Oh Yeah, Here We Go, C'mon!

Belsonic June 10th 2016 (Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Started by Ben_j, Mar 14, 2016, 17:45

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the Acid Father has reunited with it's rightful track
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Show intro. SIFSD entering with just one boop at a time, awesome:

Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Ben_j on Jun 12, 2016, 18:22

It's frustrating that I have so much videos to show you guys and can't upload them yet :/

I did upload a couple on facebook though, here you go


STTS/C.H.E.M.I.C.A.L./Leave Home/BRB

And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

nice foto   :)

Słucham THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS od 1995 roku .

* this chemical is good, this chemical is bad *

Quote from: Calv13 on Jun 12, 2016, 11:45

Aah, been meaning to register on this forum for far too long now. Always popped in as a guest. Hopefully some temptation videos surface soon... good to see the brothers back.
Welcome on board,Calv!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Cool that Got Glint is back with the very appropriate massive disco ball and all the lights focusing on it like a crucifix. The song seemed to end too sudden and think confused the crowd a bit too. (unless theres more at the start)
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

wow I haven't ever heard c.h.e.m.i.c.a.l.! Nice
And the tuba?! wtf?!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 12, 2016, 21:55

Quote from: Ben_j on Jun 12, 2016, 18:22

STTS/C.H.E.M.I.C.A.L./Leave Home/BRB
Argghhh!! That Leave Home section is teasingly too short.
So yum though.
Now i have to change my pants. Thank you Benjamin.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

the tuba seems some mlg sound ;D

"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

So, my internet back home is not working ??? So, I can't upload anything right now  :-[

Probably for the best Ben_j

We're being spoiled enough here already!

Quote from: Redout_Chemical on Jun 14, 2016, 17:00

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jun 12, 2016, 16:45

come to murica
No, Canada!!!!!
No, to the Azores. I'm planning a trip for hollidays there and i want them to play every evening an acoustic set in front of my bed. And the only allowed song is Leave Home (Terror Drums). And it must be at least 1 hour. And Ed has to do the ladder. And Tom has to shake his hair like he's in a fucking metal band.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Sometimes I Feel So Deserted... And a lot, way too much smoke :P


Youtube police blocked this :(

Ending of Chemical Beats and Do It Again, with the very cool red lights doing Ali Love's eyes

Short video of the Direct Buki transition. At this point my phone storage was full so it cur the video short and I had to delete some stuff before I could resume filming

Temptation/Star Guitar, with the New Order vocals. So beautiful <3

Ending of Star Guitar into Hey Boy Hey Girl

The new live edit of EML Ritual. Gets into action much faster than the 2015 tour, but I don't know... I think I like the 2015 version better. Also, Foxboy screaming and whistling way too much :P

The Tuba/EBW7 segue

Out of Control/Setting Sun with the old/new TPPR visuals

Don't Think ladder bit into It Doesn't Matter segue with the robot visuals, into the "Problem/Question" segue :o

Ending of Saturate into Elektrobank into I'll See You There. Nothing new here :P

Ending of I'll see you there... Into something new ? What is it ? Oh my god it's Got Glint ?!

Ending of Got Glint?

Escape Velocity, with the intro building up directly to the last part

Don't Think/Under the Influence/ The Test / Robots nothing new here, maybe except for the Don't Think visuals they brought back

Ending of Galvanize, into Song To The Siren, then the C.H.E.M.I.C.A.L. vocal into Leave Home, back to STTS and finally Block Rockin Beats ! Fantastic part :D I wish they'd keep Music:Response and play more of C.H.E.M.I.C.A.L. not just the vocal

Block Rockin Beats with a mix of old visuals

Last Edit: Jun 15, 2016, 22:55 by Ben_j

Thanks for the videos Ben.

Negative thoughts ahead
last warning, gonna talk about the new setlist, thus the spoilers
here we go...

Not sure I like the added vocals on their cover of "Temptation". Was this done so that it was more identifiable? I like it ("Temptation") more as mysterious, instrumental, prelude.

In the new version, The vocals feel too forced, and I don't like it chanted over "Star Guitar". The mystique is gone.  :::Sigh::: I guess I just have more respect for "Star Guitar" than there was meant to be.

The new "Got Glint?" sounds good, but not as beastly as it was back in the 'Surrender' tour recordings. I don't think "I'll See You There" or "Escape Velocity" are sound bookends for it either. 

Hopefully the Radio 1 recording this weekend will make me feel better about it. But so far I'm "meh" on the changes.

Last Edit: Jun 15, 2016, 22:53 by Bosco

I love the new Temptation with vocals ! Got Glint may be a bit too slow to come, but it was such a nice surprise ! And it works well with the disco plate.

I didn't mention it before but they did install microphones before the show at Belsonic, pointed at the crowd. Not sure why, it may be that they recorded both Belsonic and Parklife in order to use the best one for the Essential Mix.

I still have to write a long review on the whole show, but right now I'm still fighting with my internet connection (I uploaded the vids from work). I need to get everything sorted before I can sit and write my long review

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