I'm Dancing In the Shadow of Love

[Important] Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Started by Bosco, Mar 11, 2020, 22:30

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Quote from: MadPooter on Apr 20, 2020, 18:36

Looks like the Guardian is reporting the U.S. at 41,000 deaths. And it's likely that there are more deaths that could be attributed to our hospitals being at or beyond capacity in urban centers.

Thankfully it looks like things are slowing in places like New York, and California, where I am, has managed its shit pretty well.

Unfortunately, South Carolina is slated to "re-open" everything next week, and there are small, albeit very, very vocal protest groups in the U.S. trying to call for the immediate re-opening of all states.

After many years of sitting back and simply observing my fellow countrypersons, I can tell you that I predict that the U.S. is going to reach full herd-immunity. This means that likely we're going to see waves of outbreaks, and large numbers of people dying as hospitals keep reaching full capacity.

People in this country are, unfortunately, dumb. I wish I could say my country is being led by a responsible, informed, considerate leader, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that there was no plan. There was no response. Our leader has not responded. There was some orange-haired guy that thought he heard--somewhere--that hydroxychloroquine could possibly be effective in treating this thing, and without fully considering whether that was true he gambled that it was going to work and told people to munch away on pills.

It's very clear the economy of the United States is going to falter.

It's becoming unfortunately clear that the people who live in this country are going to help usher in a wave of deaths related to the coronavirus.

So things are going to get worse before they fully get better. It's only just started to get ugly.

I hope everyone out there is hanging in there. I don't want to be the harbinger of bad tidings, and honestly, above all else--I hope I am wrong.

But regardless of what happens, at the end of all this, there will be a light. The end of a tunnel always has light.
I feel with you, Poots. I've been following the US news closely for quite some time now, but this is beyond anything I could have possibly imagined. I don't want to get too political in here as I welcome everyone on the forum, but I will say this one thing anyway: The president of the United States of America is seriously mentally ill. I mean, there are currently thousands dying and Donald Trump is holding one unhinged "briefing"-turned-rally after another and is more concerned with the optics of his brand and ratings rather than the actual job he agreed to 3 years ago. The GOP is unwilling to take any action because they know they need him or at least know the political perils for themselves if they'd do something about it.
The most frustrating thing, as you point out, is that there are still people cheering and defending this bizarre behavior as if this was still just a political game of "my team vs. yours" rather than a matter of life and death - not realizing that they hurt themselves. Last week he undercut his newly announced re-opening policy in just one day when he called for liberation of various states. WTF? How can anyone defend such erratic demeanor? Seriously, during the last couple of these "covid-shows" I was about break my effing screen because facepalming apparently doesn't do it any longer.
It's truely unfathomable how far a society can sink in such a short period of time and it makes me even terrified of the thought that this might be happening again in my country, too (the writings are on the wall). The lunatics have taken over the asylum, facts have barely any impact or value anymore and appear to have been replaced by opinions and spin-stories.

Let's hope that the reasonable and sane voices in this dysfunct administration will prevail and help to overcome this crisis. It's really hard these days to remain optimistic... but I will. I will!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Hoooray, Austria is now leading worldwide in Covid19 incidence  :-\ (positivity rate is also quite high, which suggests there are many more undetected cases)
In March, when the first wave really hit, our gouvernment acted fast with a full lockdown (well, at least after the utter failure at the first heavy hit regions in ski resorts in Tyrol, which helped spread Covid all over Europe). During the summer they could not congratulate themselves enough how well they handled the pandemic (our chancellor said that the health crisis is over and, in late August, that there is light at the end of the tunnel).
What they didn't do during the relatively mild summer months is to prepare in any way for a second wave, despite the warnings of pretty much every expert.
Which is why our world-class healthcare system is now at or near capacity limits and beginning next week we're under full lockdown.

I hope everyone stays healthy , please take this seriously, whear a mask, keep your distance and try to limit the number of people you have contact with as much as possible. I know this sucks, but it's the only way to slow the spread until vaccines become available.

Oh gosh. I'm so sorry to hear that, Stefan.

We continue to bear the burden of not only having to live our lives differently in order to protect those around us, but also to constantly worry about the folks who have decided they don't need to. We're entering another lockdown here in Portland. My parents at home in England are back in another lockdown. And there are still people out there calling it tyranny and a betrayal of their rights. They just aren't smart enough to correlate not doing their part with the fact that this will continue to suck until they do.

To echo your sentiments, please stay safe everyone. And as difficult as it is to stop worrying about the idiots who don't care, we can only control what we can control, and we should use all the mental energy we can to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe by doing the right things.

Quote from: Stefan on Nov 14, 2020, 17:58

Hoooray, Austria is now leading worldwide in Covid19 incidence  :-\

Croatia took notice, thought "Well, that will never do!" and took action.
Now we are leading in Europe, if not world.
Baby steps, eh?  ???
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

The first people I directly know (my grandma, a friend working at an elderly care home, another friend working at a hospital) have already received or are receiving their first dose of the Covid vaccine and I cannot express how happy I am about that.

I just booked the appointment for my first dose on Tuesday next week and I can't express how happy I am  ;D

Congrats Stefan!

I just got my first dose this week! Hoping to do some pre-pandemic activities as soon as I get the second dose, but will be surveying every opportunity with caution.
Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 18:10 by Bosco

Congrats to you as well!
Being cautious is surely very responsible. Tbh, I don't expect any changes in my behaviour*, having very good protection from a dangerous disease is already enough for me. I won't have full immunity from the vaccine until middle of August anyway.

