You Should Feel What I Feel

Chronology of all North American (USA, MEX, and CAN) tour dates

Started by Bosco, Jul 24, 2015, 06:05

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Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jul 24, 2015, 06:23

1994 July 3rd - "Kids From Orlando" gig, Orlando, FL, USA

Was that a live set ? We were asking ourselves earlier with Chemdup when they started playing live sets, if it was in 95 or if they did some in 94 or even earlier.

It was a live set, they did a handful sets in 94.
Never for money, always for love.

Some cool promo stuff on the Astralwerks website timeline, including this:

Quote from:  "E Kolosine"
Formula (Now Magnum) PR / Astralwerks release for the brothers' North American tour.   Riding high on the success of their first two albums, the band blazed a trail across the U.S., along with the legendary Orb.  Many minds were blown, some for the first time as we made our way across the country –  enjoying the unique comforts of cross country bus travel.  We watched a lot of episodes of the Simpsons on VHS, among other things!

But what I really wanted to bump this thread was to talk about Coachella 2011.

I'm trying to remember, when exactly did the show get going? I think it was after 12 AM Pacific Time, right?. If everything went off without a hitch the time slot was 11:40PM - 1:AM? And at the time we were inline to get "Superflash", right?

This is awesome. Wiki goes live this summer so we can add all this stuff.

I haven't launched it because I have been meaning to give it a Chems themed skin and haven't gotten to it. Having ADHD and multiple things to do is a nightmare. But I will definitely launch with or without the skin before August.
Never for money, always for love.

Dude, let me know if there's anything I can help out with.

My lady comes to visit mid July but I'm around before that if you need anything 'designed'.

Whoa! Is this right?

CHICAGO, Sept. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Legendary rock icon David Bowie
mesmerized more than 600 Miller Genuine Draft Blind Date winners from across
the country with a "mystery" concert on Friday, September 19 at The Vic
Theater in Chicago.
     "Do you have a few minutes?" Bowie asked the screaming audience.  "I'm
going to play a few songs for you -- some old, some new, some you'll like,
some you won't."
     Bowie, a Virgin recording artist, performed hits from his most recent
album Earthling as well or classics from his 30-year career, including "Fame,"
"The Man Who Sold The World" and "Under Pressure."
     "Who better to perform our final mystery MGD Blind Date concert than
David Bowie, one of the most influential and intriguing musicians of our
time?" said Bruce Winterton, Miller Genuine Draft Brand Director.  "Seeing
Bowie perform in an intimate, small-club setting is something that Blind Date
winners will never forget."
     Miller Genuine Draft kicked off its third and final 1997 Blind Date
concert in the Windy City amidst a tempest of rumors and speculation as to who
would be performing.  The first mystery concert took place in June with Bush
and Veruca Salt at The Hollywood Palace in Los Angeles.  The second Blind Date
in July featured the Foo Fighters and Supergrass at The Fillmore in San
     The Chemical Brothers appeared as the surprise opening band and got the
crowd going with their innovative sounds and infectious beats, performing
tracks from their second album Dig Your Own Hole and their debut album Exit
Planet Dust.
     "The hardest part of the evening was keeping Bowie a secret until he hit
the stage," said Winterton.  "As one of the world's premier performers, Bowie
put on an incredible show."
     Miller Genuine Draft Blind Date performing artists and venues remain a
mystery until the evening of the show.  No tickets are sold to the intimate
MGD Blind Date concerts.  The audience is comprised of more than 600 MGD Blind
Date winners from radio, print and bar promotions.
     Miller Brewing Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Philip Morris
Companies, Inc.  Principal beer brands include Miller Lite, Miller Genuine
Draft, Miller Beer, High Life, Lowenbrau, Meister Brau, and Milwaukee's Best.
Primary products from Plank Road Brewery, a small division of Miller, include
ICEHOUSE and Red Dog.  Miller also produces Sharp's, a non-alcohol brew.

SOURCE  Miller Brewing Company

and it is!

