Just Remember ... to Fall In Love!

[Mixtape] Pass The Chemicals Vol. 3: Surrender 20 Edition

Started by hubie, Dec 12, 2019, 18:21

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Hi everyone. I hope you don't mind me posting this here (feel free to remove if I'm breaking any rules!). I thought some of you might be interested...

I've just dropped the third of my Pass The Chemicals mixes, this time paying tribute to Surrender, which as we all know is currently celebrating its 20th Anniversary. This mix is packed with classic favourites from the album, as well as b-sides and Battle Weapons from the Surrender era, plus a few of the Secret Psychedelic Mixes from the anniversary release.


If you enjoy the mix feel free to drop a comment below & share with your friends. If anyone wants a tracklist and/or a download link, just let me know  ;D

Cheers! Hubie x


Already nuts about the TNK > Music Response transition
Never for money, always for love.

I enjoyed!

Nice mix, I was thinking about doing some re-edits with psychedelic mixes, although you may have beaten me to it! Especially liked the enjoyed into ooc section. I really love that final third of the 21 minutes of madness mix.

How do you mix hubie? Is this an ableton creation? its pretty slick. I have pretty much neglected my deck the last 12 years. Although this year I have purchased a traktor s4 and f1 and hooked them up to the old 1210s. Would love to try and do a new chemical mix next year once I'm up to speed
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Hubie - I enjoyed your mix!

I'm also playing around with the Surrender material in a mix. Some of our track progression is similar but the general vibes are pretty different and I'll still feel comfortable sharing. I'll probably have to wait until after the holidays to finalize / post it.

I am curious about something. I've stopped using Mixcloud because they are weird about using a single artist throughout a mix: on a desktop browser you get a message that it won't play in the US. I even get that for my own, and also received it when trying to listen to your older Pass the Chemicals Mixtapes. Yet I had no issues playing Vol. 3 through this page on my mobile device. Does anyone know the reasoning for this?
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Well done my fellow mixer. however, I was kinda hoping more mixing between the release tracks and the Secret psychedelic mix (similar to hey boy hey girl vs TSPM).

I dunno if its just me but I don't recall hearing asleep from day in there. I may have not been paying attention.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Thanks for your comments guys, I'm glad you enjoyed the mix  ;D Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been knocked out with a nasty head cold. Anyways...

Quote from: sneakerbeater on Dec 14, 2019, 13:37

How do you mix hubie? Is this an ableton creation? its pretty slick. I have pretty much neglected my deck the last 12 years. Although this year I have purchased a traktor s4 and f1 and hooked them up to the old 1210s. Would love to try and do a new chemical mix next year once I'm up to speed
I usually mix on CDJs, but I did this mix in Ableton. This was mainly because it required quite a few tempo changes during transitions and I found it's smoother to do that sort of thing in Ableton. Also because I wanted to make edits of original tracks with their Secret Psychedelic counterparts and I would've been doing that in Ableton anyway, so it made sense to make them as I was arranging the mix.

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 16, 2019, 18:20

Hubie - I enjoyed your mix!

I'm also playing around with the Surrender material in a mix. Some of our track progression is similar but the general vibes are pretty different and I'll still feel comfortable sharing. I'll probably have to wait until after the holidays to finalize / post it.
Nice one dude. That's the cool thing about doing these mixes, we all have different interpretations of how the music fits together. Tbh I had several different ideas 'sketched out' in my head before I put this one together. I was originally going to do a 'journey' mix, where it moved between the downtempo tracks and the more dancefloor-oriented tracks, but I couldn't really get it to flow how I wanted. So in the end, the mix evolved into what you hear above. Like DJ sets tend to, you often start off doing one thing but end up with something completely different. I guess that organic nature is what I love most about DJing. I look forward to hearing what you come up with   :)

Quote from: satur8 on Dec 16, 2019, 18:20

I am curious about something. I've stopped using Mixcloud because they are weird about using a single artist throughout a mix: on a desktop browser you get a message that it won't play in the US. I even get that for my own, and also received it when trying to listen to your older Pass the Chemicals Mixtapes. Yet I had no issues playing Vol. 3 through this page on my mobile device. Does anyone know the reasoning for this?
Yeah I've found that's been a longstanding problem with Mixcloud and afaik it's a US copyright law problem. I don't really understand the laws behind it (I live in the UK where it's not a problem), and I have even less understanding of why it's implemented on some platforms but not on others. I'd also be interested to know more about it if anyone knows?

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 17, 2019, 04:11

Well done my fellow mixer. however, I was kinda hoping more mixing between the release tracks and the Secret psychedelic mix (similar to hey boy hey girl vs TSPM).

I dunno if its just me but I don't recall hearing asleep from day in there. I may have not been paying attention.
Cheers. As I mentioned to satur8 above, we all have different ideas and interpretations for how tracks fit together, so this is just one of my interpretations. I'm sure you and other people have much different ideas to me, which is great. That's the magic of DJing in a nutshell imo :)

And no, I didn't include Asleep From Day. Ditto Orange Wedge. I wanted to include them but they didn't really flow with everything else. I also wanted to include The Diamond Sky, possibly mixed into Surrender, but I couldn't get it to work structurally.

Quote from: hubie on Dec 18, 2019, 13:36
This was mainly because it required quite a few tempo changes during transitions and I found it's smoother to do that sort of thing in Ableton. Also because I wanted to make edits of original tracks with their Secret Psychedelic counterparts and I would've been doing that in Ableton anyway, so it made sense to make them as I was arranging the mix.

I enjoy the tactile, old skool feel of the hardware, and there was a point where I never thought I'd be exclusively digital like I am now. But damn, I LOVE making clever edits in a way I could only conceive in my head back in the old days. It's honestly become an intregal part of my style.

Quote from: hubie on Dec 18, 2019, 13:36
Tbh I had several different ideas 'sketched out' in my head before I put this one together.

That's exactly how I visualize it too. A sketch, a rough draft, and a final. Well...several rough drafts depending on the evolution. Thanks for commenting on your process, Hubie.

BTW, I am including Diamond Sky / Surrender as well as a nod to Asleep, but I just can't get Orange Wedge to work with what I have. Right now I'm falling around the 90 minute mark and am trying to decide if I should cut content to hit that traditional 80 minute CD mark or not. And time during the holidays is a factor so I have some time to consider. But you're correct, finding the right vibe for your presentation is more important than including all the "nods" or songs, and I think you were VERY successful in your progression.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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