*wearing a mask, seing only fery few people in person, shop online exept for groceries, avoid gartherings as much as possible, limit time on public transport, no indoor dining even if allowed, regular testing

And they just canceled the whole Opener here in poland for second year in the row, and I planned to went here and see the Chems
Fck u covid :')
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

Hearing how some of you guys are just getting access to the vaccine, it's downright embarrassing being an American. Despite our lack of socialized medicine, we've had availability at no cost since the early spring and have even been able to vaccinate children as young as 12 for a few months now. Yet, half the country is treating this as political or as a hoax, despite the facts and data, even with Delta hitting us hard. People are obnoxiously resistant to even the minimum precautions for others, let alone vaxxing themselves for the good of the community.

I'm fortunate that my entire family was able to get vaccinated from nearly the beginning: we were anxious about the 12 year old because we had to initially wait. Other than being mandated back to work and school, we are still practicing pandemic strategies: social distancing, no unnecessary shopping or public outings, and masks full time around others. We also clean our things and wash our hands with the fire of an OCD supernova  ;D. Sure, the science is new and the science is changing, and yeah, it's scary when a vaccine can be developed in just a few months, put people need to get over themselves. Information has been out there for nearly half a year, but the problem is, they are following the mis-information. And sure, we don't know the long term affects...just like we don't REALLY know the LONG term effects of mobile phone use or contact lenses. We do, however, know the short term effects and the positives are overwhelming.

There is also conversation here about those who can't get it due to medical or "religious" concerns. Although the latter doesn't really strike a chord with my empathy, even that group is divided between who will skip the vax but take other precautions and who doesn't give a fuck if they get it or spread it. And the bottom line is we are forced back to work and school with these assholes (all the anti-vax/anti-maskers) because THEY want a return to normalcy but aren't willing to make simple adjustments. And for schools, they pretend kids can't get it but that's just not the case, and most cannot be vaccinated yet.

This pandemic was an opportunity for the world to change, and for my country to change. *W*e haven't even embraced Medicare For All / Socilaized Medicine after all this. Any chance for global unity during the upcoming climate crisis is hopeless. The world has failed the test, but I am glad to be part of this group of free-thinkers who are ALSO forward-thinkers. I'm so sick of the people making the least intelligent decisions calling those taking action "sheep".

Keep safe, everyone.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Well its official, my county made USA Today, for #1 in Delta cases in the united states. with that our governor made the announcement to reapply mask mandation (Even if you are vaccined). Time to not be able to see again, with my mask fogging up my glasses. :(
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 14, 2021, 00:40

Well its official, my county made USA Today, for #1 in Delta cases in the united states. with that our governor made the announcement to reapply mask mandation (Even if you are vaccined). Time to not be able to see again, with my mask fogging up my glasses. :(

Dude. Get yourself some of these. Great for glasses. I've even (accidentally) run them through the washing machine and there's no shrinkage or nuffin'.
I know it sucks to have them back on (we're in OR too) but it sucks way less than being responsible for what is happening in our hospitals at the moment.
I also recommend leaving your mask on a bar of nice smelling soap when you're not wearing it. Smells GREAT to put it back on  8)

Quote from: Enjoyed on Sep 04, 2021, 22:32

Dude. Get yourself some of these. Great for glasses. I've even (accidentally) run them through the washing machine and there's no shrinkage or nuffin'.
I know it sucks to have them back on (we're in OR too) but it sucks way less than being responsible for what is happening in our hospitals at the moment.
I also recommend leaving your mask on a bar of nice smelling soap when you're not wearing it. Smells GREAT to put it back on  8)

Great little hack! Duke Cannon for some reason has a lasting scent even before you use it. If you buy a bar of their soap, you can literally smell the scent on you when you leave it!

As for masks and stuff, not a fan but if I have to mask at the SF show, so be it

Just be safe at the shows guys and girls!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I don't like to point fingers, but it's pretty obvious this is all
Wolkenkrabbers fault for bumping this thread...


This means that the show at Howard castle will most likely also be cancelled/rescheduled, I wouldn't be surprised if the festival in Poland next weekend is also affected.

Let's hope for a swift recovery for all!

This shit is not over, even if the world is acting like it  :(

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 22, 2022, 17:34

I don't like to point fingers, but it's pretty obvious this is all
Wolkenkrabbers fault for bumping this thread...

I noticed that Sonar splits itself into Sonar By Day and Sonar By Night. Both of them are a mixture of indoor and outdoor. The Chems gig was clearly indoors. I couldn't help wondering why Sonar didn't conisder making the whole festival outdoors. June in Europe is summertime after all.

Re: the Glastonbury DJ set. The above states covid in the band as well as crew. So if say, Tom has tested positive, I wonder if Ed would do the DJ set solo?..

Didn't Pooter say he was flying over from America for Castle Howard? If so, I wonder when he hops on his plane?
BTW it is "Castle Howard" rather than "Howard Castle". Sometimes the English do this. I don't know why; I'm not English!

Oh also there was a "Chemical Crew spotting" article in the Guardian back in February which I forgot to share here. It's about gigs in a time of Covid. The main pic should be recognisable to you all. And the Chemical crew member is probably recognisable to you too.


Shakermaker is making the journey from the west coast of U.S. for Castle Howard, too.

They'll have a second shot with Portola, but yeah, a cancellation/postponement is a high possibility for them this weekend, unfortunately.

Quote from: Stefan on Jun 22, 2022, 17:45
I wouldn't be surprised if the festival in Poland next weekend is also affected.

Don't you even dare
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

Damn man, I hope things are going to be OK. 😞
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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