Jerk Chicken

London 2016

Started by Wolkenkrabber, Dec 17, 2015, 18:27

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Is anyone else feeling a little disappointed?? Unless there's some individual gigs lined up,  I'm totally gutted at this announcement. Do I bite the bullet and just pay the £60 quid and rub shoulders with kids who listen to "tropical house", or wait to see if more dates are announced??
Be who you were created to be

Im kind of dissapointed, i would have loved an arena show of Just them, maybe then i would travel across the ocean for this. Im still holding out for a full tour announcement though.......fingers crossed.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Jan 25, 2016, 19:17

So far it's just SW4! Is that it? Where the rest of the tour dates or is it still early to announce?
And another festival in Portugal

Yeah I'm really bummed too. If this were something like Olympia 08 or just a proper headline show, not something at a festival where I have to pay for 50 other acts, I'd be far more interested in putting the money down for a trip, but... yeah I doubt I can afford to do this two summers in a row.

Fingers still crossed for a non-festival show. I guess we'll see. Still massively want the forum meetup of the century to happen. But IMO it's got to be over something better than this! More time to save up for it then...
Last Edit: Jan 25, 2016, 19:46 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

They did not announce summer/fall dates until like April last year, right?
It is just January.

I was also hoping this was going to be a solo show with chem bros performing w/ Beck for a song. Nonetheless, I have never been across the ocean and this is my opportunity.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im going to the NOS festival :)  Nice roadtrip from Amsterdam to Lisbon with friends :) Hell yeah!!

I wonder how feasible it would be to go to Portugal as well
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jan 25, 2016, 19:56

I wonder how feasible it would be to go to Portugal as well
Flights to Lisbon are pretty cheap (relatively) since Lisbon's geographically one of the closest cities to America. An airline called SATA International flies from Boston to Lisbon and stops between in the Azore Islands, which is a beautiful place to have a stopover, and you can schedule it so you have the entire day there. Good airline too. And then once you're in Lisbon you can go to London for cheap via Ryanair or Megabus, just plan it ahead of time.

Go to Lisbon, I really enjoyed it there!
Last Edit: Jan 25, 2016, 20:12 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

£60 is the pre sale cost, it's quite pricey and this will go up.

Will think long and hard about this one

Just bought my tickets for the NOS festival! No London for me... Lisbon it is!!

Quote from: ACIDCHILDREN on Jan 25, 2016, 20:10

Will think long and hard about this one

Not much thinking  needed for this one unfortunately
Last Edit: Jan 25, 2016, 20:34 by Sneaker
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Unless the rest of the lineup has LCD Soundsystem, Radiohead or Gorillaz, I think I'll pass

This is a real dissapointment. I love the anouncement visuals of the wandering robots. The SW4 visual  of cheering robots is cool too. There was a build up to an exclusive Chemical Brothers show. I myself was thinking it would be a festival run by the  Brothers much like Prodigys World on Fire festival.

I don't like festivals so I won't be atending

Quote from: Ben_j on Jan 25, 2016, 20:46

Unless the rest of the lineup has LCD Soundsystem, Radiohead or Gorillaz, I think I'll pass
I'm with you on that one... Chems with LCD or Underworld would do it for me...  A tad disappointed this evening.

Same here, I am going to wait for their own show, not a festival.

I'm thinking this may be more of an Underworld year.

*waits patiently for Glastonbury announcement*

No solo show?

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I just looked at the date
unfortunately it is probably impossible for me to get off of work at any point near that date...
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm dissapointed. I thought it will be something like Chems big essential show, but this is just a festival((

I'm pass. Maybe there still a chance to Russian show date.
Hi Kevin!

I had high hopes of something really special like Hyde Park, Wembley or even something super corporate like a few consecutive nights at The O2. This would have suited some of the last album's press and interview chatter about how far the guys have come, how the album could be a nice closing point on the band etc.

So I too am quite disappointed by this. I've been to SW4 a couple of times. It's okay... It is what you make of it... I went with a big crew last year for Faithless. I have never in my life experienced such a forgettable set and bemused audience. The sound levels were really quiet and it felt like watching a boring screensaver from 300m back. You could almost see a collective shrug of shoulders as it ended.

What do we think the chances of standalone Chem Bros. dates are? I guess they're contractually obliged to only PR this for a while, and whatever else they've got in the diaries for this Summer... There's surely enough hunger from the general public, besides us nuts, to merit an Earls Court or Brixton affair.

My decision is, do I just go along with this SW4 malarkey so I definitely see the current show, or hold out for something better and risk never seeing this album toured.

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