Yeah, We Will Live Again

The Thread Of Nagging

Started by UltimatePelmeni, Apr 13, 2019, 21:17

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The new album is awesome. But there're no perfect things in this world expect Ed's instagram. So let's talk about things you don't like in No Geography.

Here're some mine:
I'd prefer the old vervion of Eve Of Destruction where Aurora is moaning "ah ah" and where there's "keep dancing" instead of "keep running" in the end of the song.
The new one is a bit overloaded and I don't really like the lyrics in the end.
I must admit that the new EOD has better connection with Bango, but i think the bros could make Bango friends with the old one.

Bango. The "bango bango bango" lyrics. I just can't take it. Otherwise, the song is great.

And i would be glad if MAH had the lyrics without "I ain't gonna take it no more" in some part of the song like it is in EBW version.

Where is Here Come The Drums?
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

I too want that dj version of EOD, but I admit i got trolled when I heard the new version.  ;D

Can I still nag about my 2011 show? I kid I kid!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

No Geography should be much longer! (album/title track included)
I wanted more disco in Eve with the new synths/bassline they added, and a longer intro as a matter of fact cos the 2017 DJ version had so much hype behind it!
Free Yourself/MAH could've had a better transition, at least with the MAH 303 coming in as Free Yourself ends.
They should've made room for the Galileo club track in between NG and Keep On! (If not on the album then please a bonus track!)
Is it too much to get Superflash out in the open for this era too? You gave Wonders of The Deep a try after 5 years!
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Quote from: hstn on Apr 13, 2019, 23:03

No Geography should be much longer! (album/title track included)
I wanted more disco in Eve with the new synths/bassline they added, and a longer intro as a matter of fact cos the 2017 DJ version had so much hype behind it!
Free Yourself/MAH could've had a better transition, at least with the MAH 303 coming in as Free Yourself ends.
They should've made room for the Galileo club track in between NG and Keep On! (If not on the album then please a bonus track!)
Is it too much to get Superflash out in the open for this era too? You gave Wonders of The Deep a try after 5 years!

On that topic that Problem/Question track deserves attention too.

I already mentioned  that it was too short but I think the issue I have when it first comes out (the later albums) is that when they push a new style in an album its too short to get used to it. If it went for longer you'd get time to get used to it and maybe appreciate it more? But thats in a perfect world I suppose not knowing how long each of these new tracks take to create and finish with the pressures of record companies asking all the time "have you finished yet?"
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

hate the imbalance—GTKO, MAH, & FY have been out far too long and their familiarity perturbs the flow slightly for me!
Eight or over.

Lenghts, yes, absolutely. Not even overall length that much, two minutes taken from Gravity Drops could be well investet in No Geography and WGGT.

Sorry, I don't like Aurora, but there's a real connection with the songs in this album. I'm looking forward to hearing the instrumentals. I like very much Stephanie Dosen, but well, I think CMIF would be better without the voice sample; I suppose the instrumental versions are a bit more extended (I haven't heard them yet).
You are all my children now!

Album and live version of MAH they play the laughing intro bit before they introduce the vocal. But it comes too suddenly after the laughing bit.

Album and Live version: [laughing]>"I'M MAD AS HELL"

What it should be: [laughing]> "AUGH!", "I'M MAD AS HELL"

Additionally, they should've reprised the laughing bit more throughout the track to fuel the vocal. The EBW version does this once, from what I remember from Inchemwetrust's recording, but not as effectively as I was hoping.

Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Apr 13, 2019, 21:17

Here're some mine:
I'd prefer the old vervion of Eve Of Destruction where Aurora is moaning "ah ah"

That's funny, is exactly what I hated about that version, and would be in my nags if it stayed like this.

On the same level, I don't know why they didn't keep the funky synth break in GTKO (it's still there in Fantai)

But my main nag is that some of the tracks feel like fillers, and are way less complex than the rest of the album (Gravity Drops, Catch Me, and No Geography to some extent)

It was as bit flat that three songs I'd heard already were towards the end of the album.  Took edge off a bit.
The title track should be twice as long but I guess you leave audience wanting more.
I've still not come to terms with Got to try.  It's too jarring.
And gravity drops doesn't do enough.
Where it's good it's really good but I ain't getting carried away

Whole album is too short.
Catch Me I'm Falling is over before it begins.
I don't like that.  :(
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 15, 2019, 07:20

I don't know why they didn't keep the funky synth break in GTKO (it's still there in Fantai).
And it's not in the extended version of GTKO either but they actually repeat the Rain/Tears stuff, unnecessaarily IMHO. I also kinda liked the "Star Guitar" style drums in early GTKO/Fantai but they're gone from GTKO too.

