably havent explained that very well, not that skilled when it comes to ableton, i have always kept it very simple, but if anyone has any clue what i am talking about and can help that would be super. Thanks

EDIT: i have crudely got round it for now but could still do with a bit of advice for any future issues!
Last Edit: Jul 30, 2015, 12:57 by Chops

If you're not using the ending (fade into Piku), could you trim it down and create a 'Chops' edit into mp3 first, and then bring the shorter full version into your playlist? Ableton will probably read the correct speed on the single version, so this should work if you cut the full version in the right spot. Once the tempo is even, you can do whatever you want on the outro.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: satur8 on Jul 30, 2015, 18:57

If you're not using the ending (fade into Piku), could you trim it down and create a 'Chops' edit into mp3 first, and then bring the shorter full version into your playlist? Ableton will probably read the correct speed on the single version, so this should work if you cut the full version in the right spot. Once the tempo is even, you can do whatever you want on the outro.

yeah i tried something similar before and it didnt work and then got sidetracked into something else, am just chucking tunes all over the shop at this point. but i will revisit

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