Miller Genuine Draft's third and final Blind Date concert took place Friday night at Chicago's historic Vic Theatre with one of the world's biggest techno acts, The Chemical Brothers, warming up the stage for the legendary David Bowie.
A small group of lucky music fans (and Miller patrons) were flown in from around the continent and taken under a veil of secrecy in buses to the venue for an evening of good food, plenty of flowing Miller products and of course, great music.
At 8:30 p.m., a black curtain displaying a single illuminated question mark parted, and the Chemical Brothers kicked off the night.
Straight from Manchester, England, the Brothers were in town to "work it out" for a group of about 900 people in a theater that normally holds 1,400. For nearly an hour they threw out intense block rockin' beatsaccompanied by wild, swirling lights and crazy looping images flashing across a screen draped behind the pair.
After spinning discs and mixing grooves with loud, heart-pounding bass beats, the duo threw up their hands to a hyped-up crowd and waved good-bye, setting the stage for the Thin White Duke.
Following a short set break, Bowie made his entrance to the punchy sounds of "Jean Genie." Acoustic guitar in hand, he rocked the popular 1973 tune to a neat closure and announced with an honest grin slapped across his face: "We're going to do some old songs, and some young songs." For the next hour and a half, the show was just that -- an even mixture of classic Bowie tunes and drum 'n bass selections from his latest release, Earthling.
Primed by the Chemical Brothers' mind-blowing show, the audience accepted Bowie's electronic efforts, but were clearly more ecstatic when they caught the first bass steps to "Under Pressure," and the signature guitar riffs in the classic classic rock tune "All the Young Dudes" (produced and written by Bowie, but originally recorded by Mott the Hoople). Still, the gut-wrenching rendition of "I'm Afraid of Americans" and the harrowing and heartfelt "Battle for Britain," both from Earthling, showed that Bowie only grows more soulful with time.
During the night, Bowie pulled out two Velvet Underground covers -- "I'm Waiting for the Man," and "White Light/White Heat." He also ripped through "Man Who Sold the World," the title track off his 1970 release later reincarnated on Nirvana's final album, In Utero.
The show closed out Miller's Blind Date concert series, which kicked off in Los Angeles on June 4 with Bush and Veruca Salt. Show No. 2 had surprised Miller guests watching the Foo Fighters and Supergrass at San Francisco's Fillmore Auditorium.

Jesus fucking Christ, if that couldn't be any cooler!

and MTV's take!  :D

Chicago -- For the second night in a row, Chicago was treated to a small show by a

rock legend. David Bowie and the Chemical Brothers stole some of the

musical spotlight from a town abuzz with Rolling Stones rumors as they

played the third and final Miller Genuine Draft Blind Date concert Friday night.

Although most of the rumors surrounding this mystery show centered around a

certain foursome in town, Bowie took the stage himself and didn't

disappoint. Not that the audience, comprised of 600 contest winners (300 of

whom were flown in for the occasion from around the country) were going to

be too picky. "No matter who the band is, it's a great event," said Patrick

Estevez from Puerto Rico, when questioned before the show began. "It's a great party and I've met a lot of great people."

With the previous bills in this series being headlined by Bush in L.A and

the Foo Fighters in San Francisco no one expected to be disappointed.

As a nice set-up, the Chemical Brothers opened the show at the Vic theater. Despite all the hype surrounding bands like them and Prodigy,

the audience was unmoved by the beats and rhythms put out by this British


The Chemical Brothers seemed to have trouble really interacting with the crowd from behind

their array of samplers and keyboards, all mounted on a riser on the stage.

And let's face it, they're not big on stage presence. If they programmed

computers instead of sequencers, they'd be labeled geeks. Toward the end of

their 40-minute set, the strobes and the free beer had started to seep

through the audience and there was some reaction from the fans on the


That all changed as Bowie took the stage. Bowie is, of course, a consummate veteran performer, conscious at every moment of the image he is

presenting. The stage included props such as

painted eye-ball balloons about six feet in diameter (which later were

bopped around the audience) and mannequins shaped like alien visitors who

at times had faces projected on them. Long-time Bowie collaborator,

guitarist Reeves Gabrels, was dressed in a kilt. Bowie's outfit was a more

subtle grey shirt and pants, but the spotlight was on him, and he owned

the stage.