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 15, 2019, 07:20

But my main nag is that some of the tracks feel like fillers, and are way less complex than the rest of the album (Gravity Drops, Catch Me, and No Geography to some extent)
You're not gonna win too many allies re "No Geography" with that opinion - it's  doing well in the poll! As for Catch Me, I thnk it's a pretty song but doesn't feel like a big album closer. Also I noticed Tom said re MAH "once, we would probably have felt this was too big a sample to use" (although he may have meant the expression rather than the sample size). But Catch Me relies very heavily on the Snowbird song. As someone else on the forum commmented, it's almost like it started as a remix of the song. And I also feel that way about We've Got To Try: it's like a remix/cover version.

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 15, 2019, 12:53

Whole album is too short.
Catch Me I'm Falling is over before it begins.
I don't like that.  :(
Soooo short!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 15, 2019, 12:53

Whole album is too short.

Quote from: hstn on Apr 13, 2019, 23:03

No Geography should be much longer! (album/title track included)

It didn't feel short to me even though the album has 10 tracks but there was quality on NG in most places, but then again..

Star Guitar had 10

And Further had 8

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: SouthernBrother on Apr 14, 2019, 18:21

Sorry, I don't like Aurora, but there's a real connection with the songs in this album.

Read this in John Oliver's voice!

I totally forget to mention this on my write up! She only contributes to EVE ( which I do enjoy her vocals) but just gets in the way on the other 2 tracks. Why was she even in Bango? The track gained absolutely nothing from her voice. C'mon Aurora! She's almost like Yoko Ono when she got on the mic and got between John Lennon and Chuck Berry's duet! "Ok Yoko! You got one song, but after that, you stay have to stay put. Do not ever touch that mic, ever! Stay in your lane Yoko! Stay in your lane!"  :)) See vid for context.

Last Edit: Apr 15, 2019, 16:44 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 15, 2019, 15:50

Quote from: SouthernBrother on Apr 14, 2019, 18:21

Sorry, I don't like Aurora, but there's a real connection with the songs in this album.
Read this in John Oliver's voice!

I totally forget to mention this on my write up! She only contributes to EVE ( which I do enjoy her vocals) but just gets in the way on the other 2 tracks. Why was she even in Bango? The track gained absolutely nothing from her. She's like Yoko Ono! "Ok Yoko! You get one song, but after that, you stay have to stay put.Do not touch that mic, ever! Stay in your lane Yoko! Stay in your lane!"

C'mon Aurora! Your trying to do doing the same thing like when Yoko did to Lennon and Berry!"  :)) See vid for context.
You guys aren't for real, are you?  >:D
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The poor grammar of "I ain't gonna take it no more"

Come on Tom and Ed, you graduated from uni!

We needed more vocoder in Eve

i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm opting for closing this thread.

There is nothing to nag about.

Zip, Zilch, Zero, null, nada.

The album is perfect.
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

Quote from: kosek on Apr 15, 2019, 17:10

I'm opting for closing this thread.

There is nothing to nag about.

Zip, Zilch, Zero, null, nada.

The album is perfect.

IMO, If you took away 3 of my lowest rated tracks I mentioned on my review. This would've been a perfect EP!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Apr 13, 2019, 21:17

The new album is awesome. But there're no perfect things in this world expect Ed's instagram. So let's talk about things you don't like in No Geography.

Here're some mine:
I'd prefer the old vervion of Eve Of Destruction where Aurora is moaning "ah ah" and where there's "keep dancing" instead of "keep running" in the end of the song.

I must admit that the new EOD has better connection with Bango, but i think the bros could make Bango friends with the old one.

Pelmini, I didnt like the 'ah ah' at first but now it's not a bother at all. But I do like both versions and their intended uses! One for djing and one for the album. Reminds of a time of when I felt the opposite when Hoops played live was different than the album version. ( Album version always)

I would prefer they play the dj version of it at the live show, but if not no worries. Besides,  I do wanna see how the album version of EVE plays out live and where it cuts in the setlist.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Everything is pretty much perfect, just wish No Geography was longer, and at the end

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