You Should Feel What I Feel

Show me what you've got (Chems releases collections)

Started by Explud, Aug 13, 2015, 14:26

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Quote from: rynostar on Aug 11, 2024, 03:50
Here is the link under their old Soul and Dance Exchange name.

It looks like you cleared them out on all things Chemical Brothers. Thanks a lot. ;D

Quote from: Joslyn on Aug 14, 2024, 21:47
It looks like you cleared them out on all things Chemical Brothers. Thanks a lot. ;D
On the last two trips, I did purposefully leave quite a few Chems items on the shelves already in my possession or the I couldn't carry home (read as couldn't afford). There was a number of CD singles still there. 

Finding UK CD singles was a new hunt for on those trips. Have most of the North America Astralwerks releases. Still hoping to find a Cassette (Album or Single) in the wild one day.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: rynostar on Aug 15, 2024, 21:35
Still hoping to find a Cassette (Album or Single) in the wild one day.

My Mercury Mouth EP with the early version of Dust Up Beats would be something

Talking about MMM with the eventualy replaced version of DUB => only 50 copys where made before changing to another version of DUB. But on discogs an amazing amount of 13 copys are available right now (click), and they are not even expensive (well most of them). Do you boys and girls and siblings think at least one of them is the real deal? It's high up on my wantlist, but i don't want to buy my third copy with the newer version...
Last Edit: Aug 16, 2024, 09:20 by ThePumisher
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I found AMERICANEP at Goodwill for $2 a couple days ago. It's like I summoned it or something
"This is one of the first fan recordings of a concert uploaded to YouTube."

You guys! Hi hi! I'm so excited to have picked up a couple of Chems things in the wild during a quick trip to London a few days ago! I wasn't able to do much record shopping while there, but @Joslyn kindly gave me a couple of great leads and told me to check a couple of shops. At Sister Ray in Soho I picked up JBO Dust Brothers My Mercury Mouth EP and Ariel Sea of Beats. Then down the way at Reckless records I had an unexpected bonus when checking a bin of random 90's electronic, and scored a dub plate Chems mix of Dave Clark's No One Is Driving (pictured) Included in the sleeve was a handwritten note on Deconstruction letterhead. It just adds to the treasures!  ;D

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Sep 14, 2024, 20:15
Reckless records

Chicago connection! Reckless Records in London brought their brand to Chicago and has a chain of 3 stores in Chicago proper for quite awhile now. Can't say I've ever come across something as awesome as you did...

Great score, Whirly!

Quote from: ThePumisher on Aug 16, 2024, 06:59
Talking about MMM with the eventualy replaced version of DUB => only 50 copys where made before changing to another version of DUB. But on discogs an amazing amount of 13 copys are available right now (click), and they are not even expensive (well most of them). Do you boys and girls and siblings think at least one of them is the real deal? It's high up on my wantlist, but i don't want to buy my third copy with the newer version...
Ask the seller to send an audio clip. Or, what I did when I found a seller in the Netherlands, I phoned up the seller, and he put the record on so I could hear that it was the right version. Most of the sellers just put their versions for sale in the wrong section. 99,9 % of those available are the newer version... (that's how I ended up with three records of the newer version). Good luck!

Quote from: whirlygirl on Sep 14, 2024, 20:15
You guys! Hi hi! I'm so excited to have picked up a couple of Chems things in the wild during a quick trip to London a few days ago! I wasn't able to do much record shopping while there, but @Joslyn kindly gave me a couple of great leads and told me to check a couple of shops. At Sister Ray in Soho I picked up JBO Dust Brothers My Mercury Mouth EP and Ariel Sea of Beats. Then down the way at Reckless records I had an unexpected bonus when checking a bin of random 90's electronic, and scored a dub plate Chems mix of Dave Clark's No One Is Driving (pictured) Included in the sleeve was a handwritten note on Deconstruction letterhead. It just adds to the treasures!  ;D

Love it! Kind of dumb I didn't spot that one. However, I was hoping to find 1 particular album in London and it was staring right at me from a glass cabinet at Reckless. The 4cd superdeluxe edition of Beaucoup Fish. Look at these beauties together. I should have got the superdeluxe edition of Gish as well.

Shame about that sticker/label. Great pickup though!

Hey, I actually have #0003 of Anti-Nazi mix, can anyone beat that for lowest?

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