The feel of the show was casual and Bowie worked the crowd, often pointing,

waving, shaking hands with the fans who crushed up against the stage. His set didn't vary from the mix of old and new material he's been playing on his current club and theater tour. It featured a mix of songs

from his two most recent albums, Earthling and Outside, as well as some

selections from his '70s catalog including "Scary Monsters" and "Fame." He also

threw in some Velvet Underground covers and his rendition of the Mott

the Hoople anthem he wrote and produced for that group, "All the Young Dudes."

Even during the show, however, eyes kept drifting over to the wings to see

if perhaps Mick Jagger might just drop in to refresh his and Bowie's take

on "Dancing in the Street." When he didn't show, there was a touch of

disappointment in the crowd -- and certainly among the 75 people hangin' around outside the theater hoping Jagger and the rest of the Stones would show. [Sat., Sept. 20, 1997, 9 a.m. PST]

Did a little cleaning and came across this:

and a bonus cause it was found together:

Last Edit: Dec 03, 2017, 03:45 by Bosco

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

edited. Thanks for pointing that out Pumisher. Hopefully it's working now.

nice one bosco in triggering a wonderful memory!

still have these momentos

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Your list is missing something.

You said...
"1995  January 19th - Billboard Dance Music Summit, DV8 Club, San Francisco, CA, USA (last known show under The Dust Brothers name, performed as a part of a DeConstruction records showcase presumably though the old Ariel connection, and there's a possibility it happened on the 20th)."

Actually I think the last none gig as The Dust Brothers was on 28th Jan '95 in LA. With Justin Robertson and The Crystal Method as part of an Urb magazine/ De Construction / City of Angels night. A DJ set tho'.. in a tiny club in Melrose.
I remember it well as I was there and walked (yeah i know!) back across LA to Venice Beach in the early morning where I was staying at the time. I have the flyer in my hand right now!
Shall i upload it?

Nice - please upload it!

The gigography was live shows only at this point, but let's include DJ sets, why not.

Also, about the wiki. It's live at and has been for a while. I meant to do a major CSS overhaul to make it look like the rest of the site, but I haven't had time for that since I got involved with my radio station. Let's just add information to it! I suppose we can make a visual overhaul later. contains a lot of my existing notes, we can import that info over to this one.

I'll also see if I can make my archive of Chems odds and ends public so people can draw from that info.

I'd seriously love to get this going as I feel it's been too delayed.
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Orangegodd on Feb 04, 2018, 14:44

Your list is missing something.

Actually I think the last none gig as The Dust Brothers was on 28th Jan '95 in LA. With Justin Robertson and The Crystal Method as part of an Urb magazine/ De Construction / City of Angels night. A DJ set tho'.. in a tiny club in Melrose.
I remember it well as I was there and walked (yeah i know!) back across LA to Venice Beach in the early morning where I was staying at the time. I have the flyer in my hand right now!
Shall i upload it?

Awesome! Please yes, upload the flyer.

I would love to see photos from these older gigs, but I'm sure that wasn't of mind back in the day. Let alone, most of the rave and club culture was more hush-hush for obvious reasons.   

Thanks for finding the thread and sharing Orangegodd

Here's the flyer. A bit dog-eared as i used it as a book mark for a few years ;-).

deconstruction records?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

If you look on discogs Justin Robertson's Lionrock was frequently on Deconstruction, including many of the Dust Brothers early remix tracks. But I'm still failing to understand why they would be sponsored by Deconstruction. It should be Junior Boy's Own, right?

Judging by the timeline, I imagine they were still seeking an American Label to sign with to distrubte their soon to be released 'Exit Planet Dust'

edit: also added the date in the first post
Last Edit: Feb 05, 2018, 19:58 by Bosco

Tom's old band Ariel was on Deconstruction too. I think they just had a strong connection with the label having released so many remixes through them / commissioned by them (including the very first Tom/Ed release, the T Baby remix).

Maybe Deconstruction was hoping to court the Tom/Ed into fulling signing with them and part of that involved getting them a few gigs stateside. Especially since they were rapidly outgrowing JBO at the time and looking for a larger label to formally sign with.

If that's the case I definitely imagine Tom vetoed going back to them, since Deconstruction pushed Ariel into going for a more pop sound and had them to hire Sally Ann Marsh in the first place. Gotta avoid label interference.
Never for money, always for love.

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